Preserved Sheet Vyncent Christian Matthews

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Irresponsible Father
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
the Ocean
Roleplay Guilds
Regalian Weasleys


  • Vyncent Christian Matthews is a thirty-six year old male human of Ceardian descent.

  • Gregory and Sarah Matthews gave birth to a healthy baby boy in the western mountains of Daendroc. His father is deceased, Vynce having ended him by his own hand. Sarah had passed away some time ago at the age of thirty-seven. Vynce has no siblings.

  • After his wife died, he procured some land in Fenderfell, once belonging to his brother and sister in-law, where he offers others in the area his skills regarding farmland and animals-- he focuses mainly on horse breaking and breeding. Currently, he and his nephew are staying where they're able now that they've returned to Regalia, spending a great deal of time in the tavern.

  • Not a man of politics, Vynce merely wants to make some extra coin in Regalia, hoping to seek out those that may need his talent-- whether it be manual labor or marksmanship. He is somewhat recently widowed and refuses to burden himself with romantic relationships. Ultimately, he would like to save up enough to rent a home and provide for his nephew, Ira.

Body Description

  • Vynce stands at a mere 5' 10" and weighs in at around 175 pounds. The stocky man sports a rather medium frame, obviously healthy, and houses a softly defined musculature. He possesses a wide chest, a fairly long torso with traces of abdominal muscle beneath the skin, and well-built legs, complete with noticeably larger calves. Despite his relatively athletic figure, he suffers from rare, but acute back pain due to his effort put forth as a farmhand; however, it is not quite as significant as the hinderance his left shoulder offers. His collarbone had never healed properly and the muscle and flesh around the injury is still ghastly, even after being treated. He is unable to raise his left arm above his head.

  • Mostly attributed to his days in the sun, slaving over untilled patches of land, Vynce has a slightly darker skin tone than what is considered typical; however, it isn't a stark contrast with those living in Regalia. As if to compensate for his deep skin, there are various, light, jagged scars that are scattered all along his body, the most notable being his facial imperfections-- such as the three claw marks running down the left side of his cheek to his chin. In addition to his scathed skin, he also wears an intricate tattoo of a rattlesnake that coils about his right forearm, and, to mar his form even further, there's a long, diagonal gash that runs through the words embedded in the reptile's scales.

  • Vynce has a decent amount of body hair, though there isn't an extraordinary amount. There is a light dusting along his chest near the center of his collarbone, a small trail that leads down his stomach and to his lower abdomen. His arms and legs are cloaked in dark brown hair.
Head Description
  • Vynce's jawline is highly prominent, harboring incredibly sharp angles, and would most likely be described as square-shaped. He has a pair of strong cheekbones, but they aren't exceptionally dominant. His chin is fairly long, appearing rather wide and flat, and maintains the same keen corners as the rear edging of his jaw. Vynce's nose is relatively small and narrow, though is an average length both frontally and from a profile view; the bridge takes on a triangular shape, tapering off upward from the sides of his nostrils, and the underside of his septum angles up vaguely to the rounded tip of his nose. His lips are also a typical width and look to be rather thin, though they are always shadowed by his unruly stubble. There are various wrinkles upon his facade, creases running along the edges of his mouth, fanning out from the upper contours of his nostrils' cartilage, and at the center edges of his low-hanging, thick eyebrows. Beneath his browline rests a pair of honey-brown irises while his lids frame them in an almond-shaped fashion-- his eyes positioned in an equal distance from his nose and temples. His stare seems to take on an ever-present, squinted expression, as if he is constantly skeptical. He has beige-colored, somewhat crooked teeth, yet their imperfection isn't wholly distracting for he rarely parts his lips to smile.

  • As stated before, his eyes are of a liquid amber tone, but they favor a more yellow-brown hue, rather than an orange tint. Despite the cheery, bright color, his gaze is almost always narrowed in a glare.

  • Vynce's face is veiled by a rather thick beard, concealing most of his jaw with the exception of the various areas where the hair follicles have been severely damaged by scarring, and, in turn, fail to grow any scruff. His hairline is somewhat high, adopting the shape of a square in reflection of his angular jawline. He sports an entirely shaved dome, cropped close to his skin. The only hair on his head is his brows and his beard.

