Implemented Weekly Spotlights & Competitions.

This suggestion has been implemented.


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party
Suggestion 1
The PR Team should bring back weekly Player Spotlights. I think this would be a great feature for the newer players we have been seen trickling onto the server in recent times. It would be a far less daunting alternative for getting oneself acquainted with others. I know that this is something I liked to rely on when I was still fresh and new to Massive.

Not sure how the survival side of the server feels, but maybe even consider implementing weekly Faction Spotlights too? Draw attention to those that are being a positive impact on that half of the server.

Suggestion 2
The PR Team should also bring back the competitions it used to host every now and again, with the prospect of winning one of a kind lore items to commemorate the competition or even Regal prizes. One particular example that comes to mind is a photo-shoot where staff encouraged players to take on-server pictures for Valentines Day.

It is in my opinion that both these suggestions would help liven up the newly updated Forums.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Suggestion 1
The PR Team should bring back weekly Player Spotlights. I think this would be a great feature for the newer players we have been seen trickling onto the server in recent times. It would be a far less daunting alternative for getting oneself acquainted with others. I know that this is something I liked to rely on when I was still fresh and new to Massive.
We will bring back spotlights for notable events and efforts on all parts of the server, but we will not be featuring individuals.

Suggestion 2
The PR Team should also bring back the competitions it used to host every now and again, with the prospect of winning one of a kind lore items to commemorate the competition or even Regal prizes.
We'll be doing more competitions and events in the future. Keep an eye out for announcements.