When I Was A Girl...

When I was a girl, I never had the chance to play with dolls. I never was told I was to marry a baron's son, nor even told I was to be a musician or to be sent to a medical school. Being the eldest child meant there were expectation of me. Expectation that were provided because of my birth, as a girl. Father wanted a male for his first born, yet he had me. In time he had my brother, but my fate was already sealed.
For generations my family had made enemies with those more powerful than us. My father's personal guard was omnipresent. At times I viewed them as the uncles and brothers I never had, nor would have. Not until my brother at the very least. And when the young Wulfram was born, he needed a protector. He was provided such from an unlikely source, me.
When I was a girl, I never had the chance to play with dolls, father provided me all the equipment a girl could want. A personal instructor, sets of weights, practice blades. As a girl, I hated these luxuries, now they are my everything. I was not my father's daughter, I was his greatest invention. The most powerful weapon this house has ever yielded. A girl trained from birth to destroy all of my brother's enemies of which he has made several. But they would never act when I was there. They would not dare touch my brother with me at his side. And such was my fate, to stand by his side. To fight his enemies and protect him from harm.
When I was a girl, I never was told I was to marry a baron's son, nor even told I was to be a musician or to be sent to a medical school. When I was a girl, I was told to kill. And it was done.
When I was a girl, I never had the chance to play with dolls. I never was told I was to marry a baron's son, nor even told I was to be a musician or to be sent to a medical school. Being the eldest child meant there were expectation of me. Expectation that were provided because of my birth, as a girl. Father wanted a male for his first born, yet he had me. In time he had my brother, but my fate was already sealed.
For generations my family had made enemies with those more powerful than us. My father's personal guard was omnipresent. At times I viewed them as the uncles and brothers I never had, nor would have. Not until my brother at the very least. And when the young Wulfram was born, he needed a protector. He was provided such from an unlikely source, me.
When I was a girl, I never had the chance to play with dolls, father provided me all the equipment a girl could want. A personal instructor, sets of weights, practice blades. As a girl, I hated these luxuries, now they are my everything. I was not my father's daughter, I was his greatest invention. The most powerful weapon this house has ever yielded. A girl trained from birth to destroy all of my brother's enemies of which he has made several. But they would never act when I was there. They would not dare touch my brother with me at his side. And such was my fate, to stand by his side. To fight his enemies and protect him from harm.
When I was a girl, I never was told I was to marry a baron's son, nor even told I was to be a musician or to be sent to a medical school. When I was a girl, I was told to kill. And it was done.