Archived Werewolves...

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Mar 20, 2013
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Lots of people have been asking for Werewolves and i know the mod that incorporates WereWolves into servers perfectly!!! i have played another server with the Vampire plugin and this WereWolf plugin and it worked MARVELOUSLY!!!

^^^thats the link for the pulgin

And i also wanted to ask if we could add somethings to......make some races more powerful...

Like Elven Swiftness were Elves get x amount of speed (like a permanent Speed II, kind of like Vampire Nightvision where you can have an on/off command)

and Tigrans get like a....2blocks?3block?maybe i even daresay a 4block jump? i mean...they ARE cats..
Feline Agility? or... Feline Dexterity

IDK but...some races MIGHT need to get a bit stronger....or better
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Ugh, how many times are people going to makes these threads?

1) There have been suggestions to werewolves before, and they have been rejected. If the server DOES add it in, which is unlikely considering the fact that they made it VERY clear that they wont add any more races in, it will probably be an inhouse plugin.

2) Most of the races are purely for ROLEPLAY, not for the cool effects. You pick the race because you like to roleplay as them, not because they happen to have a special effect.
I think it would be a massive(ehehe) strain to code into the sharding. Almost every plugin the server uses needed a rewrite for sharding, so I doubt Cayorian would be able to implement this.

And races do not need a buff. They are for roleplaying purposes. Plus, assuming a race has a particular skill they're very good at is sort of... Racist.
This plugin is not sharding compatible and would have to be completely rewritten.
I would assume that if a werewolf plugin were ever implemented, it would probably be an in-house plugin
Oh my god... 10s says that this exact plugin has been suggested at least 10 times before, anybody?

I would advise that you actually ready through other threads, (as well as post in the right thread) and you will see how often this gets suggested.

((Disclaimer: While I do not doubt that I would win 10s off that bet, I am not actually issuing it due to the fact that I am incredibly broke, and can't take a risk :/))
Actually admins have stated that they have wanted werewolves on the server for the longest time, problem is they cannot obtain a stable enough pluggin and with sharding happening so soon, i doubt it will ever happen.
I do think it would be nice for the tigran jump, it does make a little bit of sense, but that it a good amount of fall damage for a cat to take. And to thor, where did ANYONE state twilight? She is only making a suggestion, I mean I almost suggested it myself, and I HATE the twilight series. I imagine many people would suggest it because of the races, I mean, because some people just hear anything mythological and think of the medieval times. Also, to the elf speed, DANG that is WAY too fast. That is really huge buff for the elves, and in my point of view, Over powered, considering you could run away while crouching... (not literal)
Last I checked, werewovles have always been a vampire's arch nemesis.
Actually thats more of a modern media stand point. In older lore they were very closely related, vampires even had the ability to turn into wolves, once i read in a book about this stuff that if you killed a werewolf, you had to burn its body because if you didnt it would actually come back as a vampire.
Oh I heard the same thing, but you need to put a silver coin in it's throat, or it will come back with the hunger and strength of a vampire and werewolf mixed. However, they are sort of rivals, but not TRUE enemies, because they sometimes are together. I DO NOT MEAN TWILIGHT I MEAN THE WEREWOLF VAMPIRE THINGAMAJIG
and...i really like the idea of older vamps being more was mentioned on another thread but idk what it was..[DOUBLEPOST=1367466579,1367466441][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry if i sound too much like i want massivecraft to be all about pvping...i recently had my favorite server (it was Crimethink Supernatural Anarchy server) close down really wanting to get a more of a ...well...supernatural pvp kind of thing...sorry if this was annoying or....dislikedpoepl..
:) again...sorry
and...i really like the idea of older vamps being more was mentioned on another thread but idk what it was..[DOUBLEPOST=1367466579,1367466441][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry if i sound too much like i want massivecraft to be all about pvping...i recently had my favorite server (it was Crimethink Supernatural Anarchy server) close down really wanting to get a more of a ...well...supernatural pvp kind of thing...sorry if this was annoying or....dislikedpoepl..
:) again...sorry
Massivecraft is a RolePlay server, if you want a PvP server with cool bonuses. You have got that wrong place Camille.
This has been suggested many times before and it was "No" because it is too buggy.
Okay this vampire, werewolf, crimson thing is annoying.
Vampires and werewolves aren't exactly enemies just rivals and not nice ones.
Humans can be enemies with vampires and can be enemies with werewolves.
The Academy of Magic, Science, and Literature is being rebuilt. The Crimsons Inquisition took it over, and promptly caused it to burn to the ground.
Well, I saw two signs. One saying "The Crimson Inquisition HQ burned down. Investigation pending." and the other said: "DANGER. Rebuilding in progress" or something along those lines.
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