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We, A Concerned Collective


Jul 26, 2021
Reaction score



To the Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov of the Lothar Order,

We, a concerned collective, have observed with growing dismay of your recent actions and utterances. It does not escape our notice that you frequently resort to being derogatory towards mages and other innocent citizens. Your cynical manipulation of the heartfelt farewell offered by the Viridian Knights (by transforming it into biting mockery) leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of those who witness such behavior.

It is difficult to overlook that Regalia's Chapter of the Lothar is dominated by the Noble House Mekrov. As such it is a matter of importance that one, in the notion of noblesse oblige, exercises great caution in presuming to determine who and how much the Emperor holds dear in his heart. Your proclamations hold no merit or authority thusly.

This marks only the beginning of a concerning narrative.

So be it, the Grauwald group are the ones who fight 'fire with fire', using mage retainers to do their missions. Yet principle – not of knightly nature but of an individual's self-aggrandizing, moral code that every Lothar has to take to be in their knighthood – is broken when we hear of the unsettling affiliations of one Sera Wulf. Is it not code within the order to 'extoll the virtue of mundaneness'? Why is it then that Sera Wulf encourages known mage Zadicus to wield magic?

Let it not be forgotten too that half of the Lothar is in cohorts with Void Arken, whose lives and fate hang in peril after inviting wroth on the twenty-third September of this year within their own homes. To speak about the defects of magic and its dangers, yet practice and consort with such: is this not hypocrisy at its finest?

It is known that when the Argentum Order gathers en masse, they burn relics in effigies to build a Void Spire – one whose effects we have seen in the Elven Wars to cause mass destruction and casualties. Despite being privy to the situation and fiasco surrounding Ostarius, the Lord-Protector remained passive and indifferent, asserting an absence of concern for the fate of the captive occultist or the recovery of the said artifact. Again, so be it: perhaps the Lord-Protector does not wish to throw his men into the den of wolves we call Crookback, and so we border a day closer to the building of a weapon that could (and definitely would) be turned against us.

You, Lord-Protector, have demonstrated a lack of decency and grace in most recent actions. It is imperative that you recognize your behavior and endeavor to uphold the standards expected of our esteemed class. Your conduct reflects not only on yourself but on the entire Lothar community.

In summation, considering our apprehension that you may not read text written by venerable houses of the arcane:
  • Concerned collective observes recent actions and utterances.
  • Frequent derogatory remarks towards occult and innocent citizens.
  • Manipulation of Viridian's farewell into a vindictive mockery.
  • Caution advised in determining the Emperor's affections.
  • Unjust treatment of Miss Wisteria, using her as a disposable soldier.
  • Affiliations of Sera Wulf with Darkscale Arianwen.
  • Implicit encouragement of Zadicus to wield magic by Sera Wulf.
  • Known to collude with Arken despite Regalian Law & their code strictly prohibiting this.
  • Unwarranted attempt to detain Cuixtli Itzcoatl by Lord-Protector Kurt.
  • Violent incident at the All-Beacon temple involving Lord-Protector Kurt and Lord-Protector Riftan.
  • Passive attitude regarding the Sanguines' captive Archon and precious artifact which resulted in an abduction and sacrifice.
  • Lord-Protector's lack of decency and grace.
May the Compassion's Hand, Mana, guide yours,

Izel Cemelli Yollohtli Mecatl
Countess of Arda Ezalt in the province of Mandu
Matriarch of House Mecatl
Guild Leader of the Sacred Winds Guild for the Advancement of Science and Arcana


Suzenvaela Astreia Felaadar bel-Ireavaal-Solleria
Countess of Ireavaal in the province of Solleria
Matriarch of House Felaadar
Councilwoman of the Municipal Council


OOC tags:
@AlienDark12 @Rowet
Countesses Mecatl and Felaadar,

To call these serious accusations would be an insulting understatement, as breaking the code to this degree for a Lothar Knight would mean expulsion and execution. If you somehow have evidence of Lord-Protector Mekrov breaking his code and colluding with Void Arken, then you are required by law to report such to his Order. Otherwise, with you spreading these accusations in such a public manner, I am forced to presume that you wish only to spread lies and put the Lord-Protector's very life in jeopardy.