  • Vynce wears two studs in each ear, both being of a darker metal, but what visual interest he lacks in facial jewelry, he makes up for in scarring. A long, thin crevice creeps up the left side of his face, beginning at the center of his chin-- parting his lips shallowly-- and rounds the curve of his cheekbone. Two more run parallel with the first, though they aren't as long as the center scar. He is minus one, left upper bicuspid.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Vynce tends to wear practical clothing, often leaving the chest open and visible due to being accustomed to cooler weather. He is often spotted in neutral colors with browns typically dominating his appearance. His ensembles normally consist of leather and lightweight fabrics. Nothing about him looks regal due to the absurd amount of dirt scattered about his figure. He appears to like ponchos.

  • He had been happily wed to a woman named Elizabeth Nightly; however, their relationship did not endure. The two of them agreed to a mutual separation, and during the deciding hour, Eliza bestowed upon him her amethyst necklace, as if a friendly reminder of their time spent together. He is never seen without it, despite the short length of the chain. It has a choker-like appearance because of his exceptionally thick neck.

Personality Traits
  • Courageous: Vynce has hardly ever felt intimidated in any manner. His confidence is seemingly boundless, matching his considerable skill; therefore, he is rightfully entitled to fear next to nothing. If overcome by a sensation of panic, he conceals it through impulsive action.

  • Cynical: Due to his life history, Vynce possesses a great deal of mistrust. His scrutinizing eyes have undoubtedly kept him alive to this point and he isn't one to deviate from old habits. He is ever vigilant, no matter where he is, be it in the company of a harmless child or a bloodthirsty vampire.

  • Sarcastic: Though brought up with severe lack of education, he managed to teach himself how to read and write. Since then, he has familiarized himself with a vast spread of words that he utilizes in everyday speech. He has no problem belittling others if he feels they deserve it.

  • Strong-Willed: Mostly because of his soaring level of self-assurance, Vynce is a very stubborn man that finds it difficult to take orders. He has a great distaste for men of the law, so he usually avoids them any way he is able. If confronted by those of higher power, the combination of his sharp tongue and thirsty knuckles always lead to his downfall-- not to mention an evening or two behind bars.

  • Steadfast: Through the years, Vynce has acquired a rather impressive skill set and these said strengths have aided in keeping him from significant harm. While confident, he is far from arrogant-- he knows of his abilities, but doesn't flaunt them. Vynce may take a moment to weigh the parts to a situation, but once he makes a decision, he acts upon it immediately. He is not afraid to cut others down if it means he (or a friend) will live to see another day.

  • Apathetic: Vynce tends to come across as cold and unfeeling; however, he has merely distanced himself from emotions. The act of passing on kindness has only brought about pain for the quiet man, and henceforth, he tries to stray away from revealing his understanding nature. Though he doesn't overtly express compassion in a consistent manner, it does not mean that he is incapable of being sympathetic.

  • Malleable: When he opens up to others, they learn of his inner thoughts, and by default, his weaknesses. Some may even attempt to use the acquired information to bend Vynce to do their bidding. He is easily swayed by threats toward his friends and family, typically resulting in reckless behavior. Additionally, he cannot bring himself to physically harm a woman.

  • Solitary: After his mother's death, Vynce has preferred the company of only himself, but will interact with others if in the environment to do so. He is acclimatized to being quite alone, due to his constant tracking (be it a bounty or an animal), and, more often than not, chooses to remain isolated from those around him.
  • Vynce enjoys liquor to an extent that may be considered a 'like', though he has good enough sense in him to know when it is and when it isn't a proper time to drink. He isn't above getting plastered.

  • After being reared around horses, Vynce has grown quite attached to all equestrians and finds it almost effortless to tame even the wildest of mustangs. When he isn't occupied by his normal duties, he often rides for leisure.

  • Much like any man, Vynce takes pleasure in tracking down targets-- be it man or beast. His aim with the crossbow is exceptional and his intuition is frequently spot-on; with both skills, he is able to slay even the wiliest of foes.

