War Mate?

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The Great Party Leader Of Grimsbane
Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
So my forum account got banned for the followng reason: "A complete and utter scumbag". Ban this account aswell. And war is on :), you will have no forum for a month. A lot of admins will loose accounts. And yes. this is a threat. I will DOX every single admin. (google dox if you are homosexual and dont know the meaning). So lets see what actions is going to be taken. I gave you the terms. The choise is yours :). If i feel like it. I will be a scumbag. And your server will fall. I nicked a few accounts from the community as a warning. Next will be the staff.
For those who are downys im TwoTen :). Expect me
Seems like someone is fkin spastic xD.
One does not simply declare war on the Massivecraft and get away with it.

...Also you should google up DOX if you just don't know it, cause (Surprise) being homosexual doesn't actually mean your uncultured about a already kinda vague computer hacking term.

Have a day full of avenging Massivecrafters getting pissed off at you, and good luck surviving with your sanity:
Since you will undoubtedly look at this thread after I ban your account, here is what we have to say:

  1. MassiveCraft does not negotiate with terrorists, and we are not afraid of you.
  2. Dear Albin Cronwik, i will contact the Ängelholm police department if you continue down this path. You are violating Swedish law by threatening a Denial of Service attack on our services, regardless of whether the attack has actually taken place yet.
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