Preserved Sheet Väosirë Nacaïlë

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Lizard and Chill
May 31, 2018
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SE Canada/NE USA
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Digmaan Yaotl
Basic Information:

  • Full Name: Väosirë Decimar Nacäilë
  • Age: 67
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Sihndar
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Khoptar Name: Vuuthrîn
Skill Information:

  • Proficiency Points: 50 (60-10)
  • Proficiency Skills:
  • +30 Blades Combat Skill (+10 Racial, +20 Proficiency)
  • +20 Athletics Training (+20 Proficiency)
  • +10 Magical Knowledge (+10 Racial) (Sanguinology, Arkenism)
  • +5 Nature Care Knowledge (+5 Proficiency)
  • +5 Perception Training (+5 Proficiency)
  • Physical Stat: 30 + (10x2) = 50
  • Body Shape: Ripped
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Sihndar Dialect (Native Tongue)
  • Common (Learned in travels)
  • Magical Abilities: Tainted by the Archon of Destruction (Shape Reflection), Vampirism (Zikiel Bloodline):
  • Zikiel Bloodline Base
  • Arcana Vampirica
  • Bending Arcana
  • Ward Staving
  • Mutating Birth
  • Mind Wall
Visual Information:
  • Eye Color: Olive
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Loose, shoulder-length, kind of wild
  • Skin Color: Dusky, dark purple
  • Clothing: A Xaloay outfit, a thin tunic, and a lightweight traveling cloak above it all, in order to keep warm
  • Height: 5' 11"
Personality and Abilities:

Paragraph 1 (Perceived by others): The first thing noticeable about Väo is how outgoing and energetic he can be at times, and how cynical and cold he can be at others. Like the tide, his personality is always ebbing and flowing, shifting to whatever befits the situation. He tries his best to be charitable whenever possible, despite what little he himself has beyond the clothes on his back, the coins in his purse, and the blade at his side, yet to mages and Silven (except for those who have earned status and as such, earned his temporary favor) he holds a vehement and in no part subtle hatred towards. If anything, Väo lacks subtlety in many parts, and is quick to say the first words that come to mind for a situation, swear, and make sure people recognize him in a conversation, as a result of his taint. People's view of Väo can very easily differ depending on who they are, and how they first meet the Sihndar. To other Sihndar, Väo is a lesser being, and their almost superior attitude often leads him to anger towards them.

Paragraph 2 (Inner Feelings): Väo harbors similar views of the world with the rest of the Sihndar. He holds a deep hatred for mages and Silven, and makes it his goal to kill every vampire he meets, unless a common goal between them is shared. Unlike other Sihndar, Väo isn't entirely against working with aberrants, so long as they both share the same goal, and the aberrant plays nice. This too is an effect from the Taint he was born with, which leads to another effect on him: he often finds himself inferior. While he believes he is the only one strong enough to stand up and isn't afraid to take risks, he isn't perfect, and he is often easily hurt by being treat lesser than by people of his own breed. It isn't an extreme issue, but it is one that can often come up for him, and definitely hurts him.

Paragraph 3 (Friends and Family): Family and friends to Väo mean more than anything else. He cherishes his brother and his parents, and he writes letters back to them almost every moment he can. When it comes to friends, he treats each one as though it will be the last time seeing them, which can often lead to slightly awkward situations due to Väo being slightly immature and often a romantic dreamer. He is always afraid and anxious about his friends and family, and he is incredibly protective of non-Sihndar friends he makes, often to a fault. When in the presence of those he holds close, his cold attitude becomes more highlighted towards aberrants, and his urge to help others when possible too heightens.

Paragraph 4 (Morality): Väo's main purpose is to rid the world of the aberrants that wrongly live in it. He understands that there are some good Silven and mages out there, and so while he is hateful to them, he doesn't raise arms against them unless he is given good reason to. On the other hand, he is very quick to raise arms against vampires, demons, or anything else of that stock, even if he is occasionally willing to work with them in order to achieve a common goal. He doesn't believe himself to be any hero or any good guy, rather just doing what any Sihndar would do. It's this mindset that often makes him self-doubtful, and not afraid to go against the status quo or be the one to make a tough choice.
Life Story:

Väosirë Nacäilë was born on the continent of Drowda to a small village, the second born of two fine Xasters (Celyn Daevaar Necäilë, and Cyriûn Nacäilë). In his youth, Väosirë quickly showed signs of the taint, budding ram-like horns by the age of five, and showing a sense of boldness that his brother, Agïureë, lacked. Yet, both children managed to grow up healthy and strong, and quickly grew used to not having their parents around, even if they were always afraid when they went away.

Väosirë, from an early age, harbored a great sense of perception, and was always a careful eye, able to notice the smallest of details. While his brother was better at forging weapons and spent more of his earlier years honing the blade, Väosirë spent a large portion of time honing his perception, and also working on taming wild animals and learning himself in the dangerous and wonderful plants of Drowda. However, as Väosirë reached the age of twenty, he started to take the studying of weapons more seriously, and tutored under the hand of his brother, who was already a master of his sword.

The years leading up to Väosirë's adulthood and his training to become a Xaster were rough, as he was wholly susceptible to the words of others, which often drug him down. Adding to the fact that he didn't have as much training as the others, and it was a hard ten years, before he was finally able to accept his Khoptar with honor. However, while he did inherit the traditional Xalaoy garb of a Xaster, Väo never officially took the title, instead leaving Drowda to wander, and try to find people to help his people survive in the bitter wastes of the tainted northern continent.

The next several years saw Väosirë adventuring as a mercenary, offering his blade to fight against aberrants, and making many a tale for himself. He continued to wander, always writing to his parents, and always holding everybody he met in his heart, until he arrived, by coincidence, to the city of Regalia. Learning of the city's hatred towards vampires, and their distrust of most mages and aberrants, the Sihndar felt his opportunity, and settled down in the city, writing many letters about it back home, to his people.

Around age 61, Väosirë finally came into contact with his previously little-known cousin, Connor. Another Destruction-tainted like him, Väo joined his cousin, quickly learning the power of what it means to fight fire with fire - to be a vampire and use those powers against other vampires. Not long after he had been training and fighting with his kin, he requested to take up the curse that the other Sihndar had, as well as taking the "Decimar" name as his middle name. It was ten excruciating days later that Väo became a vampire of the Zikiel bloodline, sharing many of the same mutations as his cousin, but differing in a few.

To this day, Väosirë is a mercenary blade-for-hire, who spends his free time out in the wild, his nose stuck in a book of magic, or exercising mercilessly. Having gotten a blade permit, the Sihndar carries his Khoptar, Vuuthrîn, with pride, and often tries to search out Vampire covens to alert to the guards, or lone vampires for his own blade and skills to fell.
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