Archived War Declaration Addition

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
So what I am proposing is a fix to stalemate wars, where both sides are too stubborn to give up, and both insist they are winning. This would be OPTIONAL, AND BOTH SIDES WOULD HAVE TO AGREE. Both sides could agree, in the war declaration thread, for example to have a race, almost to a set number of kills. Minimum of 100, max of 1000. (These could be changed) Once the faction gets to this certain number of kills then the other side would have to surrender and there would be a winner crowned. ONCE AGAIN, THIS IS OPTIONAL AND BOTH SIDES WOULD HAVE TO AGREE IN THE WAR DECLARATION.

  • Any Forms of abusing this could result in a ban, jail time, or immediate loss to the "cheating side" This would include alting to get kills, or posting fake kills.
  • Kills would be posted as screen shots with time and dates, and possibly every once in a while checked on.
  • Both sides would have to agree to the terms.
  • Would help to end stalemate wars where both sides are stubborn.
  • Would prevent flame. (Annoying PvPers such as myself have a place to go post their kills where the whole wide world can see, instead of general chat).
  • There is no real reason why not to implement this, the reason we can't do it on our own is because there would be no real order to it.

If you disagree, please state why. Also add in comments and suggestions for this.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Yeah i agree with that i've been at war with Deldrimor god knows how long but i don't think it should be kills, because they can lie, I think that a goal would be heads, like at least idk 25 from other faction, since most wars that end up stalemating have premiums, the stronger fac will end up winning with proof.
Yeah i agree with that i've been at war with Deldrimor god knows how long but i don't think it should be kills, because they can lie, I think that a goal would be heads, like at least idk 25 from other faction, since most wars that end up stalemating have premiums, the stronger fac will end up winning with proof.
My faction was non-prem for the vast majority of its existence. For factions with no prems, or no prems that pvp, you system would simply ensure that there would be no possible way for them to win.
My faction was non-prem for the vast majority of its existence. For factions with no prems, or no prems that pvp, you system would simply ensure that there would be no possible way for them to win.
You can choose to put this, it's optional. Thus you reaction makes no sense
Yeah i agree with that i've been at war with Deldrimor god knows how long but i don't think it should be kills, because they can lie, I think that a goal would be heads, like at least idk 25 from other faction, since most wars that end up stalemating have premiums, the stronger fac will end up winning with proof.
T: buying Magnanimus heads. Only problem with that idea
This is very much a "hacky" (as in not being done as best as it can be) way to do this. I think we should wait on a tech implementation. Maybe some day a war addition to the Factions plugin will come along, and wars can actually be declared in game with an interface rather than just on the forums.
I think one term for a war ending should be if the Offensive side goes a certain amount of time without raiding you they forfeit their war and the defending side wins. There are a few war decs against my faction and the factions haven't raided us in over a month. In my eyes that means they gave up and we win.
This is very much a "hacky" (as in not being done as best as it can be) way to do this. I think we should wait on a tech implementation. Maybe some day a war addition to the Factions plugin will come along, and wars can actually be declared in game with an interface rather than just on the forums.
Technical ways aren't fair, you could just 24/7 raid factions and they would have to surrender one by one. I mean this wouldn't allow any little factions to grow larger.
If the community puts effort in certain points that don't need to be coded: Less lag and a more united community.