Archived War Declaration - Idea To Remove Imbalance

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Aug 31, 2013
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As the situation stands now, I believe the war declaration system is unbalanced.
here is what I mean.
The faction declaring war has no cost involved, but the one having war declared on them does with the tribute.
in fact there is no incentive for the one declaring war to get it over with, ever.
I suggest this sets up an extortion of sorts towards the one not declaring war.
It would be fair if over an extended time the faction declaring war would have an ever increasing cost up to the tribute amount. say if a faction declares war for 2 months they have to pay 1/4 tribute if 3 months 1/2 tribute and if 4 months full tribute.

just saying :)
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I don't think this is totally true, if the defending faction pulls their weight and fights off the attacking faction well enough, there may be plenty of incentive for the attackers to give up. This isn't to say they will, but if they're losing, that's their problem. Adding a monetary value to declaring war doesn't make much sense to me, because every time you die in Pvp, some of your armor breaks, or even use a ton of potions, those are resources and essentially money being thrown at and spent on the war. Tribute is only an option for ending the war and not mandatory, and until it ends, the war has a cost for both sides. Unless I'm not correctly understanding what your post is about...
the problem is the person declaring war has no incentive to end it. and the only way for the defending faction to end it is to fight them till they recant. what if you are a peace full faction and do not wish to fight. you can be pestered eternally by the other faction. unless you pay tribute. hence the problem. when no war is declared there is a reasonable limit to the raiding. to get around that and hound a faction till they pay all you have to do is declare war.
Just gonna bump this and say that I agree that there should be some kind of measure to ensure that there is some kind of obligation on part of the declaring group to remain active within the war, and that if this does not happen, that the declaring faction has to provide some kind of tribute for the false war that they created. Personally, I don't mind a war in which the attacking faction actually goes to raid, but when they declare then do nothing, I have a problem with that. I would go as far as to say that the consequence for creating such a false war should be at least twice what they were demanding of the defending faction.
But either way, I do agree that there should be some kind of consequence for war duration, encouraging the attacking party to actually make an effort to finish what they started.
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