  • Cursing isn't so much a like as it is a habit. Vynce possesses a greatly vulgar vocabulary and routinely neglects to clean it up in the presence of a woman, child, guardsman, or noble. While living in the wilderness with little encounters with those of a 'weaker' physicality, it is no surprise that his manners aren't the most prestigious.
  • Despite what he tends to do for a living, Vynce isn't partial to killing others. He will only kill if necessary, typically choosing to disarm an opponent, rather than ending them. He isn't fond of fighting in general, but will leap into action if the situation calls for intervention, and although he dislikes bringing death upon others, he normally feels little to no remorse.

  • Vynce is easily irritated by ignorant individuals, most notably drunks and orcs. He despises stupidity and will lash out to silence the one in question without hesitation, whether it be with his words, bare knuckles, or a crossbow bolt.

  • As stated before, Vynce has great difficulty conversing with those of authority. He respects their work; however, he finds their condescending nature to be both frustrating and arrogant. He does his best to avoid guardsmen or nobles, for if he is angered by one, he will be wholly undeterred by their title and try to beat them down.

  • Bandits don't hesitate to harm innocents and there is nothing Vynce loathes more than cowards. While not beyond fighting dirty, Vynce finds any harm done to women, children, or the weak underhanded and plainly abhorrent. He shows no reluctance when faced with the option of putting crooks in their place.

  • Decisiveness is one of Vynce's greatest allies in battle. He is vaguely decent at blocking blows with his armored forearms and hands, and uses this talent to get close enough to his enemies for a critical hit. When in ranged combat, he awaits for the most opportune time to let loose a bolt, for his weapon is rather cumbersome to reload in quick-paced scuffles.

  • In addition to his martial skills, Vynce's self-assurance aids him in making swift, practical decisions, whether in physical conflict or verbal debate. He is rarely ever taken off-guard, but when he is, his impressive reaction time (mentally inclusive) can usually cushion the blow.

  • Though he can be rather quick to anger, Vynce can maintain a convincingly stoney facade in most occasions. His composure allows him to brush off most insults, often times retorting with an even more clever response, and be on his way. He tries to refrain from physical confrontation as often as he is able.

  • Because he had grown up in Daendroc, Vynce picked up on a bit of Daendroquian and can communicate on a primitive level with those that do not know commontongue. He is only familiar with a few words, but they're useful enough to form broken sentences.
  • Because he dedicated most of his time toward manual labor, Vynce has since then acquired a bad back. His back isn't weak in a physical sense, it is just prone to causing Vynce immense pain because of his previous line of work. If it were to act up during a fight, he would be rendered immobile for a moment or two, and would leave him quite vulnerable for a crippling blow. Additionally, his left arm is practically useless in a brawl, having been nearly torn off in a scuffle with an undead assailant. He cannot elevate it above where it connects to his shoulder and its mobility below said height is still sub-par.
  • Though he may not appear it, Vynce is increasingly easy to manipulate if one were to know where to hit him. His focus will waver if he senses an innocent is in danger, which, in turn, can yield very negative consequences on his end. The majority of his scars were products of hesitation.
  • Having trained himself to use a crossbow with nearly unparalleled expertise, he is utterly terrible at using any sort of melee-related instruments with the exception of his bare fists. If approached by one with a close-ranged weapon, Vynce is at a great disadvantage, for his right bracer can only deflect certain blows. He routinely attempts to pick off swordsmen from afar to prevent any mortal wounds.
  • Vynce is highly obstinate, rarely ever backing down from a verbal dispute, and his arrogance and tendency to spew out unnecessary insults typically results in either a fist to the face or a dagger to his gut. Usually, these arguments are within close quarters, so he is often times put at a severely impeding position if a fight were to arise.
  • His weapon choice is also a hinderance when it comes to interacting with potentially hostile individuals. Due to his preference toward crossbows, his form of combat is incredibly limited-- if he is unfortunate enough to miss his first shot, his weapon is practically rendered useless until he is able to reload it. The second bolt would ordinarily take too much time to even bother with, where he ultimately discards the bow and reverts to a close-ranged, unarmed assault. Also, because of his left arm's weakened state, his efficiency has greatly declined.
Combat Styles
  • Most of Vynce's fights begin with an exchange of witty and degrading banter, even if it is only one statement regarding his opponent's appearance or mother. He will then gauge his adversary, scanning their mien for any signs of weaponry or expressions that may lead on to gestures, such as beckoning for others to leap to their aid. After that is done, he typically shifts into the offensive.

