Archived Werewolf Plugin

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Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
I think it would be fun and would make an interesting addition to the whole humans vs vamps thing. It would Humans vs Vamps vs Werewolves. It would also allow a different aspect to PvP, RP, and well everything.


A speed trait- since werewolves are pretty quick
Unarmed bonus damage- since werewolves aren't known to use weapons
Serrated strikes applied while unarmed- Since werewolves have claws that could cause bleeding effect
Jump trait- since werewolves can jump high

Perhaps they could only have these traits at night due to the moon?

Feeding: They could eat raw meat and feed from hitting players similar to vampires.

Could maybe be vulnerable to bows (count the arrows as Silver Bolts).

I don't know, I just have always been a Werewolf lover. I'm one in every possible game that allows it haha.

Please no hate on this post and constructive criticism and additions would be nice to read.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Werewolves will not be added to Massive any time soon. If I tried I could find you at least ten other threads that asked this and were rejected.
You have been here over a year, I thought you would have got the just by now...

This isn't twilight, we don't need no werewolves.
Man you guys are great. Why do I even bother to do anything on these forums?

It was a suggestion. No need to bash.
Man you guys are great. Why do I even bother with this community?

It was a suggestion. No need to bash.

Staff has said many times that a werewolf plugin will never be added for several reasons

1) Werewolves are not, and will probably never be lore compliant.

2) Too similar to vampires

3) Unneeded

4) Obvious twilight references
Man you guys are great. Why do I even bother with this community?

Hold the sadness train there for a minute fella!

If you had actually read deeper into this chain of threads that is the "Idea Discussion" sub-forum you would have found 1 thing.

This idea has been suggested over 9000 times and every single one of them have been shot down.

This community is one of the most diverse and interesting lot, so just because we shot down this idea again doesn't make us not worth bothering with.

It's the same idea, as all the others. Of course we are going to shoot it down, the same way we shoot down bringing back races.
TheTerrawr, your comment could've been more helpful or constructive rather than stating how long I've been here and that I should know better.

For the record, I hate Twilight.

As for it being uneeded, everything is unneeded. The server doesn't NEED any of its plugins, they are just great to have. A vampire plugin isn't NEEDED but it's fun to have.

My bad. I'll try not to ever make a suggestion again. GG.
TheTerrawr, your comment could've been more helpful or constructive rather than stating how long I've been here and that I should know better.

For the record, I hate Twilight.

As for it being uneeded, everything is unneeded. The server doesn't NEED any of its plugins, they are just great to have. A vampire plugin isn't NEEDED but it's fun to have.

My bad. I'll try not to ever make a suggestion again. GG.

It couldn't be more constructive, as there is literally nothing that could be changed about the suggestion to make it better.
Mods. Delete this. TheTerrawr has crushed my spirit of suggesting things for life lol.
So you can't accept anyone disliking your idea so you instantly want it shut down. Nice.
Penguin all you said was "nope" and said it was a reference to twilight.

Are you kidding me dude? lol

I just realized there is no point in trying so I'd rather have the thread removed.

It is my mistake for making a suggestion that I thought could get actually constructive criticism. I thought some people might like it but I guess it was my bad for attempting to suggest something on these forums.
Penguin all you said was "nope" and said it was a reference to twilight.

Are you kidding me dude? lol

I just realized there is no point in trying so I'd rather have the thread removed.

It is my mistake for making a suggestion that I thought could get actually constructive criticism. I thought some people might like it but I guess it was my bad for attempting to suggest something on these forums.

Staff has said many times that a werewolf plugin will never be added for several reasons

1) Werewolves are not, and will probably never be lore compliant.

2) Too similar to vampires

Dont pull your passive agressive bullshit on me.

I listed 2 reasons that you completly ignored
I think you just need to hear a larger opinion behind this. I want to thank you for making a suggestion for the server, that is the only way that we can continue to grow is if we continue to receive feedback from you all as the community. I understand that you would like to have werewolves introduced to the server. Heck, I love werewolves over any other mythological beast myself, but after being on Massive for as long as I have and seeing so many threads like this shut down, I have simply learned to accept and understand it. Our lore is very specific, and as it currently stands, Werewolves just have no place in our world. I cannot speak for the future because Massive has changed in ways that I never expected or thought possible, but I think you need to know that as of right now, Werewolves simply cannot exist in our lore. We have beast mages, we have Thylans and other anthropomorphic creatures that I would highly encourage you to look at. While Werewolves may not exist persay, there is still so much that you can enjoy on the server and within our lore. I don't want you to be discouraged from suggesting something that you would like to see added or changed.

