Archived Wars Vs Raids

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Lady Julianne

Kadia Paloin
Sep 13, 2013
Reaction score
New Ceardia
So I was thinking, there should be an actual way to differentiate between fullscale wars and brigand raids. I kept trying to come up with a fancy way to apply for one or the other or some such, then I realized that brigands are just that. A band of unruly thieves. So in an effort to tell the difference between these two, AND to help deal with some peoples' qualms over needing an RP reason to attack people... Only factions will "go to war" as proper war requires the leadership and stability that kingdoms and city-states can provide. Anyone who wants to raid and pillage as a bandit or somesuch has to do so without a faction, groups of bandits must live in the wilderness and protect themselves without the comforts that 'faction' status provides. Just like a real bandit group would have to. Then, proper wars can be fought over things that actually have RP value (not just a reason, but real value) and can have a way to be 'taxed' through paying to declare war or w.e, and bandit raids can just happen when and whereever they please with the reason of "I'm a bandit, shove off" being perfectly acceptable.

The only issue is if people drop fac, raid, then join up again. Having a cooldown between joining factions would help with this, but I'm not sure it would totally solve it... so ideas would be helpful.
Also I realize this would be hard to enforce, as it would require a good amount of just trusting those who wish to be bandits to actually be factionless, unless someone thought of a way to code or otherwise enforce such a thing. So ideas on that would be nice too.

Perhaps when the trait plugin comes out have a trait of "Bandit" that stops you from joining factions but also negates or lowers the effect of damage reduction when attacking in faction land?
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If your in the wilderness you can't raid a faction due to the fat that you would have to enemy that faction which is impossible if you are without a faction.
If your in the wilderness you can't raid a faction due to the fat that you would have to enemy that faction which is impossible if you are without a faction.

Ah right... well... perhaps change it so wilderness is an enemy of factions, instead of neutral? (Which I think is what it's at now?)
Or have a global faction with no borders and such simply called "Bandits" that you join, and it's auto enemy'd with every other faction?
I actually disagree with this, my vampires rarely go to war but go on raids, it is only for RP and we have strict rules that go with it,(we all lose, we leave them be for a day, we dont use weapons or armor, have a set tribute of blood from all vilagers online, etc) no its not an actual war, its merely a group of vampires attacking a random village. This would hurt the RP part of certain factions that do raids instead of wars.
This has a lot of flaws. For instance, I don't think people would want to leave their faction just so they could raid. It could work, but it needs some tweaks.
Hmmm, I think this idea might even be applyable without that much of a change in the system.
Only things that would need to be changed would be:
  • Wilderness = Enemy with everyone
  • Faction Join Cooldown
  • Raid Faction Join Cooldown: If you kill someone in faction territory you can´t join a fac again for a day (OPTIONAL)
If I might make a suggestion I would set the Cooldown to 3 days or even 1 week. Meaning that after you joined a faction you cannot join a faction again for 3 days/1 week. This would prevent frequent joining/leaving a fac just for the sake if banditing. It would not entirely elimate it but it would make it a pain in the butt.

The Optional change is so that Bandits can´t drag factions into it and turn a Bandit raid into a Faction War (the moment a faction other then the defender gets involved in a bandit raid they break the rules against reasonless raids).
Ah right... well... perhaps change it so wilderness is an enemy of factions, instead of neutral? (Which I think is what it's at now?)
Or have a global faction with no borders and such simply called "Bandits" that you join, and it's auto enemy'd with every other faction?
My thought on this would be have a thing just like wilderness cept there are 2 its wilderness and wilderness(Bandits) these players in the bandits one can set up homes in biomes like thick jungles and caves and things like that.
Hmmm, I think this idea might even be applyable without that much of a change in the system.
Only things that would need to be changed would be:
  • Wilderness = Enemy with everyone
  • Faction Join Cooldown
  • Raid Faction Join Cooldown: If you kill someone in faction territory you can´t join a fac again for a day (OPTIONAL)
If I might make a suggestion I would set the Cooldown to 3 days or even 1 week. Meaning that after you joined a faction you cannot join a faction again for 3 days/1 week. This would prevent frequent joining/leaving a fac just for the sake if banditing. It would not entirely elimate it but it would make it a pain in the butt.

The Optional change is so that Bandits can´t drag factions into it and turn a Bandit raid into a Faction War (the moment a faction other then the defender gets involved in a bandit raid they break the rules against reasonless raids).

My thought on this would be have a thing just like wilderness cept there are 2 its wilderness and wilderness(Bandits) these players in the bandits one can set up homes in biomes like thick jungles and caves and things like that.

Can these ideas be combined?
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