  • Once slipping into an aggressive tactic, Vynce usually attempts to keep his distance, firing his crossbow if the foe seems to be dangerous to himself or those around him. If that fails, he will revert to dashing into close-combat with his trusted hunting knife and chain-linked bracer, as to utilize for parrying certain types of swings from lighter-weight swords. After managing to close the gap between him and the offender, Vynce will then do his best to disarm his fellow combatant and, if successful in that endeavor, proceed to convert the tussle into a brawl, where he typically fares better.

  • When in a situation that may lead to the end of his life-- or consciousness-- Vynce will modify his decisively aggressive style to a more avoidant one. He has gone toe-to-toe with many a wild beast and is somewhat decent at reading expressions and movements, thus able to dodge a hit or two until he can land a critical strike of his own.
Weapons of Choice
  • His Right Hook: Vynce is partial to weaponless skirmishes, for he feels that it leads to a lower amount of injuries to himself, his opponent, and bystanders. He is also a seasoned veteran in fisticuffs, though not properly trained, and typically ends up the victor because of his scrappy maneuvers, even with only one reliable arm.

  • Crossbow: While he doesn't own one at the moment, he prefers ranged weaponry over all melee options. His aim is deadly accurate.

  • Chainmail Bracer: Vynce is equipped with a bracer that is made of sturdy, iron links. He substitutes it in lieu of a shield-- it's swifter, but significantly less effective when faced with heavy swords or axes.

  • Elizabeth Nightly (Ex-Wife; deceased): Vynce and Elizabeth used to be inseparable; however, in a sequence of unfortunate events, their relationship declined at an alarming rate. She had passed away some time ago at the hand of a disease unknown to Vynce.
  • Alistair Coen (Employer @Volkmaris ): Vynce met Alistair at the cathedral where they were assaulted by a somewhat insane young man. Vynce managed to pin the assailant down where Alistair proceeded to plunge his dagger in his target's skull just between the eyes-- multiple times. Afterward, Alistair offered Vynce a job as his personal guard, where the grungy wanderer accepted upon learning of the generous payment.
  • Elijah Hark (Acquaintance @A_Miner_Problem ): Though strange and ominous, Elijah proved to be a relatively enjoyable conversationalist once coaxed to vacate his perch atop Vynce's roof. The two of them swapped introductions and shared a drink. Vynce is still highly skeptical of Elijah's mask, but doesn't feel wholly threatened by him.
  • Ashen Bitterblue (Neighbor @Terradax65 ): Vynce isn't particularly close to Ashen, but he believes her to be good-natured and thoughtful. The two haven't shared more than a few words between them; however, due to where their homes are placed, the two will most likely interact more in the future.
  • Lithiel Losseniel (Acquaintance @Lithiel ): Vynce and Lithiel's first encounter was not typical in any manner-- he met Lithiel just outside of his own house, where she had been spitefully throwing stones at his windows and door. Upon calming her down, he and Elijah managed to coax her into the house, where they swapped introductions. Vynce pities her heavily.
  • Lance Valium (Acquaintance @davis1814 ): Upon meeting the red-headed lush, Vynce wasn't entirely certain as to what to make of him. Ultimately, Lance proved to be an innocent romantic and apparently looks to Vynce for relationship advice (only heaven knows why). The two aren't necessarily good friends, but they're definitely not enemies.
  • Thomas Blakely (Old Acquaintance; New Foe @izzy8765 ): When younger, Vynce and Thomas seemed to have a rather amiable relationship; however, after the recent divorce and accumulation of knowledge regarding Elizabeth's new lover, Vynce has not found Thomas to be much of an ally anymore.
  • Luthien Duchamp (Acquaintance @Luthien ): Upon interacting with the count at the Golden Willow one evening, Vynce found Luthien to be highly intriguing, not to mention intelligent. The two seemed to hit it off rather pleasantly, as if their identically cynical personalities were meant to mesh together at some point.
  • Corwrath Gro-Something (Acquaintance @deadfoe51 ): Though they had a rather rough beginning, Vynce finds Corwrath to be a simple individual, one that possesses no hazardous, ulterior motives. Despite having a seemingly sound understanding of one another, Vynce is still wary of the fairly good-natured elf-orc.
  • Adam Dark-Heart (Assailant @temtedkiller ): Vynce absolutely loathes this cunning man, often finding it difficult to control himself when in Adam's presence. Ever since nearly being torn open by Adam's dagger, Vynce has grown exceedingly spiteful toward him, feeling as if he is a threat to those he holds close.
  • Nendai-Ki Hensha (Serpentine Threat @Chronicler_372 ): After being paralyzed by the snake's venom, Vynce has considered Nendai an immediate hazard to himself and those around him. He seeks to end the naga's life before the clever serpent is able to do any more damage.
  • Balian Paloin (Acquaintance @K9Kreature ): At first, Vynce wasn't all too impressed with Balian's demeanor, having first overhearing a conversation between the Paloin and Benedict Urbano; however, once they had met under different circumstances, the two seem to get along rather well. They've recently discovered a secret regarding one of the Du Sablon's employees.

