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We Confess Our Guilt


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party
An Admission from The Blackhawks Company

The Blackhawks Company name has been thrown around a lot as of recent, most notably by The Archduke Delmotte and his kin, who have perceived us to have done wrong against them. But our name has not been used improperly. The accusations of the Archduke against our name are truthful, and the few of us who have even the slightest sense of what is right, have decided that it is in our best interests to admit to our guilt.

We admit to breaking the following laws:

I. To knowingly act in any manner which threatens the integrity of the Empire, its administration, officials, peerage, the citizens within it, or the Emperor himself, is treason.

II. To knowingly plan to act in any manner which threatens the integrity of the Empire, its administration, officials, peerage, the citizens within it, or the Emperor himself, is treason.

III. To display hostile intentions toward the Empire, its administration, officials, peerage, the citizens within it, or the Emperor himself, is treason.

Accompanied by this admission of guilt is our decision to announce the identity of our obscure leader, previously referred to as 'The Beggar.' He is a common man who was born with the name Cael Ladveer, who can be identified by his greying-brown hair, green eyes, and his most notable feature; a prosthetic wooden arm.

We apologize profusely to the Archduke and his family and agree entirely with his decision to bounty 'The Beggar.'

Signed by yours truly
Repenting Jacobins

Wesley Jagger
Benjamin Naude
Milo J. Shinseki

The Signatures are authentic and research into whether or not they were fabricated would show as much.
Sivna the Isldar shook his head slowly, Having watched the whole thing.
"I warned those oafs in the cell about going against the Empire.."
Elm Underbridge looked over the notice quickly and let out a sadistic laugh.
"5 days, I expected less!"
"Spirit, poor lot couldn't even send out their own apology.. had to have the Archduke do that, too." Thea Rote tutted, admiring Louis' chadlike reputation.
*He managed a small smirk behind his scarf, whether it was fake or not.* "Looks like I'm famous now." *He then slowly wandered off before anyone noticed his presence.*
Benjamin Naudé

He carefully read the paper before a small chuckle escaping, "Wesley wasn't even apart of the Blackhawks, poor guy, eh." He said with a grin before walking back into the sewers
Fen'nan Solaveira scowled at the signatures as she read it over, feeling screwed over suddenly. "They were supposed to be free," she growled in an angry hiss before turning and limping away, using a cane to support her.