Everwatcher's blessings,
Baldewin Braunschweiger
Everie of Lödenthal-Dessau
To whom it may concern,

As is public knowledge, the Viridian Knights are investigating the Lord-Protector's potential code violations. I will also say there are a couple other reports made with regard to other Lothar Knights. This said, we are not all-knowing, and require the residents of the capital to bring information to our attention when they witness acts of dishonor.

As shown with the recent statement from the Chinon Council, our investigations must become even more thorough to ensure that they hold merit. With more evidence and testimonies, we are better able to apply a more conservative interpretation of the Knight Codes, to determine if there truly were violations, or if the Knights acted as their Councils would like them to.

It is the duty of the Viridian Order to police the other Orders to ensure they maintain strong standards within their ranks. Seek any of us out, and we will take any testimonies that you provide.

Sera Kristoph
Rank-Knight of the Viridian Order
(OOC: please give us stuff to do in-game and let us know when codes are being broken. This is the type of rp we signed up for)



[!] An official response is granted in return. [!]

To the Matriarch of House Mecatl, my ex-Courted.

It must be noted that at the time of our Courtship, right before the Bralona Occupation, Countess Izel Mecatl was a mundane Medic- who only recently began to reveal her magic, and so, the creation of whatever Mage Guild that she has running nowadays. I expected there to be a public notice, sooner or later, of her attempting to defame me. However, I did not expect the attempt to be so petty, so driven by ignorance and by proxy lies.

While this is a lengthy essay filled with a multitude of word-vomit; the more I read into it, the more I realize how silly these accusations are. While well-worded to convince those already with Anti-Lothar and Anti-House Mekrov sentiment, the truth of the matter is all rather quite simple. Accusing 'half' the Lothar Order of colluding to a void Arken, drawing the lines between a different Knight and I, then saying I have a 'passive' attitude to Vampires is all a matter of pseudo-intellectual conjecture that is biased. Naturally, House Felaadar {or however one may correctly write their name} and House Mecatl utilize public posting to try and garner public support while refusing to actually do what it takes to bring down House Mekrov. What does it take to bring down House Mekrov, by the way? Actually going out and fighting us.

Taking us down with words? 'Clowning'? Do you know how many people have tried this trick already? They have tried this a thousand times because it is the easiest way without seeing the elephant in the room. The fact that their words mean nothing. House Mekrov is of Krainivaya, and we are unbending. We simply do not care about Ithanian-Court drivel that is often akin to birds chirping and monkeys rattling cages than the actual bite of a Lion. Or, in this instance, the bite of a Mouse.

For people who do not like reading, the summary of what I just said is the following; vein attempts at defamation through words, rather than just FIGHTING US is a waste of time, ink, and paper. Lothar, and House Mekrov, are used to being disliked by universally everyone. It comes with the duty.

