Archived What Are Current Plans For Regalia?

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Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
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Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
I'm not entirely sure if this should go here or in help, so I'm just gonna bite the bullet and put it here.

What are the current building plans for Regalia?

I've noticed that recently, there's been a lot of renovation work in the city. In other words, a lot of renovation work is being started, but not completed. It's starting to confuse me actually, as more and more streets are being edited in seemingly out-of-place ways and not completed. This is leaving many half-built, empty structures around Regalia and some streets that are crazily big, and some that are too small. In my opinion, it's not the best work that I've seen world staff do and I'm rather confused as to what the plan is.

A few examples:

  • The Elven district.
    The Elven district has been completed for almost 6 months now, and yet its houses have not been opened to rent, while other areas have been built and completed. What is the progress on this?
  • The Harbour district.
    This is an odd one. While it has been completed, I've noticed a few substantial flaws with this district. The path to get to it is incredibly long and convoluted, and involves going through the Ithanian district. I don't think this was thought out very well, as despite staff's best efforts it doesn't often get used thanks to it being very out of the way.
  • The Regalian main street.
    This was recently renovated to change the layout of a few side streets and add some very large shop buildings. It's a nice idea, more player-run shops are always good, however it is the street itself that bothers me. It is substantially bigger than all of the other streets, and I think some flower beds through the centre or something similar could help this to feel more filled-in.
  • The old Cathedral/Opera House area.
    This area has been completely demolished and rebuilt a few couple of months ago. I've seen steady progress on the area, the market in particular is very cute and lovely, but the interior of many houses is still yet to be completed.

    My main complaint is there are a lot of completely flat walls, both here and in other in-progress areas. (Especially brick/hardened clay mix walls.) I'm confident in world staff's ability to give them a bit of depth, but after a month of no progress - and yet progress on other parts of the city - I'm beginning to get anxious.

Apologies if this was a bit of a cheeky thread, I didn't mean it to sound too critical / mean to the staff. I really love the work that you do. But it pains me to see so many areas going incomplete while new projects are being taken-on. Is the whole of the city planned to be renovated, bit-by-bit? How is this fit this around the current owned houses and businesses? I'm rather concerned about the buildings I own being torn down or ending up in the middle of a construction site without prior warning.

Thankyou for reading, and I hope if nothing else this thread may provide a few ideas and a bit of outside insight. Perhaps a survey on what players would like to see around Regalia is in order?

- Eccetra
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To be honest, I'm still bothered that for being a Holy City of Unionism, Regalia lacks a Unionist church of any kind. It also has both an Old Gods and an Estale temple still.

Andrieu burnt it down, and then there was discussion over who would have to pay for it, and then it disappeared from the radar/was replaced with an academy/replaced with the main street market. We even lost the Etosian cathedral (not like anyone really used it though).

I am finding the recent additions to be incredibly beautiful though, I'm just hoping to get a church.
The Harbour district.
This is an odd one. While it has been completed, I've noticed a few substantial flaws with this district. The path to get to it is incredibly long and convoluted, and involves going through the Ithanian district. I don't think this was thought out very well, as despite staff's best efforts it doesn't often get used thanks to it being very out of the way.

It also doesn't help that 70% of people who have rented areas there don't ever play there. I know, because I know mostly everyone who actually plays there, including myself.

Now on to my main response: I believe that with 1.9 and the EULA things happening, finishing the builds in a lower priority. I'm sure everyone can agree that we need to get back to a steady norm before things get back in progress.
Biting bullets are bad for you. :>
Delayed 4noother reason that we "just forgot".

The Harbour district.
The access points are actually still exactly the same as the Burnt district. The reason why the main street rework took place, was to allow freer movement to the peripheral districts with a cross shaped main road instead of a vertical road.

The Regalian main street.
That's the point. Main boulevard. Easy to navigate.

The old Cathedral/Opera House area.
Naw. It's fine the way it is. players are supposed to do the interior.

