Archived War Confusion

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Ok so I have been trying to get a more active faction and be up their with the big dogs so I have been doing PVP and I noticed how hard it is to distinguish friend and foe sometimes.

I think it would be a good idea to label allies , neutral's and enemies.

Well prems have green names and I do not think that it would be cool to change thier color names.

So my suggestion would be to have a separate indicator you could toggle with a command that would hover over players heads.

of course you should be able to see this through walls as well unless the person is sneaking.
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We actually had this once, along with faction name and title, I wonder what happened to it though
Supported, but the idea itself needs slightly more work.
This would be useful for pvp, but... only to a point. Part of pvp is being able to follow you enemies, right? If not than sure, throw this in as one of the pvp-centered ideas.
yeah perhaps throwing capes back into the game we could wear our banners on our backs.
Those were the days of Spoutcraft. I remember those :)
Yeah, that was spout only wasn't it? I wonder if there is a similar mod that is downloadable to show it in the same way? Or if one could be created to connect to the factions plugin since I think stuff like that must be client side
Yeah, that was spout only wasn't it? I wonder if there is a similar mod that is downloadable to show it in the same way? Or if one could be created to connect to the factions plugin since I think stuff like that must be client side

That would be cool if there was a new mod for it. I don't know how it would work without a plugin like Spout, but Cayorion could do it I bet :P

Maybe you could use /scoreboard with the factions plugin to change the color of their MCMMO skill to White, Green or Red depending on faction standing. I am sure it could be done, but would be a huge pain in the *** to code, so while the idea is nice, coding that would take up to much time for such a small benefit. I'm afraid I cannot support this, as /scoreboard by itself is a pain to use, coding Factions to make use of it would be even more of a pain.
That would be cool if there was a new mod for it. I don't know how it would work without a plugin like Spout, but Cayorion could do it I bet :P
The plugin spout used must have been linked to factions in some way, if Cayorion manages to locate this plugin/mod he will surely be able to bring it up to date and release it as an optional factions add-on (if he has the time of course) :P
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