Childhood (0-12)

On a humid summer's eve, in the foothills of western Daendroc, Gregory and Sarah Matthews gave birth to a healthy, brown-eyed baby boy. Though young and inexperienced, the incredibly happy mother was utterly delighted to be bestowed with such a blessing, but, unfortunately, her bliss was short-lived. Not even a year passed before Gregory began to mingle with the local bandit throngs that resided in the mountains, leaving the overworked Sarah to tend to her babe alone on most occasions. She cared deeply for both Vynce and her husband; however, Gregory's absence began to put strain upon their marriage. Their constant bickering led to more nights spent separated, driving a larger gap between the two of them.

Once Vynce grew old enough to tend to everyday chores around the small, humble farmhouse, Gregory dedicated even less time for his family, due to his son's flourishing sense of responsibility. Vynce tilled the land and took good care of the livestock, accepting his father's duties with little reluctance. He especially enjoyed the company of the horses and cherished his mother's mare, Meghan, the most-- in what seemed like no time at all, Vynce learned how to ride properly with the help of the ever-present Sarah, where she soon felt obligated to allow her son to seek out stray cows and horses to aid with the farm's dwindling existence. Vynce proved to be an exceptional wrangler, easily herding droves of cattle back home while flanked by the family's shepherd dog.

Adolescence (12-16)

Sarah greatly appreciated every bit of Vynce's help and ultimately came to be exceedingly impressed with her son's affinity for horses. The plucky youngster showed no difficulty when it came to handling the equestrian creatures, even proving his mastery with the beasts on the evening of his twelfth birthday-- while out riding, the mother-son duo encountered a gorgeous buckskin mustang and Vynce was determined to bring the hardy horse home with them. In a rather riveting session of expert rope-tossing, swift mounting, and persistent grip, the young horsehand managed to calm the bronco to a point where it was able to be ridden home. This first instance of horse-breaking lead to Vynce's lifelong love of the sport.

A few years escaped the mother and son, shifting to a very dark portion of the young Vynce's life. After being away for some time and refusing to visit more than once or twice a year, Gregory returned to the little town where he had abandoned Vynce and Sarah, escorted by eight of his closest 'friends'. They began to terrorize the small village on a daily basis, often taking either items or regals from the local shopkeeps. It wasn't until Gregory threatened to beat two, very young twin children that Vynce couldn't allow the tyranny to continue. The fourteen-year-old lunged at his father, ultimately taking him to the dirt. A fight ensued, resulting in a few scratches and bruises-- even a broken collarbone-- but the plucky Vynce eventually gained possession of Gregory's crossbow, reeling it up to aim at his father's head, and let loose a readied bolt. The arrow struck true, but, instead, caught Gregory in the left side of his chest, mortally wounded, and he died just moments after.

