Archived What Kind Of Magic Would A Vespid Have?

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The Golem

chiken nugge
Apr 15, 2013
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Hael's Fungeon
Roleplay Guilds
Ive been wondering for a while what kind of magic a vespid would use. Any ideas? also what type of magic would naga and undead be using? i dont know much about magic. so im just asking
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Generally, magic is frowned-upon as a whole because it leads to godrping. Almost nobody uses magic in roleplay. However, don't let that discourage you because magic is allowed as long as it is lore compliant.
I'd assume moreover undead and Naga would be OPPOSITE of magical. Besides, Naga has their scales which also give them poison immunity, and you really can't use killing magic on something that is already dead. I'd say Naga and undead are more of magic resistant than really magical.
Just brainstorming here but..

Controlling swarms of things?
Strange pheromonal magicks? (maybe advanced tracking or sensing emotions)
Telepathic communication with other Vespids?
Super Strength for body size?
I like the ideas
Could you define, Controlling swarms of things?
Maybe Flys dont bother vespids :P
Also on Laura redblocks race guide the 1st vespid skin (one that looks like a wasp-thing) Ive been dying to find it. could someone send me a link on the skindex?

Maybe it would be like the 1985 movie "Creepers" where the girl can summon swarms of things to help her. Be warned that trailer above is a bit gross. Communication with normal insects would be a good one.
i imagine it that every time an undead uses magic, his aura grows slightly weaker, and so he deteriorates slightly faster, causing undead to fear magic use.

Maybe it would be like the 1985 movie "Creepers" where the girl can summon swarms of things to help her. Be warned that trailer above is a bit gross. Communication with normal insects would be a good one.
That is an amazing idea. I love it! i can go to regalia and harrass everyone with endless flys! muahuahahahahahah
Lol jk. But that is a good idea, Anything else?
It could be great if used correctly. Occasional low level insect help (summon 20 fireflies to light an area, 150 ants to help you search for a lost golden needle in a haystack, or 10 wasps to bother and punish your enemies) would be useful, but calling a large swarm like in that video might wipe you out for days. Anyway, as with any power, keep it reasonable and creative!
Maybe vespids could summon silverfish to help them, using an item much like bones for a wolf, or fish for an ocelot
It could be great if used correctly. Occasional low level insect help (summon 20 fireflies to light an area, 150 ants to help you search for a lost golden needle in a haystack, or 10 wasps to bother and punish your enemies) would be useful, but calling a large swarm like in that video might wipe you out for days. Anyway, as with any power, keep it reasonable and creative!
"We do not want the world to be full of magic. We encourage people to play as non magical infividuals. We would like MassiveCraft's lore to be similar to that of Game of Thrones. Magic is present, everyone knows it is, but when it actually comes out it is rare. This is how Cayorion envisioned his server setting. If you want to roleplay as a magical individual, expect alot more scrutiny from staff, as opposed to non magical individuals."

The above is copied from MonMarty's thread, "Read Before Posting: Magic Explanation".
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