Voyage To Ellador




The boat ride to Ellador was a simple one. The two sisters mostly conversed about the Nelfin's home. Joasaie asking questions and Katrina answering in a blunt yet secretive fashion, though near the end, Joa reminded Kat of another goal of coming to this land. On arrival the Yanar was left agape in sheer awe at the Isldarian home. All the snow, forests, and tundras were wonderful to see. "You grew up here, sister? It's beautiful." a slight shiver following the statement "Really cold too. Isldar have it lucky, not worrying of such." Katrina simply shrugged, her icy blue hues scanning about the arctic planes she proudly called her home. "Da. Though most Isldar outside of Regalia do suffer effects from the cold."

The two walked across the planes, the Isldar at least moving seamlessly through the stark white snow that coated the lands from top to toe. Soon enough, they arrived in the small, cosy building that the pair were to call home for the next week. It stood in Velheim territory, as Katrina simply refused to even try to allow Joasaie near the keep that held her kind, the Yanar obviously pouting at such..

The home bore a large fireplace, which, when lit, casted a warm glow about the dimly lit room. Despite not being used to the Velheim themed home, the Isldar seemed mildly impressed with the commodities. Food was set out for them, so long as they had the coin, which they obviously did thanks to the two sisters' work. Most of Joa's questions now revolved around the keeps and Wyverns of the land, curious evermore now that they were there. Naturally, her questions were greeted by the same lack of response on the Isldar's part, much to the dismay of the Yanar.

Now they were within their new temporary accommodation, they had plenty to do, but the question that kept rising to both the girls' minds was what would they do first?

@Emo_Bunny @PsychoLupus