Needless to say, the group of companions that Gregory had arrived with were beyond irritated and issued a stream of threats for the boy while trying desperately to tend to their leader. With haste, Vynce and Sarah had no option but to flee the town and relocate if they wished to live another day. The mother and son sought refuge in the swamplands to the west, where Vynce perfected his hunting, tracking, and shooting skills throughout the years in order to protect he and his mother. During one of his expeditions, with his mother safely at home, he was challenged by an overgrown ocelot; the hostile feline managed to rake its claw along the side of Vynce's face before he was able to slay it with his crossbow, the injury leaving a rather deep and nasty scar.

Sarah and her son thrived well enough in the marshes; however, their peaceful lifestyle was swiftly destroyed by the same group of bandits from their hometown. They managed to locate the two and Vynce could only take out so many-- with four dead, impaled through the forehead by a single, well-placed bolt in each, the remaining three overpowered the golden-eyed bowman, leaving him with a sword dug deep in his left side to tether him to the cabin's wall. They then surrounded Sarah, and after taking advantage of her, the trio of outlaws proceeded to kill the poor, battered woman as Vynce watched in helpless horror.

With that, the three that survived the fray departed, assuming that Vynce would bleed out in a matter of minutes. Once they stepped outside and into the rising sun, the severely injured boy could make out the sound of a scream and a few flourishes of a rapier. To his surprise, Vynce was met with a cold stare of what appeared to be a man of the law, the very man that had been issued to hunt down the group of marauders just a few years back. Vynce was both relieved to gaze up at his savior; however, there was an intense feeling of spite that coursed through the young one's veins, as if this lawman should have come along just a few minutes earlier and prevented the untimely death of his dear mother.

Early Adulthood (18-25)

By some sort of miracle, Vynce survived, his ghastly wound closing up and healing at a decent pace. The man that had rescued him merely dropped the youth off at the nearest town where he was then tended to by the village's healer and, due to Vynce's recent trauma and heartbreak, did not have to remind the young adult not to move too much until his stitches fully rejoined the flesh. Vynce lingered about this new place, a humble mountain settlement by the name of El Represadero, for nearly two years, offering the citizens help with odd jobs regarding horses or farming; however, the time arrived where Vynce required a more interesting lifestyle, even if it would lead to an even darker side to the young man's past.

His skill with a crossbow had become almost superhuman, due to his constant self-training in the wilderness, so he decided to lend his talent to those that could afford it, taking on various bounty-hunting projects for the next year or so. During one of his assignments, he stumbled upon a tightly-knit group of outlaws, but instead of slaying the leader as he had sought out to do, Vynce was ambushed before he could set up his own trap. He was captured, just an inch from death, and for a reason unbeknownst to himself, was spared. The head of the encampment forced Vynce to take a binding oath (and matching tattoo) that would enable him to join the ranks of said chieftain's own crew, and assured the bowman that if he showed any hint of infidelity, the group would end him without hesitation. Vynce reluctantly agreed, wanting only an opportunity to steal away when he was able. Though he had been in desperate need of Regals, he lingered; his loyalty to the gang only endured as long as he made reasonable enough coin.

Four years escaped him and he grew disgusted by the constant carnage brought about by his fellow bandits, but had still failed to find the ideal time to depart from their company. While on a routine raid, Vynce and his allies were faced with a village of innocents-- only three were able-bodied combatants. His band of rogues slaughtered the town, taking everything they could wrap their greedy, heartless fingers about, but Vynce had refused to take part, shocked after the first shot had been fired. Once the dust cleared, he could only see desolation and massacred bodies strewn out upon the ground. In a blind rage, he mounted his horse, the very one he had tamed from the wild at twelve, and loosed bolts among those that remained standing, genuinely hoping that all were of his crowd. Though sustaining a multitude of hits to his torso and limbs, Vynce trotted off, in search of somewhere to rest and preferably not pass on to the afterlife.

