Archived What New Mini-games Would You Want To See?

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Massivecraft is a great server. It has rp, PvP, survival, adventure, and building. But Massive craft has always seemed to be lacking one thing to me. Mini-games. You may be saying that "there are mini-games! Siege!" You're right. That is a mini-game. However, every mini-game on Massive craft seems to be PvP based. A lot of them are ones that I don't often see people playing. However, what if there were more?

I don't mean just more maps. More games in general. Games like spleef, survival games, hide and seek, Trouble in Mineville (maybe taking place in a small section of Regalia). The diverse worlds would make maps for these fun and somewhat easy to build. Maybe have survival games in old Silveredge, or hide and seek in an edited version if the harbour. These would be great Alorian locations for mini-games like these. They would breath new life in to mini-games on Massive craft and the mini-game universe.

Now, here is where you come in. What would you like to see? Any specific mini-games or areas turned into maps for them? Post below. I'd love to hear your ideas! I'm sure the staff would too.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'd play a spleef arena or something similar if one was added since it's easy to just jump in and play. For other new minigames, can't really think of anything detailed off the top of my head, but maybe some sort of cooperative PvE minigame? Survival games, Hide and Seek and the others sound fun, I just don't know how frequently they'd be used, since they're only really fun with a load of 10 or more people(for me personally). I do agree that the minigame universe is something that hasn't been touched for a long time, and it would be nice to see something fresh added to it.
A boop, so that people in god armour do not ruin boop!
Some kind of ship battle, two teams that try to blow up each other with tnt cannons.
A new siege map... Because Siege is actually really good fun, and would be even more so if there were a few other maps. It could be done on a rotation-style thing, where the portal leads to a different map every few weeks etc. I don't know, just an idea
My personal ideas for maps is just the city of Regalia, and maybe the other spawn cities (With borders and smallened up, of course) for both Hide and seek and Trouble in Mineville. Heck, we could even call it "Trouble in Aloria". Plus, maybe we can have hide + seek in a normal mode (Hideing as blocks, people kill blocks) and a "Hardcore" mode, where people can't be blocks, and all they can do is just hope their hidey hole is hidey enough. Parkour, however, we could have maps for some different RP circumstances, like the Emerald Isleland quest and Silverwind quest before the major Massivecraft updates. Also, maybe even a "Dragon Escape" style thing, just, you know, Mrs. Baver. Even call it "Cerdia run"...
Idk, I get bored. Those are just some of my random ideas.
What is this boop?

Also we kinda need something other than pvp. Still I don't think there would be many players. Perhaps a capture the flag type of geme, that uses a set inventory with classes, that rewards a small amount of regals
New mini games in my personal opinion are not necassary, other things should be added or fixed beforehand.
Is it bad if I checked all of those except none? I'd like to see a Spleef Arena (or 5), a few more PvP setups (maybe with main-universe items and no drops), a few maze or puzzle setups (like Fongs Funhouse/Abusement Park), survival (against infinity regenerating zombies, last as long as possible), and hide-n-seek setups.

It would also be nice if they could make an "apocalypse" map for when players just want a change in game-play/scenery from the normal medieval universe (would not have editing, but all other survival aspects would be active).