Von Duerr Pharmaceuticals


Technologic Witch Doctor
Jul 20, 2014
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Von Duerr Pharmaceuticals

Von Duerr Pharmaceuticals (Or V.D.P) is a medical research and development group funded by House von Duerr and investors to, of course, research, develop, and distribute medical goods to various medical groups and institutions.
V.D.P Aims to produce the utmost quality and effectiveness in products, as well as open the door to budding researchers offering benefits such as access to cutting edge V.D.P Products as they're developed before they are released to the public.

Completed Projects:
A highly convenient and effective shelf stable Herbal based pain killing pill Composed of Opium, Caffeine, and Willow bark, effective on the entire body.​
Current Projects:
Research into the building blocks of life at the request of his Imperial Highness Cedromar Kade.​
Future Projects:
Group Brainstorming.
Further research and understanding into the field of anatomy with higher grade equipment.
Sign ups:
Researchers: For those wishing to get involved in, you guessed it, the nitty gritty of RnD.
Short letter of Qualifications and Introductions:

Test Subjects: Progress often requires volunteers to take the first step. Please ask about our waiver forms.
Letter of consent to testing:

Shipment Recipients: Business and/or organizations to receive our monthly catalogue and shipments from said Catalog.
Letter explaining group and where it's based:
Researchers: For those wishing to get involved in, you guessed it, the nitty gritty of RnD.
Ign: Ghirko
IC: Cro-Maarx Vyzal
Short letter of Qualifications and Introductions:
To the Baron Doctor von Duerr,

We spoke briefly on this topic when we last met, so consider this my formal application. My skills sets being alchemy, languages and a knack for problem solving.

Spirit bless,
Baron Cro-Maarx Vyzal
Test Subjects: Progress often requires volunteers to take the first step. Please ask about our waiver forms.
Ign: Anseran
Ic: Osira Lae'rinsyr
Letter of consent to testing:

"Dear von Duerr!

Depending on the nature of the scientific pursuit (which I'm sure will be discussed prior to testing on account of ethics), I would be glad to give my consent to act as a subject in your tests. I believe you are doing great work at the moment and I look forward to what we could accomplish together.

All-Mother guide you,
Osira Lae'rsinyr"
Researchers: For those wishing to get involved in, you guessed it, the nitty gritty of RnD.
Ign: Simslp
IC: Lynmar Lomstedt
Short letter of Qualifications and Introductions:
To the Baron Doctor von Duerr,

We spoke briefly on this topic when we last met, so view that as my formal application. The current project already fascinated me, when I saw the current equipment in the dragon temple. Not mentioning the interest I had in this specific topic beforehand. My skill sets being the arcane and also medical science to a degree, though mainly focused on arcane afflictions.

Lynmar Lomstedt
Position: Researcher and Test Subject
IGN: AtticCat
IC: Winifred Marth
To Doctor von Duerr,

Do I truly need to list my qualifications? I'm practicing in the medical field and a graduate of Die Akademie von Kaiserman as an alchemist.

Yes, you have consent for using me as a test subject. Anything for the progression of science.

Spirit Guide.
Winifred Marth
Ign: Marshim
IC: Qu'e Yo'i
Short letter of Qualifications and Introductions:
Greetings, I am Qu'e Yo'i, an alchemist from Dexai. I have spent the last 12 or so years of my life both owning and working in my family's apothecary, where we created and sold cures for various ailments. I was considered to be one of, if not the best in my craft in my hometown. The results of my work will tell you the same.