Preserved Sheet Volkmar Vorderau

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Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Volkmar Vorderau.
  • Race: Wirtem Ailor.
  • Age: 21 years.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Eye Color: Pale blue.
Core Concept
  • A stern and principled lord of the blue-blooded Vorderau family, and a recently knighted Viridian Sergeant, who seeks to ensure by way of the sword the longevity of his House and its lasting influence in the Regalian system, while upholding the ancient Wirtem glory.
  • Strength: 7
    • Duelist Pack | Technique Parry
    • Heavy Pack | Knockback Sweep
    • Hunter Pack | Concussive Strike
    • Skirmisher Pack | Pinning Throw
    • Warrior Pack | Battle Flurry
    • Pursuer Pack | Leaping Charge
    • Warden Pack | Bouncer Throw
  • Constitution: 5
    • Block Pack | Shield Block
    • Bastion Pack | Shield Wall
    • Bulwark Pack | Bunker Down
    • Protectorate Pack | Interception
    • Counterplay Pack | Rage Counter
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 2
    • Commander Pack | Move Command
    • Leadership Pack | Battle Command
  • Common [Native]
  • Calem [Native]
Appearance Information
  • A young Ailor with waist-level blond hair and pale blue eyes, with a caucasian complexion. He stands 6' 3" (190 cm) tall with a muscular body. In the place of his maimed right eye is a lime-green painted Hallowtech prosthetic.
Life Story
  • Volkmar was born in 289 AC to Ottfried Vorderau, Count of Vorderwald, as the middling sibling of three. In childhood, though younger than he, Volkmar was doubly more fierce and arrogant than his older brother, Otto. This arrogance did not always work to serve Volkmar's interests, as a dispute between youths led to a severe injury on Volkmar that necessitated the removal of his eye. Consequently, Volkmar took an interest in sword-fighting at an infants age, which was soon noticed by his immediate family, and the path to knighthood was then paved for the young Vorderau by the hand of his lord-father.
  • The teachings of honor and virtue within the Castle Kurtenwald were able to temper the fiery and ambitious blood in Volkmar, though his lust for acknowledgement showed in dueling sessions, where he'd oft have to be severely lectured by his mentors after savagely beating his opponents. The many scoldings he received eventually succeeded in teaching self-discipline to the young lord, and he emerged from Kurtenwald as a proud and trained Sergeant of the Viridian Order, adorned in his green cape, and a dog-tag defining his membership to the Pelt clade.
  • The newly knighted Volkmar re-emerged in the Vorderwald, only to discover the heightened political climate under the reign of his aging and weathered father, as well as the glaring ineptitude of his elder brother the heir, more concerned with leisure and self-indulgement than learning the ways of rulership. The sight left a sour taste in Volkmar's mouth, and he went on his way to engage in a series of swashbuckling adventures and knightly quests within and around Opper Calem, exercising his Knightly status in many corners of the archipelago, collecting hard-earned experience in combat and warfare. In the year of 310, Volkmar traveled to the City of Regalia to join his family members and his lord-father in their political ventures.
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