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Played Character Wangari Iroko - The Swamp Bruiser

This character is actively played.


Jul 18, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Wangari Iroko

  • Heritage / Culture: Asha / Yoruba

  • Age: 524 /Human years 24

  • Gender / Pronouns: They/Them

  • Religion: Baskarr

  • Occult:

  • Character Occupation: Works as a freelance carpenter/woodworker while also being a mercenary
Appearance Information:

  • Eye Color: Burnt Gold

  • Skin Color: Dark Brown

  • Hair: Light Light Orange/ Light Green Split

  • Height: 5'11

  • Body Type: Broad shoulders and hips, longer legs but stocky and muscular

  • Additional Features: Horns pointing towards the back of the head, ears and a small tail, long teeth like an oni with claws and lots of scars from fighting.
Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:

  • Wood carving is a hobby and talent of Wangari's since they were taught it by their mother from a young age and have used it as a calming mechanism<also easy jobs!>

  • Love to swim and hang around swamps having grown up near them and it being a massive part of their culture

  • Pretty good at hand-to-hand combat even un-shifted

  • {Strength} Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind.

  • {Actions} Attack, Cast a spell, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Grapple, Help, Hide, Improvise, Ready, Search, Shove, Use an Object

  • {Wisdom} Wild Shape, Animal Handling

Backstory/Plothooks: In progress

  • Is half-Asha but taught well and is very Intune with the history and people
  • Is so lawfully neutral they'll accidentally piss people off since they don't want to cause harm unless needed, like making jokes about anyone and everyone even if it might not land the best (lemme know if I'm acting to sarcastic please)

  • Uses humor and wood carving to stay neutral, feeling too much of stress and anger can cause them to shift more and slowly grow clouded.

  • They've been a Brawl Marken for years now and usually stay in a Quarter-Marken form 24/7

  • Few things piss them off enough to go full Marken, typically only using it in deep need or serious mercenary work

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Strength 5

Defense Stat: Constitution 4

[14/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 5

    • [Super athletic and can take a punch]
  • Constitution: 4

    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 1

    • [A historical nerd loves all knowledge and collects more while on missions]
  • Wisdom: 3

    • [Animal handling comes easy since they can read the animals hailing from the earth]
  • Dexterity: 0

    • [Ability Name]
  • Faith: 0

    • [Mold Earth] Can mold 5x5 bits of earth to be thrown, sat on or whatever else as long as it's from the ground.
  • Magic: 2

    • [Pass without trace] Helps them with their missions on the regular