What Makes A Good Dark Room

Aug 18, 2013
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So I've been digging out dark rooms that literally spawn nothing. If lucky, there will be one or two zombies in there. I've seen other dark rooms that keep spawning. Once you clear one side out, it springs back to life when you go to the other. I need some tips, as it gets boring needing to wait for them to spawn :D
Caving and/or filling in any nearby caves is a must. They can steal spawning area from your darkroom.
Light up the Surface (Even if your darkroom is smaller try to light more places around it with Torches or something) and other caves around you like what Ozgho said and try to make it at y:1-15 as you can both Make a DarkRoom and find "Ores". Make sure you go about 30+ blocks away to let the mob spawn but don't go too far as mobs will despawn
Uhm... Everything that I would suggest has been suggested. XD But maybe make it larger? Just a lil? I don't know how big your dark room is, so, I don't know if you need to or not.
Place the darkroom under water, so no mobs spawn above ground... This is a neat trick I learned from making two different darkrooms.

Edit: I'm not sure how much it effects the spawn rate, but I know it helps it since the darkrooms I build have been flooded with mobs at times.
in my dark room, i have redstone lamps and redstone circuits that let me turn on the lights when i dont want to fight or i am lagging. i dont think that effects spawn rate, but i like the ability to 'turn off' mob spawn.
mobs make a good darkroom