In response to the talking points directly, from top down:
  • Concerned collective observes: This makes no sense. Collective observations of puppets I could care less about.
  • Frequent derogatory remarks towards occult and innocent citizens: I only degrade the Occult, the Afflicted, Aelrrigans, and people who actively look for degradation by me. Why is this a point again? I thought everyone knew that Lothar kill Afflicted, and are equally not kind to Occult either.
  • Manipulation of Viridian's farewell into a vindictive mockery: The Emperor loves all his Citizens. Are you going against the Emperor's love, and mercy, for all citizens that are within this Empire? It is within the Everwatcher's Great Way that each citizen is able to draw their own conclusions, and so enforce their respective prerogatives. While the Emperor does love, his love is not unconditional. We must abide by his laws, and respect his Empire. The Afflicted, and the Occult, will tear down this Empire until nothing is left unless stopped. Another silly point.
  • Caution advised in determining the Emperor's affections: This makes no sense. Caution in what? Caution in saying that the Emperor loves all? You should be brought to the All-Beacon to pay penance to the Gods for daring to advise 'caution' over the Emperor's divine right, who is perfect above any mortal like I.
  • Unjust treatment of Miss Wisteria, using her as a disposable soldier: Unless anyone forgot- Wisteria tried to assassinate me, and then willingly became a Retained of the Lothar Order. Where she fought her own people during the Estelley Temple Siege.
  • Affiliations of Sera Wulf with Darkscale Arianwen: A Randbane has nothing to do with a Darkwald. Our duties are completely different. This is just filler.
  • Implicit encouragement of Zadicus to wield magic by Sera Wulf: More filler? I don't even care about this. Zadicus is a Floral Court Mage that I've almost killed multiple times over my time in this City.
  • Known to collude with Arken despite Regalian Law & their code strictly prohibiting this: A wild proposition made from 'a source that wouldn't lie' which actually most likely will lie. In-fact, the only people who are obligated not to lie are most Orders of Knighthood within the City. They mentioned that it would be the 'Justice Arken', who actually bends over backwards for the very people that House Mekrov actively hunts on a day to day basis. Elves cannot cross into Zemlya without facing the Opprichney, of course the Justice Arken wouldn't like our Order.
  • Unwarranted attempt to detain Cuixtli Itzcoatl by Lord-Protector Kurt: We are Darkwald- if anything, attempts to detain is unwarranted because execution is most commonly warranted instead. Of course, House Felaadar and House Mecatl are both sheltered, and stick to Court Politics because they dare not venture into parts of the Archipelago that actually needs the Lothar Order and House Mekrov to be the Empire's shield against the darkness, and the monsters that live in the night.
  • Violent incident at the All-Beacon temple involving Lord-Protector Kurt and Lord-Protector Riftan: Don't beat a dead horse, please. The Celacy, the Reliquary Order, and the Viridian Order is already handling it. You're not new, and you're boring. At least Erlend at the Lion's Repose Tavern was unique by creating the 'Kurt-Truther' movement. That's funny, and thought provoking, this is filler.
  • Passive attitude regarding the Sanguines' captive Archon and precious artifact which resulted in an abduction and sacrifice: House Felaadar and House Mecatl must have had the recently introduced drug, 'Sparks of Joy', because one needs to be on drugs to actually write this down unironically. It is recommended that Nobles stay away from Crookback-imported produce.
  • Lord-Protector's lack of decency and grace: Filler. Subjective to our respective cultures over what is decent and what is considered grace.
That is all,

Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov
Purger-Knight of the Lothar Order
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To Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov of the Lothar Order,
I have taken notice of your reference to our past courtship, a chapter that scarcely occupies my mind, for indeed, it was but a brief interlude in our lives. It is worth noting that our entanglement was, in truth, of brief duration, marked by mutual dissatisfaction on various fronts.

Nonetheless, it should not escape your discernment that I have never laid claim to mundanity nor concealed my proficiency in the arcane arts. It is your own imprudence that leads you to expose these facts. Admittedly, I did maintain a secret over my blood affinity magic, choosing instead to frequently employ the arts of healing with wind manipulation.

Regarding the remaining matters you have raised, I find it prudent to reserve my response for a more contemplative moment. Therefore, I shall refrain from further engagement until such a time as I deem appropriate.

May the Compassion's Hand, Mana, guide yours,

Izel Cemelli Yollohtli Mecatl
Countess of Arda Ezalt in the province of Mandu
Matriarch of House Mecatl
Guild Leader of the Sacred Winds Guild for the Advancement of Science and Arcana
To matriarch of house Mecatl

I would recommend you to do some light reading before writing such accusations, as they show your own ignorance

On point of Zadicus - it is not against Lothar code to make plans accounting for magic. Is making a plan that would include Heishan's powers from Caius against the code? Is making a plan accounting for magic of a retained mages against the code? Answer is obviously not. And so, when Argentum knighty were charging across animosity bridge, likely with goal to steal Ruton, I chose to ask Zadicus to throw me away. Just few points later you accuse my order of a passive attitude in regards to loss of artifacts, yet you choose to omit context of Ruton in this incident. Either you have chosen to uncritically believe your sources without bothering to ask the source for more details, or you intentionally removed the context

On point of Arianwen - Grauwald and Randbane groups are allowed to work alongside select occult.

Sera Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Randbane group