Preserved Sheet Voltaire Everette

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Jun 6, 2019
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Voltaire Ardal Everette
Age: 24
Gender: Indeterminate
Race: Crystal Spire Isldar
Sexuality: Indeterminate
Preferred Weapon: Crossbow

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 6 unused proficiency points, 5 unused talent points

+10 Alchemy Science (from points)
+8 Crossbow Combat (from points)
+10 Vocal Singing (+5 from points, +5 from racial boost)
Brewing Art (from art points)
+5 Mixology Art (from art points)
+5 Perception Training (from talent points)

Body Shape

Physical Stat: 8 (Crossbow Combat 8 x 1)
Voltaire has a quite slender and tall body shape.
Voltaire doesn't have much fat on their body.


Common (learned in childhood)
Sulvaley Elven (from culture)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Ability: Frost Voice (Racial Passive)
Spell: Frost Summons (Racial Spell)
Spell: Frost Harrowing (Racial Spell)

Basic Information (Expansion)

Voltaire was born and raised in Regalia. They moved out at the age of nineteen and have lived on their own since. They are an only child and have never been told of any noteworthy extended family, although they have suspicions of there being noble blood in the family somewhere. However, they have been unable to prove these suspicions.

Visual Information (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

Eye Color: Indigo
Hair Color: Silver-blond
Hair Style: Long, straight, and combed
Skin Color: Pale
Clothing: Cool coloured, stylish
Height: 6'6"

Visual Information (Expansion)

Voltaire has a very chiselled facial structure. Their face is framed nicely by long, silver hair, which seems to have been combed to perfection. Their eyes often have a suspicious look to them, as if they're suspicious of everyone around them. They have thin lips and a thin nose.
Voltaire tends to look down on people. Even when someone is taller than them, they have the same demeanour towards them as they have towards people shorter than them. They are quite slenderly built, appearing almost malnourished.
Voltaire usually dresses reasonably stylish, as best they can get. They prefer to wear cooler colours. They like light colours and dark colours, but nothing overly bright or saturated.

Personality (Required with Choice)

Option One: The Question List

How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

Voltaire tends not to express their emotions very strongly. The most you might get is a small smile, although even that is quite rare.

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
As stated, Voltaire avoids the expression of their emotions. When they experience fear, it's not very obvious to those around them, but they may make rushed and idiotic decisions.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
Voltaire responds to stress similarly to how they experience fear.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?
Voltaire is quite neutral towards law and authorities. They believe that the law is good, but many criminals go unpunished or aren't given harsh enough punishments.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Although they try to avoid racism, Voltaire tends to judge individuals from races they personally perceive as dangerous.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
Voltaire tends to avoid religion. They see it as a waste of time and look down on those who commit themselves to religion.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
Voltaire treats the arcane and magical similarly to how they treat other races. They're more judgemental to those they personally consider dangerous.

How does your character feel towards their family?
Voltaire has not spoken to their family since they moved out at the age of nineteen.

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
Voltaire is quite self-confident with their looks. They think they look incredible and they pride themself on their ability to charm others.

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
Voltaire doesn't have a specific motivation. They tend to take life a day at a time and are quite focused on survival.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?
Voltaire is, ironically, quite insecure about their height. They're usually fine in it, but they get seriously annoyed by people who are taller than them. Having most people perceive them as tall isn't quite good enough for them.

What is your character's biggest fear?
Voltaire has quite a large fear of death. They find the idea of it terrifying and would do anything to keep themself alive, including allowing others to die.

Voltaire commonly enjoys spending their time playing with the emotions of others. Although they know it is cruel, they can't help but to experience an odd kind of euphoria when they notice someone falling for them.
Voltaire loves the taste of sweets. People tend to question how they are able to eat so many without gaining weight, which Voltaire finds quite amusing.
Voltaire has quite an interest in potions and brewery. They have a minor obsession with creating new mixtures and seeing the effects they have on others, often without those others' knowledge.


Voltaire hates the company of people who express their emotions strongly, and/or who are overly optimistic. They see these people as a waste of time and can't help but to be annoyed by them.
Voltaire finds public gatherings boring and tiresome. They will still attend these gatherings, as to meet people and to keep up appearances. However, they tend to leave a bit early, and often hang around quieter areas.
Voltaire cannot wear scratchy wool. All clothing that they wear must be comfortable or they won't be able to handle wearing it.

Life Story (Required)

Voltaire was born and raised in Regalia. They lived with their mother and father for the majority of their life, until they reached the age of nineteen, when they left home and lost contact with their parents. Although their parents have tried to find and contact Voltaire, they have been unable to do so. Voltaire lives alone, their only company being a couple of small plants on their windowsill. They never had many friends in their childhood and would rather it to stay that way, at least for the most part. They also have an aversion to falling in love with others after a traumatic breakup that happened when they were eighteen.​
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+8 Alchemy Science (from points)
+8 Crossbow Combat (from points)
+13 Vocal Singing (+8 from points, +5 from racial boost)
You have ten free Talent and Hobby points that aren't clarified anywhere on the application. Either spend these or mention that they are unspent.
+8 Alchemy Science (from points)
+8 Crossbow Combat (from points)
+13 Vocal Singing (+8 from points, +5 from racial boost)
+5 Vocal Singing (from points)
+5 Mixology Art (from points)
Clarify what specifically comes from your Art and Talent points. You've also listed vocal singing twice. As a talent proficiency, Vocal Singing can only reach 10 maximum.
@Totocchio Talent and Art points are both separate, ten point banks. You have ten talent points, AND ten art points. You can see this on the Proficiency page. If you're not intending to spend these, mention that.