What Exactly Is The Light?

Jun 17, 2013
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For the last year of playing massive the light has been a big part in my role-play aspect. I have now come to wonder what exactly is the light and who is behind it all? I know a admin is behind it but what is the religions person like Jesus is to Christianity. This is one of the main things I wonder about this religion.
Ok as we all know the light tells us the vampires and some undead are bad. This I know is a big part of role-play witch I exactly see no point. I know the horrible backstory of vampire and their demonic ways to this I understand but the undead.... Undead us brought by a curse and some come out bad witch I agree to that but what is the backstory of this horrid curse.
I have also wondering why so many have not asked these questions. There are so many who role-play as crimson and so many empires such as Algaron and Inkana that talk of the light and also fight it with no questions asked and I see it as they should ask for more of a insight.
I am sorry if I am wrong about all the things in this thread and if I am just stupid fuck me..... Also to those who call this "spam" this is a legit wonder I have other thing my other idiotic post.
Actually I don't think Algaron has the same version as Regalia. It's just something me and Rooseus decided when we made Algaron into a vampire hunting faction so we decided to evolve it a bit but haven't really written it down anywhere. As far as I know noone else was using it back then, but it's highly likely somebody was.
I will have to write it down at some point, The Algaron version will probably be completed when I have time to put it all together
I suppose the light, is no war's, no bandit's, but a friendly planet. But I'm not sure it's possible.
Light and dark are concepts people throw around whenever they want. To the infernal resistance their cause is light and the crimsons are dark, and vice versa. Claiming one serves the light pretty much equates to "I serve my own goals".
The Light is a perspective adopted by whoever think themselves just in their cause and their goals. Those who say they follow the light tend to mean they follow "good" but most the time this is not true since good and evil are both speculative in the sense that those who are said to do good might be in fact evil, and those who are said to be evil are good.
A good way to see as fighting for the light or the dark/Good or evil Is the way it aflicts the world around you. One apect to judge weather something can be seen as good or evil is weather you do something for your self. (selfish actions) or try to do something for somewone els (actions to benefit others). Another aspect can be how you do it? Will you try to gain your goal peacefully? or will there be bloodshed? Sometimes to reach something, you do not have a choise when it comes to that. But if theres no choise it can't be considered either good or evil in this aspect. Obviously something many fall for is the aspect of creation and distruction. Normaly creation is being considered good and distruction evil. But it realy depends on wat you create or distroy. You can create something of evil. Which makes your actions considered dark. But you can also distroy something of evil. Such would make your action considered good.
An act against evil isnt always good either. ((not trying to dicate the lore here but...)) Crimson tries to cleanse all the vampires from Regalia. Since there are plenty vampires who feast apon the blood of others you would say there actions are just. But when it comes to those campires who cause no harm and live the way they are because thats who they are, crimson would take away their individuality when they give that person the choise to cure or death.
In such case the Crimsons actions can be considered dark. (the lore actualy states vampires 'can' be good natured)

But anyways. This is wat I use to consider if somewones evil or good. my opinion on some people are obviously mixed sometimes. And to make a clear difference between good and evil. Not all the darkness is evil and not all the light is good. It depends on their actions and how they turn out. Every child is born innocent. When it grows up you will see if its a good or evil person.;)
"Light is one of the many Aspects of the Goddess Sol, she who drives back the undead that spread the will of the rouge Anticipation, Tietem, who feeds on the darkness and anxiety that it sows."

OOC: It's meant to be an ephemeral concept. We don't know why things are the way they are, they just /are/.
To be honest, my opinion on what people refer to as 'The light' is purity.
The light is usually referred to as something that we follow for Moral Standards. For instance, Algaron refer to themselves as being the cleanser of Darkness and the Followers of the Light. They seems to look at the light as as purity as well, seeing Vampires as non-pure.
I would agree, in the sense that humans have a need to look towards something to keep them on a Humane Path. Things like 'Being a Better Man', 'Fighting for Good Will', Even 'God', are all ways we remind ourselves to keep to Moral standards that we at one stage structured.
Otherwise we all would be running around like Sociopath Cavemen.

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
To be honest, my opinion on what people refer to as 'The light' is purity.
The light is usually referred to as something that we follow for Moral Standards. For instance, Algaron refer to themselves as being the cleanser of Darkness and the Followers of the Light. They seems to look at the light as as purity as well, seeing Vampires as non-pure.
I would agree, in the sense that humans have a need to look towards something to keep them on a Humane Path. Things like 'Being a Better Man', 'Fighting for Good Will', Even 'God', are all ways we remind ourselves to keep to Moral standards that we at one stage structured.
Otherwise we all would be running around like Sociopath Cavemen.

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
This man is a wise man, he truly understand the purest power of our world. The Light, it inspires us, it gives us power from within our soul. If you're a man of belief and purity, the light shall bless you with forgiveness of all your sins. Some men who warshiped this mysterious force for a long time claim to controll it, with ther great experience they can grant items enchanted powers by their own hands. They have many name, magicians of light, priests, monks.
The speed of Light is 299 792 458 m/s
So is the darkness as fast as The Light? (Nvm about the physics)
What Iam trying to say here is that, which is the first thing when 2 Sides offer you to travel with them..they both are the same but 1 may or may not kill you and another will "100%" not kill you (SQDSA)
Of course I will choose the Good side...but if the good side attacks the dark side is it means that the good side is bad and the dark side is good?
That is a very interesting question, I've always wondered myself, but I just thought I kept missing that detail. I like to think it as Light isn't really a person, more of a concept.
Light= Purity, Courage, Flame, Arrogance.
And Darkness is just the same, however wherever Light is found, Darkness grows.
Darkness= Poison, Cowardice, Water, Honesty
I seem to find for some reason most of the Darker crowd on massivecraft are honest about their choices, or what they say. Of course, sometimes not in the most kind of manner, but mainly the truth of it.
I'd hate to be the one noob saying "Wamps r gr8, dont kil tehm" but most of them also appear to be attempting of kind actions, almost like a mother, trying to guide a child into a safer {Or believed} path.