Exhausted, lacking blood, and consciousness fading at an alarming rate, Vynce and his mount galloped through the barren wild until ultimately approaching yet another small settlement. He collapsed immediately atop his horse as the buckskin meandered to the center of town, where a conventional doctor was alerted in the night and hesitantly took care of Vynce and what wounds his horse had suffered. Dawn broke, and Vynce was met with large, indigo eyes peering down at him. The gaze belonged to the doctor's twenty-year old daughter, Elizabeth Nightly, and she had offered to tend to anything that Vynce may require during recovery. The two grew surprisingly close despite her father's reservations, thus eventually courting. During their relationship, Eliza came to suspect that she may pregnant, and before the news reached the ears of the townfolk, Vynce proposed to her.

Although their bond may have appeared rather rushed and forced, the two adored one another. Nine months passed somewhat quickly; however, much to the couple's dismay, proved to be a stillbirth. Their grief from the incident only seemed to worsen as time clicked by, fueled by a strain of fights, evenings spent alone, and, eventually, adultery.

Adulthood (25-34)

Upon learning of Eliza's betrayal of their wedding vows, Vynce distanced himself from her and the town for three years, only visiting on occasion, normally for supplies and the like. It was obvious that they were well on their way toward a divorce, but it did not seem to trouble either party. The feelings were mutual, and, within a year's time, they filed for legal separation, made official by the local priest. In their final hour, Vynce and Elizabeth met one last time before he planned to traverse to New Ceardia, optimistic about the rumors he had heard of that referred to open land, and she presented him with her amethyst pendant. She merely asked that he not forget about her, a request paired with the gift-- he reassured her with a farewell kiss.

Despite the rough terrain Daendroc was notorious for, Vynce arrived in New Ceardia a lot earlier than he had anticipated. He and his trusted buckskin then set off in a north-easternly direction, ultimately closing in on the open land that he had hoped to find. There he set up a humble farm, eventually growing to be relatively lucrative, and began to start a business centered around horse breeding. Sadly, the horse that he had stuck by for over eighteen years-- his only true companion at this point-- passed away from what could be assumed to be a heart attack. He did not mourn the loss externally, going about his work as usual; however, it was apparent that this death affected him the most. Some years later, in order to gather his thoughts and regain his composure, Vynce chose to abandon his business for the time being and head out for the empire's capital in search of work-- away from the equestrian creatures.
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x'D I see, I see. We must rp some time soon, yes yes.
I think Aarzam and Vince will get along just fine.

Its funny how we both fell under "protector of the weak, and hatred for the fools" category.

History repeats itself i suppose
Okey, ready to go :P
Sketchy Vynce... Eheh.
@Eliza_Nightly I just thought about Lance and Vyncent becoming partners . Who would be the cop and who would be the good cop ? (my guess is that they will both be bad cops .)
<3 Yuusss . I was just apart of a family , then it was a noble family before long . I am pretty surprised myself . I am pretty sad I am going to miss teh ball , but at least it is to go hunting .
I am still not that great a roleplayer , I not sure I am skilled enough to be a noble .
  • We call "Spanish" Daendroquin, so you may wish to edit that in your strengths.
  • The only other thing I'd like you to add is another weakness. While this is incredibly well written, I feel this character is lacking on crucial weaknesses to be considered "balanced". Perhaps a repressed mental trait, or a physical trait that greatly hampers them. Make me really see the vulnerable side of this character, and I'll be happy to approve this. Throw me a tag when you're done, @Eliza_Nightly
  • We call "Spanish" Daendroquin, so you may wish to edit that in your strengths.
  • The only other thing I'd like you to add is another weakness. While this is incredibly well written, I feel this character is lacking on crucial weaknesses to be considered "balanced". Perhaps a repressed mental trait, or a physical trait that greatly hampers them. Make me really see the vulnerable side of this character, and I'll be happy to approve this. Throw me a tag when you're done, @Eliza_Nightly
Awesome!~ Oops-- must've overlooked the Spanish thing ;) This character is totally out of my comfort zone-- usually my characters have way too many weaknesses :3 I'll add some here in a sec and let you know when it's all finished up!~ Thanks so much for the kind words!! :3
@Jared4242 Everything seems to be in order-- I hope I did all that you needed me to!~

Would being overly stubborn serve as a weakness? If not, might you have a suggestion or two? x'3 I'm so sorry :o It's 2 am~