And to everyone else. Yes he could be reacting to this in a more mature manner that would cause us to see a more valid stance within his point, but as a someone who has written two entire species, including culture, language, cipher, subspecies, religion and religious practices only to have it never touched until it was blantantly removed due to it being to similar to some example mediums in our culture, I can understand. When you really want something and it is denied, well, it sucks. But Woff, if you want to see changes, realize that changes have to be made to the lore. If you want something that badly, look at our wiki and try to think of a way to make it fit. I won't give you false hope and say if you write something we will get Werewolves, but if you want something bad enough you have to work for it on an intellectual level. Petty bickering won't help your case in any form.
I'd like to say that this idea has been suggested before and hasn't been implemented in past so it's unlikely to be implemented now.

Mods. Delete this. TheTerrawr has crushed my spirit of suggesting things for life lol.

I'd also like to say that you shouldn't feel so discouraged to offer more ideas and suggestions for MassiveCraft. It's awesome that you're offering feedback and suggestions for the server to further grow from regardless of whether or not not all of them are carried through with. Keep it up! The only thing I could personally suggest(not that I've much experience with presenting ideas, merely my own opinion) for the future is for you to take a look at lore and make sure your ideas are balanced; nothing too similar to what's already there but nothing that strays too far from lore as that'd go against the purpose of an idea. Another thing is to really try to present your idea with more of a template and more information. The more valid and informative your ideas are, the more likely they are to be reviewed and responded to positively.

Sorry to hear that you're a bit bummed out after the responses but I hope you aren't too discouraged from making future contributions.
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If, on the other hand, you're looking to role-play something like a werewolf, certain aspects of lycanthropy exist within our lore already. There's beast soul magic, if you want to be able to turn into a rampaging brute, spirit form magic, if you want to be able to turn into an animal, and the Beguiled vampire bloodline, if you want a carnivorous alter-ego who only comes out at night.
I'm not much of an RPer but thanks, that is pretty interesting.
I'd like to say that this idea has been suggested before and hasn't been implemented in past so it's unlikely to be implemented now.

I'd also like to say that you shouldn't feel so discouraged to offer more ideas and suggestions for MassiveCraft. It's awesome that you're offering feedback and suggestions for the server to further grow from regardless of whether or not not all of them are carried through with. Keep it up! The only thing I could personally suggest(not that I've much experience with presenting ideas, merely my own opinion) for the future is for you to take a look at lore and make sure your ideas are balanced; nothing too similar to what's already there but nothing that strays too far from lore as that'd go against the purpose of an idea. Another thing is to really try to present your idea with more of a template and more information. The more valid and informative your ideas are, the more likely they are to be reviewed and responded to positively.

Sorry to hear that you're a bit bummed out after the responses but I hope you aren't too discouraged from making future contributions.
Thanks for the input. It would've been a good idea to check out the lore before making this for sure.
@Joshy54100 maybe people should actually put constructive comments instead of being rude.

I say rude but that is only to prevent me from putting vulgar language in its place.
Well, I myself am a wolf/werewolf lover and the idea of another curse with a plugin creating the curse like the vampire plugin sounds amazing to me. While I on some level agree that vampires vs werewolfs can be overused at times i do think there would be some ways to make it more interesting then the normal werewolf stereotypes. Possibly the only having the powers at night, a weakness to arrows, or possibly iron tools (that could be like steel) the key part to ever adding werewolfs would be finding a lore reason for their existence. All around I like the idea.
People say its over used? Explain when was it over used, and its not so much vamps vs wolves just that they both in there. I know yall want the lore to be deep but it could start as easy as "A man has been bitten by a rabid wolf." and taken from there to get bigger. We dont RP so we dont think about the lore and as far as it was suggested a million times, well then apparently a million people like/want it. We just want more in massive other then just traits. I miss races, when u knew what you were going up against. I know they will never bring them back but it was better then traits in my opinion(and I love traits) but they make a lot of things to easy. Just my thoughts on it.
If, on the other hand, you're looking to role-play something like a werewolf, certain aspects of lycanthropy exist within our lore already. There's beast soul magic, if you want to be able to turn into a rampaging brute, spirit form magic, if you want to be able to turn into an animal, and the Beguiled vampire bloodline, if you want a carnivorous alter-ego who only comes out at night.
If you want to be a permawolf, become a Thylan, or if you want the claws aspect, become a Tigran, which is basicallly my profile pic. Also, becomin a vampire Thylan would be a cool mix, with the wolfyness of the thylan, like being a wolf guy and the wereish parts of the vampire, like enhanced senses/strength and stuff with night.
If you want to be a permawolf, become a Thylan, or if you want the claws aspect, become a Tigran, which is basicallly my profile pic. Also, becomin a vampire Thylan would be a cool mix, with the wolfyness of the thylan, like being a wolf guy and the wereish parts of the vampire, like enhanced senses/strength and stuff with night.

This, uh. This was last posted in last spring.
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