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War At Sea: Out Now!


SalemSlot Owner
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score



[!] The Regalian Navy stationed in the Lusits Golf circa 306AC. [!]

To those who may be of interest,

War at Sea is now out in all public and private libraries around the Crown City.
What is War at Sea? War at Sea is a short manual book written in 310 AC with the purpose of offering an insight on the expectancies of admirals, captains of commission, maritime commanders, sailors and naval marines, when serving under the Imperial Regalian Navy.
Interested in enlisting? Serve in the Navy? Just want a good read? Get yours now!

Costs only One-Regal to acquire a copy.
Every Regal is to be donated to the Military Academy.

Long Live the Empire,
Yngvarr Viduggla.


OOC Disclaimer:

This book is no longer available! Thanks to those who read it!
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A celate sends in 500r with a note on it saying (donate the 499r directly)

"Ah, at last something to write a treatise about perhaps. Thank Juvin," Atum says taking a seat and awaiting his courier to retrieve a copy.
The Duke of Saint-Lys would send a whopping 5,000 regals with a note attached

"A well written read, thank you"