Archived We Should Have Another Rp Safeplace

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Jan 30, 2016
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So we have these other places but we should have a place where people can rp as whatever they want without lore restriction.Just an idea.
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Warrenord? Arach'n? Silverwind?

You could also make RP builds in Creative and just RP there couldn't you?
I thought warrenord arach and silverwind were lore compliant
Warrennord and Arach'n aren't compliant, but Silverwind is.

So If you want to be a robot eating dragon killing orcs in Warrenord, go ahead.
If you want to be the Archdemon and fight Arach'n for her incompitance, you can do it.
If you want to go to space, go to creative and build some spaceships.

But if you want to do lore compliant stuff, RP in either Regalia or Silverwind.
You're more than welcome to roleplay whatever you wish in the creative world or in your factions. We also don't enforce the lore on Warrenord and Arach'n if you're looking for a premade setting.
Can't forget how in Regalia Spawn, there's a portal to a Qadir Palace! (Lore compliant)
Lore compliant worlds/areas to roleplay in: Regalia, Sewers, Qadir Palace, and Silverwind

Light-Rp Safezones: Fendarfell, Ithania, Teledmethen, Jorrhild, NewCeardia, and TheRift

Light-Rp Non-Factions Worlds
: Creative, Arach'n, and Warrenord

These are all the options open to you at the moment and many are seldom used for roleplay outside of the Lore compliant worlds. Feel free to use the Light-RP areas to your hearts content as roleplay safezones.
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