Archived Werewolf Plugin

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It's been suggested as I've copied below, maybe even more, who knows? No one really wants it, and the vampire plugin is overly used by the new players and often abused, meaning if werewolves came they could also possibly abuse this plugin.


The vampire plugin is overly used and abused, to be honest annoying, if used by the wrong people (usually newer players) , meaning if this plugin was implemented, the newer players might possibly use and abuse.

As I stated, this has been suggested so many times and each time with a big fat no.

Only a very small percentage of the Massivecraft community want this (mostly newer players), the keyword here is small.

Vampires, werewolves, hint hint? Twilight.

Also, I don't think werewolves would fit into the lore.

So, its a no from me.
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This has been requested roughly as many times as maiar water vision, it is always rejected.
This has been rejected before because of work, I believe, so this may work as you already have a working plugin
Unfortunately, I'll have to agree with Sir_Sherburne @Solaris666.

Besides the point of the community being great as it is, and that adding a werewolf plugin will attract Twilight wannabes, the plugin may have some technical issues with the Massivecraft custom made ones.

The werewolf chat may have issues with Massivecraft chat system, and the plugin isn't actually well developed in the infection system. You can only see that you are or aren't infected, and the infection spreads too easily.

I'm in no way trying to spoil your idea, but I think you should work a little more into it if you really want this implemented. :)
I feel it's sorta strange for someone to think this hasn't been suggested before.
Four words: Emo. Hoodied. Twilight. Wannabes.
๖ۣۜOh, but the detail missing from this is that MassiveCraft isn't just a server. After all, think of how many others have attempted Werewolves onto their servers, only later to partner with Vampyres. Yes. There at some point, no matter what, will be some form of Twilight going on, whether it is a better love story or not. Don't get me wrong, some people could possibly RP it right, but I feel it just... Well, is only some. Too many would abuse it to god-RP or god-mod. Not only that, but it would be much easier simply for the player to RP as the marsupial Thylans. They are as close to a wolf as one can really get, and not only that, but keep both sides of PvP and RP mainly in tact as they are merely just traders and merchants, not over-killing creatures.
Look at the other threads in which people have suggested this. They all are saying no.
People really need to look at old posts on the forums before makinh suggestions.
I am still wondering why staff say No. Thylans are close to werewolves, but its just not the same.....
Still I think it is a good suggestion!
Really I am surprised they havn't added it!
I am still wondering why staff say No. Thylans are close to werewolves, but its just not the same.....
Still I think it is a good suggestion!
Really I am surprised they havn't added it!
Thylans are not even close to werewolves...they are marsupials, think closer to a kangaroo, not a wolf.
Also if you are wondering why the staff say no, in some of yhe previous posts (which people have linked) its explaoned why in great detail.
If this is a joke: hahahahah very funny!
If it isn't: Twilight wannabe!
I reckon Twilight wasnt too bad. I am not ashamed to say that I have seen 2 of the movies.
If this is a joke: hahahahah very funny!
If it isn't: Twilight wannabe!
1. never read twilight
2. still hate it
3. was a noob
the list goes on and on

Even though this has been recommended many times and turned down, you ought to be a little nicer on the subject, even though there are Twilight wannabes. Plus, it has already been decided that werewolves will NOT be added, no reason to start a flame on the thread.
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