Preserved Sheet Vaeracasilliue

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Far Too Verbose Writer
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

Name: Vaeracasilliue, Vaera, "Vae", Vlu'xilkik (Circci).

Age: 20 years since awakening from stasis

Gender/Race: Female El-Maraya

Sexuality: Asexual

Skill Information
Note: The point value is set to 60, as Vaera is a Maraya.

Proficiency Point Allocation: 60 total
  • 20 Alchemical Sciences (Points)
  • 12 Historical Knowledge (10 Racial/2 Points)
  • 10 Statesmen Knowledge (Racial)
  • 10 Threads Arts (Points)
  • 8 Medical Sciences (Points)
  • 6 Nature Care Sciences (Points)
  • 5 Magical Knowledge (Points)
  • 4 Visual Arts (Points)
  • 3 Bodycare Training (Points)
  • 2 Underworld Knowledge (Points)
Languages: Vaera can speak Shalota and Common, and is literate in both.

Spellcasting: Vaera knows no spells.

Visual Information

Eyes: A shade of pinkish violet, set in a pair of perpetually sleep-deprived sockets.

Hair: A dusty shade of lavender. Reaches to her hips.

Skin: An icy shade of blue, partially grey. There are the pinkish remains of a burn scar on her neck.

Body Shape: Slim (0 points), low body fat.

Clothing: Silken dresses of blues, purples, and greens.

  • Vaera's off-violet eyes are complacent and analytical, and are often the first notable feature she has. They pick the environment apart hungrily for information, and flitter in and out of focus as her mind wanders and re-tightens. The extension of her forehead is left untouched by paint or ink, leaving her whole face looking drawn, yet smooth. Her cheeks are gaunt, accentuating those unnerving eyes of hers.
  • Though many think all Maraya come to the same height, Vaera is actually a hair or three shorter than her brethren. Still respectably tall by many races' standards, many fail to even notice the difference, but around other Maraya, it becomes noticeable. Neglect to her fitness and an anemic interest in combat and sports has rendered her overall weaker than normal for her kind, but she still finds herself stronger than the average Nelfin due to the Marayan anatomy. Her hands are long and thin, but her outstretched hand casts deceptively wide.
  • She made all of her own clothing out of silk-like Chrysalis - the substance once innate to her kind. She treated it and dyed it until it had the desired qualities, and then worked it into her outfits, typically consisting of dresses inspired by outfits she sees in Regalia, with a Hadarian twist. Her clothing makes frequent use of the colors blue, green and violet, and she has a taste in shawls. With the loss of her ability to make Chrysalis, she has begun working with more mundane materials, but finds them wanting.
  • The way she speaks is mellow and disinterested all at once. Her words are each carefully selected, and slotted into her speech, and her tone often comes off as sounding like a bemused robot. Her voice can also be soft, and is either pleasing or unnerving to the ear. Vaera fluently speaks Shalota and Common.

