What Empire Is The Best To Be Part Of?


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
In another world
Hello Massive craft Players! Lords and lady's. Kings and Warlords alike! Ive been recently thinking of what empire I believe is the best to be under when starting a new faction.

Recently Random party's declared war me and my few Maiar kin. I do not know why but I want to find the best Empire to be part of so my up start colony could be protected by attacks.

So If anyone knows of the perfect empire to join. plz list it in the comment below! heres the list that a perfect empire must be.

  • Large Military power
  • Being able to over power all enemy's
  • Friendly too vassals
  • Supportive
  • Trustworthy
And that's it. I just want to build in peace and not be bullied of what little me and my kin have to start out in the depths of the great seas. thank you for reading and good night.
I know of no one empire that meets all of those demands. At this time I know of several entities that contain multiple factions, each of which has it's own perks and downsides.

  • Deldrimor Dominion - The Dominion is one of the most powerful military empires on the server at this time. Ruled by Deldrimor and their leader, Sevak, the Dominion may or may not accept you into their empire, but I do believe they will protect you if you join.
  • Qaliphate - Ruled by Raptum, the Qaliphate is a military empire equal to the Dominion. I do not know if they are trustworthy, and my personal experiences with Raptum lead me to be biased, one of them should comment here.
  • Holy Sunkiss Empire - Pretty sure this is still a thing. Not as powerful as the Dominion or Qaliphate, but friendly and reliable overall.
  • The Second Alliance - The faction I am currently part of, we're a loose but friendly organization consisting of several factions of varying power. We are not a PvP-oriented group, instead being based on resource and trade support.
That said, I do recommend you not join any major empires or groups at this time. Joining one generally makes you into an enemy of another (ex: Qaliphate members will be raided by DeldDom & Sunkiss, and vice versa). It is wiser to remain independent until you become large enough to be noticed by big empires. On top of this, being a Maiar faction you probably all have/use flywater with an ocean base. Few PvPers will assault a faction using Flywater, and it is likely you will not need protection from PvPers. As such, I recommend the 2nd Alliance, as we are peaceful by default, do not have any declared enemies, and have minimal obligations to the other members beyond "help 'em out every so often" - if you join any, which I do not recommend.
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You should join the Deld Dominion, they've helped our fac (Insani) out numerous times, the other factions in the dominion should be able to help you out aswell if Deld happens to not be able to give you help at the time (which is almost never)
I'd say the Qaliphate, ruled by Raptum.

They are trustworthy, reliable, friendly and supportive. That is all you could want from an empire head.
I mean this with all due respect, but DeldDom comes accross as an extremely arrogant faction - raptum just likes to attack and defend.

I'd go with Qaliphate/Raptum.