My main complaint is there are a lot of completely flat walls, both here and in other in-progress areas.
This is taste versus taste. We've moved away from excessive block depth to using more block contrast to provide design.

Is the whole of the city planned to be renovated, bit-by-bit?
No. The main street renovation was a correctional surgical strike to eliminate a child's disease the city had during first year implementation, mainly that in street planning I left no space for boulevard extension. The new boulevard design should alleviate district navigation, and the only additional destruction that needs to be done is some westward housing.

erhaps a survey on what players would like to see around Regalia is in order?
We did that when Regalia was released. Tbh 40% of the players wanted a library and when it was implemented it was the single most NOT used building. Generally speaking the buildings that were requested the most ended up being the most ignored.
My personal opinion of the current situation of Regalia, architectural-wise. I think the main problem in Regalia is that there is a majority of houses that people don't want. The main street renovations look fantastic in comparison to the older chosen style but because of this and it's pristine location a lot of people aim to claim them and un-rent their former ones. Having built numerous houses in Regalia myself back when I was in the world department I can definitely say that the overall building style has changed in a very good way. If I look back at some of my own houses I could only wish that they are to be renovated. House location isn't very important (Except main boulevard, speaks for itself) but it's surroundings are; I would not want to have a house in a district full of houses alone. Let there be a charter's base of operations, or perhaps a few businesses instead of focusing them in one grand boulevard. I'm mostly talking about central Regalia; not the Harbor district nor the Noble park. These are great exceptions. I haven't payed the poor district in a while but I remember from the Regalia before this one that I visited it regularly. Like I said, 'tourist attractions' divided over numerous districts could make things more interesting.
We did that when Regalia was released. Tbh 40% of the players wanted a library and when it was implemented it was the single most NOT used building. Generally speaking the buildings that were requested the most ended up being the most ignored.
There's maybe, what, 10-15 players who know where the library is, or that it exists at all? Its almost hidden, and sorta small in a city that's as big as Regalia. There's not even a sign or anything saying "Hey, this is a library". Its also an area where little to no players frequent.
Thankyou for your response! I can't really argue the whole taste-versus-taste thing, and I do agree that the cross-shaped boulevard is much better than a vertical one, but there is still a lot of contrast between newer buildings and older buildings. I can tell pretty much exactly where a different staff member built compared to another. That may again be a personal taste issue, but I feel the stark contrast of designs on interlocking streets can look a bit messy in places. As do places where new buildings have been implemented in to streets designed for smaller/larger housing. It might be good to look over and help them blend a bit more smoothly.
It I only have a couple further comments:

Naw. It's fine the way it is. players are supposed to do the interior.
I mean the inside of the new cathedral, or whatever the new building in that area it is supposed to be. The giant building just across from the new little market stalls. It's been empty / unfinished for a while now.

We did that when Regalia was released. Tbh 40% of the players wanted a library and when it was implemented it was the single most NOT used building. Generally speaking the buildings that were requested the most ended up being the most ignored.
I don't necessarily mean what large / community buildings players would like to see, but rather what kind of houses/streets they would like. A specific street that never gets used these days is narrowstreet, just across from greygate. Compared to the new design of the Regalian mainstreets, this area is very secluded and tiny. Perhaps more people would like to see shop buildings? Bigger, boulevard-esque houses? Smaller poor-district houses? Small park areas? That sort of thing. There are a lot of unused houses in Regalia, so it might be nice to see what people would be interested in renting and what their budgets are.
I mean the inside of the new cathedral, or whatever the new building in that area it is supposed to be. The giant building just across from the new little market stalls. It's been empty / unfinished for a while now.
I tried looking for the area but I couldn't find what you're referring to. There is no new cathedral. The only public buildings in the area right now are charter houses and the opera.

