Preserved Sheet Warrane Elias Lécuyer.

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An Unfortunate Scotsman
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
St Andrews, Scotland.
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Warrane Elias Lécuyer.
    • Nicknames: Elias and Rane.
  • Age: 35 Years. - 10th December, 271AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor - Colonial Ceardian.
  • Main Ambition: Warrane aspires to master his social skills, he loves the thought of being a friend to all who would welcome his witticisms and conversation.

Skill Information

Total Proficiency Points: 35.
  • +10 Greatsword. (+10 from School of Feer-Drakken).
  • +20 Longsword. (+10 from School of Feer-Drakken, +10 from Proficiency Points).
  • +10 Battle Command. (+10 from School of Feer Drakken).
  • +10 Short Shield. (+10 from Proficiency Points).
  • +5 Horse Riding. (+5 from Proficiency Points).

Total Culture Points: 35.
  • +10 Vocal Music. (+10 from Proficiency Points).
  • +10 Instrumental Music. (+10 from Proficiency Points).
  • +10 Dancing. (+10 from Proficiency Points).
  • +5 Smithing. (+5 from Proficiency Points).

  • Common: His mother tongue, taught to him by his parents when he was just a young child.
  • Alt-Anglian: Warrane learned this language during his time at the School of Feer-Drakken.

  • Warrane was originally sent to Regalia as a representative of his family, to affirm a strong position within the Holy City. His own occupation is that of sword fighting and as such he takes part in many tournaments. He had been in Regalia for only a year however, since 305 AC.
  • Born in Framlingham, New Ceardia, to Harald and Annalise Lécuyer. He grew up with his cousins, showing a talent for combat and the ability to project his voice.
  • Warrane wishes to one day find the love of his life, however hard it may be. His search has taken some time and has spanned most of his adult years, though he looks forwards to meeting the woman to win his heart in the future.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue.
  • Hair Color: Butter Blonde.
  • Hairstyle: Unkempt.
  • Skin Color: Pale, slightly tanned.
  • Clothing:
    • Loose fitting, suited for larger males.
    • During tournaments heavy plate armour is worn.
  • Height: 6'3.
  • Body Build: Strongman.
  • Weapon of Choice: Blacksteel Longsword - "Winter's Bite." & Short Shield.
  • Warrane retains a rather pretty face, hosting deep blue eyes and beautiful, unkempt butter blonde hair which is bunched up at the back of his head in a bun and retaining a singular braid to the right of his fringe. His chin presents a rather faded scar upon it that appears to resemble that of the slash mark of a knife.
  • Standing at 6'3 and showing off his broad and muscular shoulders that come along with his Feer-Drakken standards, Warrane is quite the image of perfection when it comes to muscle. Though he is slowed down by the build of a strongman, he is benefited in combat with his stronger and more efficient swings. His chest, arms and legs all contain horrific scars from past battles and are often questioned due to the shaping of some of them, some look rather inhumane and would likely have caused him much pain whilst others are simply blade slashes and stabs.
  • Sporting the colours of Burgundy, Gold and Royal Purple in each of his outfits, whether it be his rather baggy casual clothing or his Lécuyer Armour from the Fendarfelle town of Haute Venasque. He often carries upon him a blacksteel longsword at his side when outwith the city of Regalia and wears a few silver bracelets that contain engravings much alike tally marks.
  • Warrane's voice is religiously counted as a soft and sweet sound, adding to his proficiency in singing. However, if needs be, when he shouts it may sound to many that the heavens had opened up and a storm had set itself upon the people of Regalia. A powerhouse voice moulded by the very means of masculinity, he need no more than a shout to bring chaos amongst his peers.​


Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Warrane is seen as a kind, passionate man without a shred of anger in his person. On the outside he will appear as outgoing and caring as any man could be, spending most of his time with his family and never saying a word against anyone. Upon first meeting him, many would deem him as a rather down to earth sort of man. Those who hear of him would have a greater time trying to piece together a picture of the man in their minds, as most couldn't imagine a man with a braid to the right of his fringe.
  • Second Paragraph: Often seen as a calm and collected individual, his mind is riddled with worries and doubts, each about himself in both his physical or mental manner. Most of the time, when these insecurities are noticed, Warrane ends up trying to change the subject or simply taking himself away from the area before someone manages to whittle his confidence down. What he fears overall is simply that people don't see the real him, he has always taken pride in his looks and his skills upon the battlefield. This is why he refuses to remove his clothing in public, especially at public baths and he also refuses to fight with someone he'd deem stronger than himself, for fear that he'd be seen as weak by those about him. He is so insecure about his looks, that he constantly wears baggy clothing to be sure that everything is covered up and kept out of the public view.
  • Third Paragraph: Warrane acts as any good unionist would towards his family, considering them to be all he has in life. He treats them with as much respect as he can muster and often does the same with his friends as well, of course at times he can present himself as cheeky to the lot of them, in a sort of joking way in order to try and get some smiles and laughs out of them. In any case, his family see him as a loving and caring individual that plays rather an important role of keeping the families' combat proficiency at its peak, teaching the youth of his family all that he knows that they might continue on as he has done.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Warrane has always understood the Regalian Empire's laws, being a man fearful of losing his reputation as a lawful citizen. He constantly tries to follow the law wherever possible and holds high regard for those who uphold that law. In any case, he considers himself to be a man of neutrality, having never upheld the law within the Holy City, though never having broken it either. One of his many goals is to one day join the Regalian Guard and perhaps assist in the arrest and apprehension of dangerous criminals around the city.
  • Self Consciousness: Warrane has many anxieties nestled deep within his mind and they often play a big role in his day to day life as he tries to hide what flaws he believes he has, mostly trying to hide the fact that he retains heavy scarring upon his chest, arms and legs. This often plays a big role in how he acts around people, fearful of others seeing the scars of his past.
  • Harald Lécuyer: Warrane's father and mentor in past combat proficiency, he has always looked up to the man with such admiration that even today he follows his father's teachings and lives by the code that the man followed.
  • Annalise Lécuyer: Warrane's mother and a woman he looked up to with such admiration. He aspired to make her proud of him, through each of his feats. Unfortunately, she passed away when he was a child. With Warrane witnessing this tragic event.
  • Maynard Lécuyer: @Plutopup - Warrane's cousin and patriarch, though being older than his cousin, he does not argue the position that his cousin holds. After all, he never liked the thought of running a family. Out of all his family members, this is the man he aspires to please and tries to treat him with as much respect as possible.
  • Orville Lécuyer: @The_Mindorotaur - The younger brother of Maynard, Warrane resents the way this young man's mind works. Orville is seen as a burden through the eyes of his cousin, thinking of the boy as a freeloader and never paying him any mind unless it is required of him.
  • Addie Lécuyer: @Heaven_of_ash - The sister of Maynard and Orville, Warrane cares deeply for Addie as she is the only female family member he's ever gotten close to and he seems to go above and beyond to keep her safe at all times. Often he is seen writing letters home to Addie and telling her of his adventures in the Holy City.
  • Genevieve Peirgarten: @WildRoze - A love interest perhaps? Their meetings have been brief, though Warrane finds himself infatuated with Genevieve as much as he can be. The time he spends with her is cherished and above all he seeks to spend more time with her that he might get to know her better.
  • Ivette Celyreos: @_Owlet - A good friend of Warrane's and another possible love interest, though her patriarch rarely gives him the time of day. The time he spends with Ivette is cherished and he seeks to spend more time with her that they might grow closer over time.
  • Siselle Haagenvig: @AtticCat - A fond friend of his, though he scarcely sees her around the tavern he is always looking forwards to her company and to speaking with her when he gets the chance. He has a strong admiration for the woman, mostly for her ability to speak her mind and to not conceal herself with lies like many of the other nobles.


Life Story

Born in the countryside of Framlingham, in New Ceardia to Annalise and Harald Lécuyer during the chilly winter of 271AC, on December 10th, to be exact. He was born in a small home, not unliken a log cabin and within his first hours of life, it seemed with his family surrounding him that he was to be a cherished member of the family.


Upon reaching the age of five, due to his young age, he seemed to have mastered the Common tongue, as this was the perfect time to teach him. Children's minds being rather like putty and soaking up information like a sponge. He grew up a rather well-known boy by those living in Framlingham's beautiful countryside, simply because of his easily recognizable features.

