Preserved Sheet Vulmar Ravenstad

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Man of the People
Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Name: Vulmar Augustin Ravenstad

  • Age: 28

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor.

  • Main Ambition: To create his own destiny, become a household name in Regalia for his steadfast service and dedication.

Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Vulmar is a young noble in Regalia and is there to serve his duty to protect the Supreme Reverend but to also remain with the majority of his family in the capital. Vulmar has been in Regalia from the ending of the Lo arch in which his education came to an end and he was called to serve the new Supreme Reverend. Vulmar lives as well as any high noble in his Uncle's castle and is the Helerian Guard to the Supreme Reverend Aethelred von Ultor, along with this he serves as a Confessor for the Inquisition.

  • Vulmar was raised in both impoverished and luxurious upbringing, from both sides of his family. Vulmar was born with his twin, Kaja, in the Vigilant Shield Infirmary to Ania Ravenstad. Their father being Bastian Ravenstad. Vulmar only has twin-sister Kaja as a sibling but however has quite an extended family which includes but isn't limited to, his Uncle Medard, his Uncle Percy and his cousins, Xavier, Cecile, Richarr, Clotaire, Victor, Britta and Linus.

  • Vulmar wants to be well-travelled and well-cultured, he wants to learn how to play the lute. Vulmar also wants to meet with people of high regard, notably the King of Nordskag, Osvald Krumme.

  • Skill Information
    • 28 points (Proficiency)
      • +12 Halberd (+10 from School of Lancyon, +2 from Points)
      • +10 Drixon Spear (+10 from School of Lancyon)
      • +10 Unionist Seminary (+10 from School of Lancyon)
      • +15 Battle Command (+10 from Order of Talent, +5 from Points)
      • +10 Commanding Speech (+10 from Points)
      • +1 Horse Riding (+1 from Points)
    • 28 points (Culture)
      • +20 Stage Performance (+15 from Points)
      • +5 Poetry (+5 from Points)
      • +3 Smithing (+3 from Points)
    • Languages
      • Leutz (Fluent)
      • Common (Fluent)
      • Skodje (Fluent)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: An icy blue.

  • Hair Color: Blonde.

  • Hair Style: Kept at a short height.

  • Skin Color: A warm white.

  • Clothing: Simple but formal noble attire in his house colours.

  • Height: 6'0.

  • Body Build: Muscular.

  • Weapon of Choice: A halberd.

Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Vulmar's face is usually described as quite square and slightly pudgy. He has quite a large forehead accentuated by his hairstyle. Vulmar's expression is usually serious, a slight frown.

  • Vulmar's body is described as a Muscular build. Along with his height, he can make quite a formidable figure. His warm skin provides him with a lifeful look. Vulmar has defined muscles across his torso and arms. He, like any Ravenstad, has quite a bit of body hair on his chest and arms.

  • Vulmar's appearance is often described as very humble for a man of his station. He wears very simple clothing such as tunics and shirts in his House's colours. Usually preferring a red wine colour. Vulmar doesn't have any jewellery to speak of and carries a simple dirk in his belt.

