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Needs Help/Review Waraven

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Jun 11, 2024
Reaction score

Heritage / Culture: Allar / Pelayaran-Allar

Age: 21

Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him

Core Concept
Shy Allar that works for (or Looking t0 work for) Perpustakaan Besar Still new to area learning way around. In his free time he enjoys brewing Alchemy and experimenting with different brew mixtures.

Appearance Information
Brown (fur) Allar with scales on chest, Head and Under-Tail of Red scales and Blue scales. 6FT tail (with looks to be cat ears???)
Medium build (190-200 Lbs.)

Attack and Defense Stat: ATK: Dexterity DEF: Wisdom

Hobbies and Talents: Alchemy Hobby


Constitution 2
Breather Pack
Thick Hide Pack

Wisdom 5
Chem Bolts Pack
Chem Revive Pack
Chem Bang Pack
Technique Parry Pack
Chem Purge Pack

Dexterity 5
Fleet Footed Pack
Soft Landing Pack
Sharp Reflexes Pack
Dirty Fighter Pack
Escape Artist Pack

Magic 2
Magic Snare Pack
Magic Warp Pack

FREE Packs: Allar Race
Oceanic Pack
Diving Tackle Pack

Pidato (Indonesian)

Life Story: Had a knack for Alchemy since little always getting into trouble by mixing bad chemicals together. Could always be found in the wood parts of swamps collecting Herbs and
visiting a Hag of the name Surya who also showed Waraven the way of magic that he use to enhance and add to his Alchemy. On the shy side since was always picked on and bulled since he
looked like he had Asha traits (having fur where scales should be and cat ears).
Hi! Welcome to the server!

Here's my peer review:

Please specify which planar alignment Waraven's Magic belongs to. If you're not sure what this means or need help choosing, you'll find information here!

showed Waraven the way of magic

Please keep in mind that while this is acceptable, Waraven would be made an outcast as far as Allar society is concerned and may have a harder time interacting with other Allar in Regalia on friendly terms. Specifically, they'd become a Paria Caste Allar, the lowest rung of Allar society, where most would be afraid to even touch him. Perhaps they left their homeland for this specific reason?

(having fur where scales should be and cat ears).

Please elaborate upon why Waraven has these terrestrial mammalian features. In-lore, Allar are limited to either reptilian, amphibian, fish, or aquatic mammalian (dolphin, whale, etc) appearances. I have a couple of suggestions:
  • Magical Mutations: In Aloria, Magic can cause mutations in people and animals, thus making them occult depending on what kind of Essence has affected them (Void, Ordial, or Exist, almost never Primal/Draconic).
  • Alchemical: Alchemy can have a very wide range of affects, including altering the appearance of people and animals. If you go down this route though, there's less room for whimsy (having actually functioning cat ears that move, for example).