What Has Been Lost

The water crashed and slammed against the boat. Finally, it was home. Finally she was home. Though, was this city truly home anymore? That was the question that had kept her awake for most of the evenings on the voyage home. Alongside the ghost pains and shiftings of her now non-existent left eye, the question had kept her up.

Her boots made contact with the wood of the dock and gathering her bag from the cargo, the large Avanthar woman moved away, going to join the crowded streets.

Seraphina kept her head down as she shouldered her way through the crowds, not at all caring who she bumped into or even knocked over. Her fingers were tight upon the strap of her bag as she made her way deeper into the city.

It was a decent walk from the harbor to her home and the smell of the sea air clung to her like a second skin as she stopped upon her doorstep.

Weeks. She had been gone for weeks. To return to her birth place and bury her only son. The son who had done nothing but make her proud. The son she never believed she would ever have. And now he was just simply… Gone.

Seraphina set her bag down, moving to rummage in her pockets for her house key. Before she could find it, though, the door swung open and a blonde Altalar stood in the doorway, her expression exhausted and upset.


"Mi alma."

Catalina reached a hand out, her fingers touching upon the bandages that covered half of Sera's face. She looked into her wife's remaining eye, searching for an answer that might be there.

The Avanthar raised one of her own hands, going to pull Catalina's hand away, only to hold it firmly in both of her own.

"I… I'm glad you're home."

"Are you?" Sera's tone was just a tad bitter as she released her wife's hand, fetching her bag from the doorstep and moving to shoulder past her.

Catalina winced as she looked after her wife's retreating form. Closing the front door, the Altalar moved after her, only to be greeted by a door closing firmly in her face. She stared at the wood, her hand going to press gently upon it before she stepped away and continued up, further into the house.

Seraphina had lost so much over the course of the first month of the new year. Her eye, though it had been damaged so was it truly much of a loss? Then her only son, slain by a soldier who very well could have been herself. And now… She felt the rift beginning to form between her wife and herself. A rift she feared that she would not be able to repair.

She closed her eye and slouched into the chair at her desk, a soft breath escaping her. Changes were coming to her, changes that would lead her into the unknown and possibly away from the woman she love. Changes that would make her into something more. And she was afraid, oh how she was afraid.

-Sera has lost her left eye, though it was already damaged, it has been taken from her.
-Her middle child and only son was killed in Daendroc while fighting alongside the other Avanthar. She has since been to Daendroc is only now just returned.
[CENTER]✦[I]Walnut/Wal[/I]✦ ✦[I]They/Them[/I]✦ ✦[I]Before you ask, my favorite vine is: "Hi my name is Chelsey, what's your favorite dinner food?" [/I]✦[/CENTER]
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The water crashed and slammed against the boat. Finally, it was home. Finally she was home. Though, was this city truly home anymore? That was the question that had kept her awake for most of the evenings on the voyage home. Alongside the ghost pains and shiftings of her now non-existent left eye, the question had kept her up.

Her boots made contact with the wood of the dock and gathering her bag from the cargo, the large Avanthar woman moved away, going to join the crowded streets.

Seraphina kept her head down as she shouldered her way through the crowds, not at all caring who she bumped into or even knocked over. Her fingers were tight upon the strap of her bag as she made her way deeper into the city.

It was a decent walk from the harbor to her home and the smell of the sea air clung to her like a second skin as she stopped upon her doorstep.

Weeks. She had been gone for weeks. To return to her birth place and bury her only son. The son who had done nothing but make her proud. The son she never believed she would ever have. And now he was just simply… Gone.

Seraphina set her bag down, moving to rummage in her pockets for her house key. Before she could find it, though, the door swung open and a blonde Altalar stood in the doorway, her expression exhausted and upset.


"Mi alma."

Catalina reached a hand out, her fingers touching upon the bandages that covered half of Sera's face. She looked into her wife's remaining eye, searching for an answer that might be there.

The Avanthar raised one of her own hands, going to pull Catalina's hand away, only to hold it firmly in both of her own.

"I… I'm glad you're home."

"Are you?" Sera's tone was just a tad bitter as she released her wife's hand, fetching her bag from the doorstep and moving to shoulder past her.

Catalina winced as she looked after her wife's retreating form. Closing the front door, the Altalar moved after her, only to be greeted by a door closing firmly in her face. She stared at the wood, her hand going to press gently upon it before she stepped away and continued up, further into the house.

Seraphina had lost so much over the course of the first month of the new year. Her eye, though it had been damaged so was it truly much of a loss? Then her only son, slain by a soldier who very well could have been herself. And now… She felt the rift beginning to form between her wife and herself. A rift she feared that she would not be able to repair.

She closed her eye and slouched into the chair at her desk, a soft breath escaping her. Changes were coming to her, changes that would lead her into the unknown and possibly away from the woman she love. Changes that would make her into something more. And she was afraid, oh how she was afraid.

-Sera has lost her left eye, though it was already damaged, it has been taken from her.
-Her middle child and only son was killed in Daendroc while fighting alongside the other Avanthar. She has since been to Daendroc is only now just returned.