Walnut's Writing Desk [open]


Lesbian Worst Enemy
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
Deep, Dark Forest of Eastern PA

"Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another."
-Lemony Snicket
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune… Wait no, that's not how it goes. I get my quotes mixed up quite a bit, pardon me on that.

Anywho, hi, my names Walnut, Walnoodle, or Noodle, whatever you know me by, you'll probably know that I love to write. And by love, I mean I try to consume the written word on a daily basis, even if it's mostly fiction. However, that's truly beside the point, which is that not everyone shares my love and talent to write. Taking a note from many other shops I've seen on here as well as the advising of friends and acquaintances who have read my work, I'll be opening up a shop!

Now you must be asking yourself, "Walnut, what sort of services will you be offering here?"

Well, I'm glad you asked dear reader! Onto my services!



Character Apps:

✧ Character applications, ah, how many dread these terrifying written monsters who aren't actually lurking beneath your bed or in your closet. But rather they live within the blinking line of the cursor on the blank empty Google doc you have open. Worry not, though Reader! For I, Walnut, am here to help you defeat the mighty monster that is writer's block and get you that beautiful notification and bright green tag that says your character app has been approved.

How it works:

✧We will work on it together, one on one in either a Discord voice chat or messaging, whichever is easier for you. We'll go over the ideas you have already or toss the idea back and forth and then I'll begin writing. You'll be given the doc and can watch as I work. Feel free to ask me to change anything, add things, remove things so on and so forth.

Unless otherwise specified, the character app will only be what is required to get it approved. If you wish for further, please read below.

✧Add-ons: This includes aesthetics and expansions. These are not necessary to get your app approved, but just make things more interesting and appealing to the eye.

Lore Stories and Stories in General:

✧Everyone enjoys a good story now and again, especially ones that further develop characters. This service is quite self-explanatory. These stories do not have to be Massive related, I am very flexible.

How it works:

✧ Similarly to character apps, we'll discuss via discord VC or messages of the general plotline of the story you wish for me to write and I'll get to work. Depending upon the length of the story, the price may increase, this will be discussed.


Examples of My Work:


(All of the above, save for Valentina's Aesthetics we're done by me.)

Lore Stories:

Non-Massive Related Work:

Folder of other works

Terms of Service:


✧ Discuss adjustments of pricing and setting up payment plans if need be.

✧ Take alternative payments such as art, poems, etc.

✧ Retain protection over the product that I produce. (Mostly has to do with lore stories.)

✧ Raise you to a higher point on the priority list if you increase your bribe.

✧ Not take your commission if I find that it doesn't interest me

✧ Write NSFW. Frankly I don't have faith in my own writing to do so, sorry.

✧ Not gonna ask for payment until your commission is finished.



Basic Application: $5 or 500 regals

Each additional Addon: $1 or 50 to 100 regals

Lore Stories/Stories: (Prices suspect to discussion in DM's)

Short: $5 or 500 regals

Medium: $10 or 750 regals

Long: $15 or 1,000 regals


Application Forum:

IGN Name and Forums Name:

Discord: (Can send in them DM's)

Request: (What are you asking for)

Payment: (Regals, IRL money, Art)

Bribe: (How much are you willing to bribe me to raise your commission in the list?)

Song: (Give me a song that you like right now)

Notes: (Anything else you want me to know)
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IGN Name and Forums Name: JokerLupus/JokerLupus

Discord: You got me already <3

Request: Lore story

Payment: Regals

Bribe: 100r and hugs!


Notes: It'll likely be a fun little story about my character's family and another's. I'll detail on Discord :D