Archived Void Invasion Stuff

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
I am loving the events where voidlings and such come and invade parts of Aloria. It's really fun to fight the little buggers and it's a great thing for character development if you RP during them. (I try to but sometimes I'm like "Nope") Only thing I suggest is possibly having them be less powerful but there be more of them? The reason I suggest this is because it's hard to get into a fight with them when everyone is swarming the same one. This may just be me getting to the fights late, however. Again, loving the void invasion stuff and hope to see more of it :P
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
They are technically not lore compliant right now, but we are working on making a lore compliant setting for them and get some lore support.
i always thought these were cool, some ideas that hopefully may help:

-classic warfare idea: a way to get it to be a little more organized(and lore compliant) is to have the mobs sorted into 'groups': archers in the back, sword and axe wielders in the middle, heavy armored ones closer to the front, and one horse mounted void knight leading them all in.... have battalions of about 10 in each group, seeing how there can be anywhere between 15 to 30 people on one mob, it might make it easier for players to fight the void knights if they have designated groups, and for each battalion wiped out, one to two(depending on player population) bosses spawn in...

-player population and lag idea: having the players organized into different groups may ease the population overloads... have the event consist of two attacks, four waves each...
group 1: attack one, wave 1 and 3
group 2: attack one, wave 2 and 4
group 3: attack two, wave 1 and 3
group 4: attack two, wave 2 and 4
each group of players can contain up to 15 to 25 people
keeping 3 out of 4 groups in regalia they can RP and focus on preparing and waiting for their turn to fight may help lag spikes that result from having 40 players in the same chunk...

-staff?: these ideas sound ehh...okay on paper, but i honestly don't know how the staff would handle it... these are only ideas, hopefully it will help the staff members???