I don't necessarily mean what large / community buildings players would like to see, but rather what kind of houses/streets they would like. A specific street that never gets used these days is narrowstreet, just across from greygate. Compared to the new design of the Regalian mainstreets, this area is very secluded and tiny. Perhaps more people would like to see shop buildings? Bigger, boulevard-esque houses? Smaller poor-district houses? Small park areas? That sort of thing. There are a lot of unused houses in Regalia, so it might be nice to see what people would be interested in renting and what their budgets are.

Too drunk to comment on this rn. But basically Some areas are in arrest purely because they add housing cap.
Just gonna go of on a bit of a tangent:

Even though it is the hub, you could always try to RP away from the Golden Willow. I prefer the harbor. It's where I live and have my shop at, so naturally I'd be in my normal environment. I try to avoid heading into the Willow nowadays, just to try and find new areas to RP in. The pond is a wonderful place, and I do see some people over there enjoying the waters.

I personally think the Library is a nice place, especially with the small renovation it had. But at the same time, there's hardly anyone using it from a RP standpoint.When I want to read wiki pages, I usually just AFK in the library. Since it kinda sets the mood and such. But at the same time, solo RP is basically no RP at all. I've had a grand total of I think 3 RP experiences inside the building.

All in all, the RP can happen anywhere. You just have to fight the urge to be the shy guy in the corner of the Willow and maybe end up being the Oyster's best patron. But that's just me.

Sorry for the tangent, but I kinda feel that the buildings set the mood for RP. So some builds may not be used as much, purely because it's niche isn't being used. But it's there in case someone want it.
I'm really appreciative of threads like this. World staff work doesn't get much attention from the player-base, and even less criticism or thoughts. This is extremely refreshing and I'd love for people to continue making input like this. It helps us improve and make the changes.

That being said...
Could you bring up more examples of where you want our attention to be focused at? Or be more specific? It'll help me, at least, to have some direction for what you think needs to be done or should be done. Entire districts can be pointed out, sure, but the specific examples will help a lot more.

Again, thank you so much for your thoughts.
I'm really appreciative of threads like this. World staff work doesn't get much attention from the player-base, and even less criticism or thoughts. This is extremely refreshing and I'd love for people to continue making input like this. It helps us improve and make the changes.

That being said...
Could you bring up more examples of where you want our attention to be focused at? Or be more specific? It'll help me, at least, to have some direction for what you think needs to be done or should be done. Entire districts can be pointed out, sure, but the specific examples will help a lot more.

Again, thank you so much for your thoughts.
Thankyou so much for the kind reply! This is really lovely to see and I'm very thankful for your interest. I hope I didn't come across as too salty in my main post, I really do love the work that you guys do, I just want to see Regalia at it's best!

Would you prefer me to PM you or shall I just post some screenshots / ideas here?
Thankyou so much for the kind reply! This is really lovely to see and I'm very thankful for your interest. I hope I didn't come across as too salty in my main post, I really do love the work that you guys do, I just want to see Regalia at it's best!

Would you prefer me to PM you or shall I just post some screenshots / ideas here?

I think it'd be best if you post your screenshots and ideas in the thread in case others might want to add to your comments and suggestions.
Back at it again at Krispy Kreme.

Sorry for the slow response! I thought the best way was to upload the screenshots to imgur and add captions there to reduce image bulk, so here goes:

(I might come back here and paste each one in to the thread individually if things get confusing.)
I've actually been thinking of renting out houses in districts that aren't used as much like opera, narrow street, bathsquare and some others and decorating them. I think if the house is all decorated and fixed up then it would make a great first impression on the potential renter.
Back at it again at Krispy Kreme.

Sorry for the slow response! I thought the best way was to upload the screenshots to imgur and add captions there to reduce image bulk, so here goes:

(I might come back here and paste each one in to the thread individually if things get confusing.)
Perfect. I'll take a crack at them when time permits. Keep those suggestions coming if you find anything else.
Handled by MrHappyTinkles in game.
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