At the age of seven, Warrane seemed to be able to lift a sword with reasonable ease, even if it was a simple and light training sword. His height made for a good advantage against the other children that practiced and he appeared to have a reasonable eye for aim and dodging capabilities.

At reaching the age of nine, Warrane witnessed his mother's passing. He learned from that moment on, just how cruel the world could be.

Progressing onwards to his tenth year of life, his body was slowly developing more defined muscle strength and he could easily be mistaken for a young teen instead of just the child he was. His proficiency only grew from there as he learned to properly wield a blade from this age onwards.

By the age of eleven, his father had hired a tutor to visit their estate in Framlingham to teach his son in the ways of Feer-Drakken blades mastery, the boy seeming to excel not only with a greatsword but with a longsword as well. This brought him to swap his braid from the left side of his fringe, a singular braid that had been moved to the right side of his fringe that showed he was a Lécuyer Swordsman, as traditional in his family.

Teen Years.

At the age of fifteen, Warrane seemed to have learned all he could under his tutor and left home for Anglia, to learn at the Feer-Drakken Academy in Magnamere. He quickly grew disliked there, as many of the other fighters tried to distort and damage his face with their chosen weapons. Being the pretty boy certainly didn't pay off in this situation.

As he grew more and more talented within the school, he slowly began to transition out of Magnamere and made his way across the Anglian countrysides in hopes of beginning to take part in tournaments and by the age of eighteen he had successfully made his mark upon many of the great Anglian cities as a man of reasonable talent.

No matter how far away from the academy he traveled, he always seemed to continue practicing as he'd been taught by the other Feer-Drakkeners within Magnamere. Continuing to boost his proficiency with his longsword rather than his greatsword, for the reasons that he considered the greatsword to be everything he stood against as a lawful citizen of the Regalian Empire.


He eventually returned home to Framlingham in his 22nd year of life, showing off his new skills amongst the fighters of the Lécuyer family and also showing off his strength to the his House Guard. Soon after, he opened a private Feer-Drakken school for those in the vicinity of his family's estate to train in.

Of course, by the age of twenty five, he seemed to have gained a large amount of popularity amongst his fellow members of society and left his private school in the capable hands of his father before going to move on and focus on his own training once again. Over this time, traveling the countryside of Fendarfelle in search of other tournaments that he might partake in. When he reached the age of thirty and returned home to see the progress of his private school, it seemed to be booming compared to the barren wasteland it once was, his father having excelled in advertising the business.

After his checkup on the school, he returned to Magnamere to resume training with the fighters at the academy and brought himself to begin teaching the newer students. It was at this moment that he realized that he would excel in teaching.


At the age of thirty four, he seemed to pick up his blade again after his cousin requested he travel to Regalia in order to make a splash in the current affairs of the city, he spent a year trying to impress upon the nobility and aristocrats of Regalia and seemingly he managed to do so, to an extent. He now remains in the city, awaiting the arrival of another family member or another set of orders from his cousin, even after his reports being sent home of their current standing in the Regalian society.
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Upon first meeting him, most view him as a man of spectacular beauty and the definition of masculinity all in one.
Rephrase this. As the way it is now is very powergamey. Beauty and masculinity are manners of opinion and perspective, of course.

Second Paragraph: Often seen as a calm and collected individual, his mind is riddled with worries and doubts, each about himself in either his physical or mental manner. Most of the time, when these insecurities are noticed, Warrane ends up trying to change the subject or simply taking himself away from the area before someone manages to whittle his confidence down. He often fears that people would view him as a strange man with little talent outside of swinging a sword, however he tries to cover that up with his grand knowledge of dances from across the Archipelago.
You don't say this, so it begs the question, doe these worries and doubts extend to his confidence in himself? In his skills as a warrior, perhaps? Or do they not?

having studied it as a boy and never having forgotten a single line from the original law handbooks.
It's difficult to allow you assigning this to your character without any proficiency points to represent it. I would likely remove this, and just harp on that he appreciates the law and finds it to be great the way it is. It's simply to avoid the notion of allowing your character to be as knowledgeable about laws as a trained judge would, for example, without any points in it at all.

Makes changed in purple and @ me when done.