  • Vulmar's voice could be described as deep but permeated with a tinge of youthfulness. It is also viewed as assertive in nature. Vulmar speaks Leutz-Vixe and Common with full fluency. Vulmar can also understand Northerne and speak it very slightly. He understands Ithanian but cannot feasibly speak it.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • Vulmar is perceived as very uptight oftimes even cold but has an inherent curious nature about him. Strangers who've met him for the first time would say that the character has a bluntness, but a curt formality attached with it. He isn't afraid to speak his mind if something is afoot. Strangers would usually look at him as an unusual youth with a nature to ask many questions early on, they would think that he is perceptive.
  • Vulmar feels himself in a constant battle with maintaining his character. He was told long ago about the missteps of his father and conscious in his actions and whether or not they are right, in faith. Vulmar is usually honour-bound when making decisions and is assertive in seeing them out. He sees himself as family-oriented and loyal. Vulmar is insecure about his honour and how he is viewed, he aims to keep a formal approach to strangers and doesn't like to show weakness. He aims to look as intimidating as his Uncles and not as open as his father was. Vulmar questions if there ever will be a time that he loses his battle of holding his character and he'd be doomed to the same fate of Bastian and focuses himself on keeping up and away from what he deems to be too easy-going.
  • Vulmar is a lot more forgiving to his family, who form most of his friends. Vulmar is seen as very family-oriented and testing on his family. He always seeks to ensure they are going along the right path, even if it means he is forcing them to do as such for their own good. Vulmar shows a different side of himself when with his family, he is open to challenges and open to all the elements of risk, and wrong-doing somewhat relying on the goodness and trust of his family which will keep his character uncompromised.
  • Vulmar views himself as the epitome of goodness in his selfless duty and honour-bound attitude and composure. He strives to maintain this view of himself, but ironically, he would be more on a neutral sense of morality. He would be just but would be cold and sometimes even self-interested to press his own motivations and ambitions rather than worry about the progression of others. However, Vulmar remains steadfast in following the law, skirting around it wouldn't be permissible to him. If ever there were a scenario where to achieve his ambitions he had to break the law, Vulmar would attempt to pivot. Vulmar's ambition lies in maintaining himself above all else. Betrayal would stoop too low, however, as people who Vulmar gives his trust would already be a rarity in itself.
  • Tireless in his duties and in battle, Vulmar exhibits a very diligent and thorough manner in the way that he works and trains. He doesn't believe in slacking or meekness and perseveres through any struggles or obstacles in his way with ingenuity or sheer effort.Vulmar rarely gives up when challenged or tested.

  • Naturally Charismatic for his sometimes blunt wording yet ease with words, Vulmar can defuse situations or keep good relations. Using a sharp wit along with a knack for speaking his mind, Vulmar would make it evident he is to make good and lasting relationships to those he sees as admirable.

  • Malleable due to the differing natures of his upbringing Vulmar can not only understand the plights of different people but has also been raised to be adaptable to any scenario that brings itself his way. This makes the core of his tireless attitude as he can always re-think his strategy of approach to incorporate different methods to solve his problems.
Life Story (Required)
  • Vulmar and Kaja were born March 18th, 278 AC. They were born in the Vigilant Shield Infirmary to both Ania and Bastian Ravenstad.

  • Their infancy was spent between the Ravenstad city Estates and the Santorski home, during a tense period between their parents.

  • At the age of about 5, their father was disowned and divorced from their mother. Setting their primary carer as their mother.

  • Vulmar and Kaja would be set to learning small tasks such as training with weaponry at a young age, the axe and shield.

  • Vulmar and Kaja were immensely competitive and Vulmar developed a knack for being overtly adventurous and curious, getting into all sorts of trouble.

  • Vulmar was first introduced to his Uncle Medard, his Uncle not reciprocating well to the almost now Northerne boy.

  • At the age of now 12, the infamous Rothburg event happened in which Vulmar participated in, making friends with the d'Eluise family.

  • At the age of 13, Vulmar was taken by the Ravenstad family. Wanting to end whatever Northerne habits and upbringing he had. He would have a strict and firm noble education under his Uncle in the Vieux-Provence of the Hinterlands.

  • Vulmar responds very well to this education, forsaking his early upbringing to become more sophisticated. He would learn Leutz-Vixe and in this period would be told of the falls of his father.

  • Vulmar changes drastically to become mature and wiser. Carefully calculating his moves, aware of upholding his character.
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Hello! Here's my review:
  • Please put all the visual and personality expansions into spoilers for convenience.
  • Vulmar views himself as the epitome of goodness in his selfless duty and honour-bound attitude and composure. He strives to maintain this view of himself, but ironically, he would be more on a neutral sense of morality. He would be just, but would be cold and sometimes even self-interested to press his own motivations and ambitions rather than worry about the progression of others.
  • I'd like you to expand on this point. Does he always follow the law, or would he break it to get his way? Would he break it for others, or only to further his own ambitions? In addition, how far would be go to further his goals? Betrayal?
  • I'd also like you to add more to the second paragraph. Does Vulmar have insecurities? Does he ever question his character?
Please make the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Hello! Here's my review:
  • Please put all the visual and personality expansions into spoilers for convenience.

  • I'd like you to expand on this point. Does he always follow the law, or would he break it to get his way? Would he break it for others, or only to further his own ambitions? In addition, how far would be go to further his goals? Betrayal?
  • I'd also like you to add more to the second paragraph. Does Vulmar have insecurities? Does he ever question his character?
Please make the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!

Made the required Proficiency changes for now. Major re-haul coming soon.