Preserved Sheet Vrastone The Url.

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Hyaenidae Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2017
Reaction score

Basic Information
Gender: Male
Race: Velheim Ailor, turned into an Url ( Al-Url )
Sexuality: Straight.

Hunting Knowledge (20 Race)
+25 Unarmed Combat Skill (10 Race, 15 Points)
+30 Extra Heavy (30 Points)
+15 Athletic Training (15 Points)

Body Shape
60+(10x2)= 80 MuscleGod.
Extreme Low Fat.


Eye Color:
Dark grey sclera, orange iris with red and yellow colourations.
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Short
Skin Color: Decolored White
Clothing: Rather simple only wearing rags, unless on duty which he wears top heavy armour.
Height: 6'10

First Paragraph
When first meeting a new person he will treat them respect, courtisy and as a friend, unless this person treats him like a monster or is hostile. Though Vrastone likes to make friends he isn't very good at making them, his rather silent to people and doesn't know how to stirke a conversation. Vrastone does like to stay on the outside though doesn't mind the occasional attention, Vrastone would rather approach the more quiet people over the loud. When people are hostile to Vrastone he treats them with disgust and will eithher ignore them but if they insult his friends, he will act.

Second Paragraph
He feels pleased with himself, like he has nothing to lose or gain but pure honor. Vrastone having little regrets in life, he does however feel the same amount of pain as others for loss he just shows little emotions from the habbit of being a strong leader in his tribe. Vrastone has alot of problems showing his emotions though shows alot when drunk.

Third Paragraph
Towards faimly and friends he is still quiet silent and but shows to be a bit more open, he usally treats his friends how they treat him but still closed up, Vrastone will offer most friends a chance to fight him. Vrastone doesnt feel love like others he usally feels a strong friendship, if anyone would pass this barrier they would be protected guarded and never lost he would still be quiet closed to them but they have more ground to stand on to open him up.

Fourth Paragraph
Vrastone thinks of himself as a sin that should be cleansed, he was a raider afterall though he does not regret it he does think that there was another way, he doesnt spend anyime looking at the past or moarning for the dead. Vrastone is pure by all means currently. He would never steal, kill, lie unless without good reason such as guarding or surpise parties.

● Born into a proud Velheim family he was trained from a young age to fight, as the first boy in his family, he was treated with respect and honor as his father was the Rakhr he had a large title to withhold.
● As soon as he could walk, he was trained with Beorl Axes though he couldn't use a real one so they made one for light materials his father used one so he wanted to make him proud, he mostly dragged it around, but he was determined to prove himself to his father.
●His tribe expanded south, as well as further north this caused a slight uproar as many preferred to cold and many preferred further exploration as well as raiding, it was decided a rare case where the Rakhr split the tribe and made a new Rakhr travel north with the others, this two tribes soon made routes and connection.
● As he grew to age, he became a talented fighter for his family sparring others in his tribe. he was at the age of raiding, he raided his first village it was a successful and prosperous raid he found his bond wife at the age of 18.

● Vrastone and his father soon trained together, his father passing down many techniques as well as fighting styles there bond was strong. His mother taught Vrastone as well how to fight with the end of the Beorl Axe and his father taught him how to use the sharp end.
● Vrastone soon married a woman creating a Sol-Kvinne his wife, they lived together happily she barred his children, he soon sold his bond slave, to show his wife he was loyal, after having two children training them. Vrastone soon taught both of his daughters how to fight but only one caught on.
● After many years went by of raiding and creating more children his father soon was old enough that people had a chance to his great strength as well as Vrastone was trained enough to fight.

●Vrastone, soon fighting to victory winning against his father in a great duel between two Beorl Axes, he was now the Rakhr of the tribe, his father soon taught Vrastone how to manage with politics as well a the best move to make, Vrastone followed all of his father's advice making his tribe prosperous, his mother soon falling ill, letting his father tend to her needs.
● He becomes a great Rakhr gaining honour through his tribe as well as making his tribe expand outwards sending many men on raids accompany them on great fights with his wife and eldest daughter.

●Vrastone trained his eldest daughter on how to be a Rakhr and taught her his father's techniques passing it on. His daughter accepted the responsibility as she was to be a great warrior and prove herself to her father.
●Vrastone soon lived gloriously among his tribe until his tribe needed to split once more as many tried to make new Rakhrs Vrastone soon made his daughter who was skillful and let her lead.

●Vrastone soon expanding into the south east traveling up the coast north, a large event happened where a nearby cave was discovered and Oorls worms infecting many of his people.
● Soon many of his people became Urls and many oorls seeing as it was a threat infected the leader thinking he would order all Oorls to die, Vrastone was infected it was of a peaceful infection, he let all Urls into the society but making infection of the Oorl worm illegal, soon he was soon defeated while he was still turning unaware of the strength that Urls had, he stepped down from his position.
●His children soon to grow to there own families as well bearing there own children, he was a proud father, One a raid his wife died.
● He grew curious about the outside land, hearing of rumors of a land of honor and dishonor, he traveled alone, to regalia. now enrolling in guard forces and such.​
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I will make all changes in GREEN
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  • Please expand on all of his personality paragraphs. Flesh him out more.
  • Toss your Likes & Dislikes beneath a Spoiler, please.
Make these changes and tag me when you're done.

I believe i have done what you have asked for, but im not sure about the likes or dislikes when you said below but that should be good.
Oh and all changes in green, like i said and totally didnt change to suit my borken ipad