What I Never Had

His hair was falling into his eyes as the small boy squirmed on his father's shoulders,a grin spread across his lips. The bright yellow tossled hair of the older male was clutched in the youngers small fists, though not in a way for it to be painful,just a slight tug to keep the boy stable.
Hoping, Waiting one day you'll wake up. Thinking 'bout ne. Cant help this feeling. I know I messed up. You can blame me.
The boy now morphed into a slightly older version of himself,and was now watching his father leave on a ship,another boy who had almost the same shade of flaming red hair stood beside him,arm wrapped around the other's back. Both boys had tears staining their cheeks and the wind was whipping their hair out of their eyes and behind them.
I know I can't let you go. But you need you know that I'm trying. Every time that I close my eyes. I can hear your voice it reminds me.
It changed again,and the two boys were now crouched beside a beautiful young woman,her eyes a lovley shade of emerald, and her hair the darkest of black,almost that of the night sky itself. She began to cough, whole body heaving with the movement before she slumped back down on the thin mattress she lay upon. Her chest slowly rose and fell, each breath seeming somewhat laboured until her chest stopped moving all together and a gentle sigh escaped her lips.
It's too late to love. Too late to love you. And I'll never forgive myself. That's why I can't sleep when I'm sober. Why can't I get over. What I can had.
The young boy was now stood in the same place at the docks, but he looked older,and the tears had long since dried on his cheeks. The second ginger had left aswell, gone to a distant land in hopes of finding their father,leaving their brother behind,available to all the demons and sinners of the world.
Hoping. Waiting, one day you'll leave him, to be with me. How can I be selfish. I know your happy without me.
Knelt by a stone the child whispered promises and wishes to the figure that lay beneath it. Promises of finding the lost members of his family. Wishes of hope,to be able to survive another night on the cruel streets of the city. Ceasing his muttering,he stood and lifted his head towards the sky and closed his eyes,basking in the rays of the moon,the stars with their fiery glows wrapping themselves around the boy and comforting him.
I know I can't let you go. But you need to know that I'm trying. Every time that I close my eyes. I can hear your voice it reminds me.
The boy was no longer a child, having grown into a teenager and was running about the streets, hands dipping in any stray pocket he saw or grabbing items off an open stall when nobody was looking. His hair flew about his face and his eyes sparkled with joy,the same bright green as the woman from before. Small splodges of orange covered his nose and cheeks,his dimples prominent and lips letting out a whoop.
Its too late to love. Too late to love you. And I'll never forgive myself. That's why I can't sleep when I'm sober. Why I can't get over. What I never had.
A girl was sat next to the ginger boy, tears pooling in her brown doe eyes as she looked at the boy, who's head was turned the other way and his hands crossed in his lap. Neither spoke, for words were not needed here,even if they could have been heard. The scene stayed for a moment longer before changing for a final time
It's too late to love. Too late to love you. And I'll never forgive myself. I know I don't deserve you. It's too late now to show you. I know I don't deserve you. But I'll be waiting for you. That's why I can't sleep when I'm sober.
The child was now almost an adult,and their once joyful eyes were dulled and their once playful smile was worn and weak. He was sat in front of three stones,for three people he had failed. Three stones, for the three times he hadn't tried hard enough.
Why can't I get over. What I never had. What I never had.

Okay well I also don't know what happened with this one. All of these story things will also be on my wattpad account,Smiling_At_Satan. Here you go @Diaprit. Hope it's what you wanted? Peace out.