Preserved Sheet Walthur Drake

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Life Story
Walthur Erich Drake was born on March 15th, 274 AC to his parents Nathaniel and Anne Drake. The sole child of the two, the child was born in the harbor quarter of the Regalian Crown Isle, living in a small one room shanty alongside many other lower class dock workers and sailors. His father worked as a fisherman and dock worker, making enough to just barely scrape by, while his mother kept to the home, making new fishing nets for her husband and going to the local markets for a few basic necessities.

Growing up was about as rough as expected for a harbor rat like Wlathur. While his father went of in the early morning to fish, the child would remain with his mother until he grew old enough to venture around the harbor. There he met many other children of similar status, creating a small ragtag band of misfits that would steal from merchant stalls and generally cause a nuisance. More times than not the group would be caught, leading to many escapes, of clubs from the Violet Order patrols. Still, life was rough, and as time passed the boy would begin to learn his father's trade.

One fateful day around the age of 14, Walthur attempted to pickpocket a Calderligan navigator, one who would prove to be a very perceptive individual. Doing much of his business in Daenshore, the merchant was more displeased about Walthur getting caught than being robbed, and so figured that if the boy was going to be a petty thief, he should at least learn how to deal in proper thievery. After some minor discussions, Walthur entered under an apprenticeship to the merchant, who went by the name of Heinrich. For the next several years, Walthur would work under the man, learning navigation as a primary trade, while being trained in underhanded tactics by the crewmen and trade contacts he would meet.

Walthur's career ultimately revolved around doing rum running between Silverwind and Daenshore, though ultimately he found the navigation work to be far more enjoyable. After a decade under Heinrich, Walthur went his own way, opening up a navigation shop in the city and getting involved in the local guilds, encountering the Duke of Narlas during this work. He would frequently work with the duke over the next few years, before the Lo Occupation led the men down separate paths. After Lo, Walthur would return to rum running, this time settling on the Pack Isle near the Crown Isle to blend in with the local trading officers and thus avoiding the Imperial Fleet's anti-smuggling enforcement by hiding in plain sight. During the Anglian Misery, Walthur again encountered the Duke of Narlas, and he provided some insights and aid during the crisis.

Today, with the Anglian Misery no more, Walthur frequents various ports, not staying too long in one place, preferring the open seas to the regulations of society. While still a navigator by trade, over the many years of various contacts, Walthur has become a competent petty thief, which he utilizes to assist those who gain his trust.
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Edited basic info and story to fit into Roleplay experiences
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@FireFan96 Thank you for your patience.

As far as I can tell, there are no glaring lore inconsistencies or drastic grammatical errors in this application. However, I implore that you expand upon the "Visual Appearance" and "Head Description" section, as both are fairly bleak.

Gave a little more bulk to the Visual Appearance and Head Description. Should look a lot better now.

tiny changes:
  • swapped Nathaniel and Heinrich around to reflect House Drache being implemented. Having a full blooded Alt-Regalian named Nathaniel made no logical sense.
  • edited relations to factor in House Drache a bit more.
Nothing else changed, so I don't believe a re-review would be needed. Just wanted to make these changes to make things flow better family-wise.
With the School of Astronomy released this entire app is going to be rewritten from the ground up. I may have Walthur on the shelf, but I'd like to have a commoner character to pop into should the need arise again.
requesting re-review of the entire app. almost everything has been rewritten.
I have reviewed the application and ultimately my issues with the application are specific to personal preference. The application is approved.
@HydraLana I got bored and decided that with the proficiency update, I should give this app another shot. I believe everything is up to date, but feel free to comb it over with any nitpicky details, since the last time I edited it was when Way of Tides still existed.
I have only one point of review: What school did he go into, please detail this out in the Proficiency Points because you only have "School".

Tag me once this has been done @FireFan96
@HydraLana added Captaincy. Also moved 10 points from naval command to astronomy because it fit the character better as a navigator by trade.
@HydraLana I aged Walthur down given I was playing the character younger than I had him written. Rearranged proficiency and gave him Syndicate Contacts to fit a seedier niche that I've been going for. I also tweaked the life story, adding on a few points of recent events and removing mentions of House Drache, feeling it to be self-inserty and not fitting of the character narrative.
@HydraLana I think I updated correctly. Only thing I have doubts about is Sinewy as a body build. It's an awkward hybrid between lanky and athletic, so I don't know if that's fine to have.
My Review:
  • Please remove the second statement of Body Build as it is no longer part of the Character Application format.
Tag me once the edits are done @FireFan96
Seen as you're about on the forums would you add the approved tag back? Never got changed back when you approved. @HydraLana
Updated to recent proficiency. Also added on a few tidbits to life story about current events.
Updated to recent proficiency. Also added on a few tidbits to life story about current events.
I will accept the rather interesting rendering of the character's information, but I will mention that your LS is over by 23 words. For now, I'm approving the application but next edit to the app, you need to bring that number down to 900 or below.
I will accept the rather interesting rendering of the character's information, but I will mention that your LS is over by 23 words. For now, I'm approving the application but next edit to the app, you need to bring that number down to 900 or below.
I'll look into updating in in the next few days since it is long overdue.
@HydraLana updated the life story to remove the silly bullet points. Nothing really changed, but I changed it a re-review since it is 50% of the app redo.
Remains approved.