Light seems to be a bit more arrogant, apparently as though trying to protect people from secrets that lay in the Darkness. And again, I'm not a "crismon r bettr tehn u wamps",
But it does seem that way.
Apparently in RP a lot of Crimsons stood up for their friends whilst I was attacking her {Das right, Umma cruel bastard}
but they were go to extreme extents to defend them. Again, just like a mother, trying to protect her child in the way of travel.

So I am apparently comparing Darkness and Light to mothers. If you note, most religions that people have on Massivecraft usually have a "Holy mother" or a lot of people there refer to Baver as "Mother". I'd rather believe that Light is simply protection, and Darkness is simply Guidance.
That is a very interesting question, I've always wondered myself, but I just thought I kept missing that detail. I like to think it as Light isn't really a person, more of a concept.
Light= Purity, Courage, Flame, Arrogance.
And Darkness is just the same, however wherever Light is found, Darkness grows.
Darkness= Poison, Cowardice, Water, Honesty
I seem to find for some reason most of the Darker crowd on massivecraft are honest about their choices, or what they say. Of course, sometimes not in the most kind of manner, but mainly the truth of it.
I'd hate to be the one noob saying "Wamps r gr8, dont kil tehm" but most of them also appear to be attempting of kind actions, almost like a mother, trying to guide a child into a safer {Or believed} path.

Light seems to be a bit more arrogant, apparently as though trying to protect people from secrets that lay in the Darkness. And again, I'm not a "crismon r bettr tehn u wamps",
But it does seem that way.
Apparently in RP a lot of Crimsons stood up for their friends whilst I was attacking her {Das right, Umma cruel bastard}
but they were go to extreme extents to defend them. Again, just like a mother, trying to protect her child in the way of travel.

So I am apparently comparing Darkness and Light to mothers. If you note, most religions that people have on Massivecraft usually have a "Holy mother" or a lot of people there refer to Baver as "Mother". I'd rather believe that Light is simply protection, and Darkness is simply Guidance.

You would associate Honesty and Water with the darkness?
You would associate Honesty and Water with the darkness?

Well, if you think about Yin/Yang, Yin is associated with Water, femininity, and peace. Yin is also supposed to be evil.
The honesty, I suppose is described how they say how horrible the world is, as they don't hold many details back of what is bad about something. They say everything wrong with their enemy. They just don't say what is right.
I generally find that light and dark are often misused. While one may take one element to be their side, and declare the other side to be the other element, I often find that the "good evil" conflict will use any extremes to fit their fight.
Order against Chaos.
Fire against Water.
Life against Death.
While at first which side is "good" is obvious, (maybe not. who knows everyone is different.) in reality all of them can be evil, or good. Absolute Order would destroy all life, as atoms are in constant and chaotic motions. Absolute Chaos would destroy any bonds holding atoms together.
Water can flood and destroy, just as fire can burn and destroy.
Life, however, is the hardest to mark as a possibility of being evil. That said, its not impossible. Without death, life can grow too rapidly. Furthermore, without death, the strong will always be strong, meaning the weak would have no opportunity to grow. Death, is well...death. I know, not particularly poetic, but what ever.
Now, I know that all of this can be argued, depending on what side of the "good evil" conflict one is on, but generally an extreme on any side typically means that it is on the "evil" side.
from the wikia


Deity: The light. Some followers of this great religion personify it, while others think of it fully supernatural, while a other sects believes that it is the essence of all good, kind, and light itself.

Founder (s): A single founder is disagreed on as there are so many branches and twists of this religion. Many credit its founding to the old preists of light.

Followers: There are followers of the religion all over this world and it is thought to be one of the most popular religions in all the continents. However the densest population of followers are in North Daendroc. A highly human colonized area that contains the of the Algaronian empire.

Basic Rituals: Praying infront of an Altar of Light, which is known to rejuvenate followers, scorch vampires, craft holy water, and do many more mystical things. There are also many different Holy days in different branches of the religion, and certain sects have Holy days about the same thing at different times!

Old (er) beliefs: To be good to everyone around you, preform good deeds, trade fairly, hold open doors, and do random acts of kindness. Also praying infront of an Altar of Light frequently and sacrificing basic things like coal, wood, stone, and gold if you can afford it. Many more beliefs and festivals are not preformed by all believers and some sadly, have been lost to time or just not documented. (Add More)

Newer beliefs: (Championed by many groups of Vampire slayers) Though the old beliefs are great, like they're fine, but now a dark evil has descended over the world. People are being enslaved by darkness, Ms. Baver is attacking Factions and individuals and vampires roam in secret caverns drinking the blood of animals ..... and people turning them into monsters as well. Champion The Light with prayers and gifts; but also with Wooden stakes, and holy water. Train to be a knight of The Light, sharpen stakes, brew holy water, slay vampires, and find the sword of Light before it is too late.

Places of Worship: In front of any altar of light however grand or small, even infront of a wooden sword or table if that is all you have. However, two of the greatest churches with the most powerful altars are the main Cathedral in Algaron and the Cathedral in SilverEdge.
Light and darkness are, from a balance oriented point of view, both nevcesary. And both blind those who follow them too closely
Had a longer and better post but phone derped