Preserved Sheet Vulas

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score

"No more masters."
x | x

  • Full Name: Vulas.
    • Taken names include Volker, Spiderling.
    • Born Vellinäzo Y'fën.
  • Age: 70.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Altalar.

  • Proficiency| 70 points, 10 hobby points.
    • Combat Proficiency:
      • +20 Fast Blade Combat.
    • Arts Proficiency:
      • +10 Dance Arts.
    • Body Proficiency:
      • +20 Athletic Training.
      • +2 Body Care.
    • Special Proficiency:
      • +8 Void Ritualism.
      • +20 Sorcery.
  • Body Build:
    • 20 combat proficiency + 10 (Athletics halved) = 30 body stat.
    • Ripped body build.
    • Extremely low body fat.
  • Languages:
    • Kathar Elven Dialect.
    • Common.

  • Special Traits:
    • Sorcery:
      • Beastly Connection. (Tarantula)
      • Overwhelming Force.
      • Umbra Bolts.
      • Shadow's Embrace.
      • Forced Betrayal.
    • Physical Mutations:
      • Beastly Connection:
        • Iris can split into multiple spider-eyes.
        • Sharpened canines, jutting out like fangs.
      • Threwlar Mutations:
        • Void Mark.
        • Void Horns.

  • Eye Color: Blue.
  • Hair Color: Jet black.
  • Hair Style: Long, but often pulled back.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Varies.
  • Height: 6'6".


  • Alignment:
    • Chaotic Neutral.
  • Personality Type:
    • Adventurer.
  • Religion:
    • None.


Vellinäzo Y'fën was born a Crimson Witch of Paärthalaär, to Llärn and Nallë Y'fën, infamous mercenaries of their shared variant with intent to raise their eldest child as one of the Empire's greatest warriors. Unfortunately, Vellinäzo became more inclined to manipulation and subjugation, rather than honorable combat, as he became somewhat of a natural leader between his younger brothers, including his personal favorite brother, Ulin, a Brood from his mother's second husband who seemed far more emotionally stable than his Vampiric brethren.

As the Witch grew, that tendency for manipulation flourished when he talked his way into becoming a Priest, and later, a High Priest of the Prefect of Malady. He still studied martial prowess, deeming it necessary for the sake of his religion to train his body to its limit.

Within the clergy, Vellinäzo was often mocked, with many of those higher up in the ranking of priesthood attempting to take the Witch 'under their wing' where they would be his 'master'. This general attitude lead to Vellinäzo rejecting orders entirely, to the point where he became nearly allergic to the idea of following another's commands unless they fell under his personal goals.

Many of the priests responsible for such were dealt with by the Y'fën clan one way or another, but when Vellinäzo ascended to High Priest- his father, Llärn, drew the ire of the local Warlord by refusing to serve his family, resulting in his father being murdered, his mother following shortly after. With the family's heads dead, their reputation diminished before the family itself fell from relevance. Vellinäzo, no longer capable of defending himself with his surname, slips into the Holy City of Regalia in self-induced exile for awhile. While with the Revanants of Pride, he takes the name Volker, finally begins to gather courage.

The soft nature that brought him into a priestly position begins to fade, and for once his confidence in his abilities outshines his obsession with staying alive. When his brother Ulin is under threat of execution, he leaves his newfound kin to save his brother's life, accompanied by a few close allies.

Despite all his gathered courage and following, spectacularly fails at saving Ulin, leaving his brother to be executed and himself and his following banished from the Empire when such is found out. Yet, when he returns to the Holy City, he lashes out upon his friends and family, who have all transitioned into Manathar. Too prideful to see their transition as right, he battles and argues with them, until finally stepping forth into the Black Temple's flame to become a Manathar.

He, rather stubbornly, remains a Manathar, yet when a deadline is put on his head he refuses outright, deciding that if remaining a Manathar required giving up its principles and subscribing to a mandatory leader, he'd rather turn into something else. Volker re-emerges from the Realm as a new being, an Altalar, named Vulas.

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Please remove main ambition.

Do this and tag me once done!
Need a re-review with some edits to points, languages, and mutations thanks to the many updates. Vegemiite isn't staff anymore, so I need a new reviewer too.
hey guess who's back
  • he's a crimson witch now. crimson wizard?
  • points have been changed
  • backstory has been HEAVILY changed
  • personality is also different but the last two paragraphs are the same
  • niche has transitioned from 'crazy big vampire dude' to 'sicko priest'
  • Please specify which parts of Magical Knowledge your character knows.
  • Crimson Witches retain their 10 points.
Adjust these two things and then tag me when you're done, please!
@Athelois with mind control becoming less prevalent ive swapped his mind wall with blood wonder. dont know if this requires a re-review, but tagging to make sure
Edited Volker's proficiencies and muters to fit with current Vampire lore/new design.
Set to needs reviewer as per the prof update. Edited points to fit the prof update. Expansions coming later, just wanted to update.
Hello there. I'll be picking this up for staff review!
My Review

Proficiency Points
  • Overall Everything: I'm not sure what's going on with your points so let's break it down! You've put down that you have 60 points plus + 20 from racial points. Racial points are no longer a thing, please remove or update this. When I added the points up, it came to 70 which is still 5 points above what is allowed for a Manathar. Your base age wise should only reach 55 and then an extra +5 from your boost. Please adjust these two issues.
@Katiesc forgot to update the header from the old system and i have no idea where that extra ten came from

edited down to 60 and total points changed to reflect that
swapped proficiency around after the sorcery update B^)
this time i double checked it didnt somehow go to seventy i swear
  • hi since manathar all got yoink'd i changed volker to an altalar and gave him a new name (vulas) + 10 extra points
  • proficiencies, mutations and a single sorcery spell updated.
  • life story updated
  • personality updated to fit the changes (like i shouldve done months ago oops)