Personality and Abilities
  • To others, Vaera is like a being from another world in every sense of the idea. She walks with an alien grace, and speaks and acts with exacting precision. Even when she sounds unsure of herself, she sounds confident in the fact. Her perception is uncanny, as she ignores the people around her to put her laser-like gaze on a far more interesting world around her. She can find conversing a bore or an offense, favoring her mind wandering in another plane, making her come off as unapproachable to many. She's also kind, but tough, often showing a level of cruelty in her attempts to assist others: She is not above pinning someone down and forcibly tending to them if she deems it necessary, for example.
  • Internally, the mechanical Vaera is her own worst enemy. She acts cold and aloof, for she takes the burden of well-being upon herself, for her sense of empathy forbids that others suffer unnecessarily. She takes duties extremely seriously, and views distractions as sin: Ailor and Nelfin are offending or even disgusting due to their lack of focus. She feels as though she can ease herself a bit more where a Yanar or Allar is present, and with other Maraya she becomes snide and competitive. She's also terrified of failure, and will isolate herself in the hopes that she can mask her shortcomings.
She'll analyze, and overanalyze situations she witnesses and things that she hears, often finding outlandish meaning to what is said and done around her. Nothing is safe from her scrutiny, as she'll take note of, and discern the meaning of anything from what news is announced, to the reason there is a row of stitches on a man's sleeve, to why bees seem to prefer one flower over another.
  • To be an acquaintance of Vaera's is to understand that months can pass without knowing if she is even alive or not. Her slow, meticulous means, and shut-in nature can make her hard to get along with, but can also be her greatest attraction; she is an oddity, and sees the world in ways that few are able.
Those she deems as friends enjoy the "luxury" of being under her guidance; feeling the need to protect those she deems precious to her, she will become bossy, and yet oddly motherly to them, telling them what she perceives as "best" for them, and acting upon those perceptions. She puts herself above her loved ones, but only for the sake of being a guardian, finding an immense (and ironic) relief by placing their protection on herself. Her icy, aloof nature will eventually give way to a warm, emotional center, and while still calculative and controlling, she puts this towards the betterment of her loved ones, rather than pushing them away.
  • The Maraya - for all of her tough-talk of shoving aside those between her and her goals - finds it extremely difficult to bring harm to another being. She will run, hide, and ignore her problems, and cannot see the "point" in bringing harm to another mind. However, if she dictates that the mind of the other person is "worthless", then she can turn in a horrible, amoral being, using these people to her own ends, in an attempt to make them "useful".
    With her tendencies between good and evil considered, Vaera would be overall a "Lawful Neutral" person.
  • As far as worldview is concerned, Vaera is, uniquely to her kind, a fatalist. Unlike many other Maraya she feels all is in its proper place, finding that fate has deemed it so. She doesn't feel dissatisfaction with what could be, because in the grand scheme of things, everything has a reason. Her past lives, her current life, the state of the world, and indeed the cruel reality that has befallen her kin has all happened for some predetermined purpose.
She also has darwinist tendencies, possessing a strong belief that the superior are the inheritors of that which belongs to the inferior. Of course, her Marayan pride makes her think she is superior in many things, and that it's her duty to take the "inferior" under her wing, that she might be elevated to some higher status. In the end, the laws of nature are the only laws that matter, as nature is always superior to the constructed. This being said, she sees the noble as superior only in wealth and influence, and must be proven otherwise to elicit any truthful respect from her.

  • Tunnel Vision: As uncanny as her perception may be, it comes with one major drawback - Vaera has an exponentially hard time dividing her attention up between multiple things. (Not to say that she can't multitask, but she does find it much harder than the average person.) While focusing on something, someone could park a carriage behind her and she wouldn't notice. Her attention is like a spotlight; the thing being focused on is seen in exacting detail, but everything else "on stage" is dark and murky in comparison.
  • Vaera has a few quirks which are surprisingly human. She tilts her head and blinks rapidly when confused, and she has a habit of counting things when her mind is idle. Because she's constantly picking her environment apart, she notices little details about the environment that nobody else really notices or even cares to notice, such as the number of tiles on a floor, or the amount of nails in a table, or how one plant has a different shade of green to another.
  • Her calculated manner means that she has excellent control over tools in her hands. Though she has no training in its use, she's able to wield a whip with a controlled finesse, as well as similar objects, like ropes, twine, yarn or ribbons, and she would be able to use a chained weapon in a similar way, were she not so physically weak.

  • Sewing brings Vaera a sense of pride and satisfaction. When working with her silks, she is allowed to focus her mind on one task, and knows in her heart that the result will be beautiful. All other things leave her mind when she has a needle and thread in her hands, and her very self is woven into the stitches. She enjoys this activity so much, that she can potentially vanish off of the face of Aloria for days!
  • She loves the smell and feel of lavender. The scent is known to calm her, while the flower itself gives her something beautifully intricate to examine. She enjoys looking at flora in general, but something about lavender in particular is pleasing to her. Sometimes, a small stalk of the flowers can be found nestled in her hair, or floral patterns find their way embroidered into her attire.
  • As far as food is concerned, she definitely likes savory things more than she likes sweet ones. Her diet is largely vegetable-based, complemented by light meats, like bird or fish. When she does eat fruit, she prefers it to be cooked, with some salt.
  • Vaera despises the feeling of failure. She becomes extremely defensive when she is told she is doing poorly, often giving hateful glares to the ones telling her so. "I'm not doing it wrong, you simpleton. Now be quiet, and let me resume my work."

Life Story

~<A Timeless Rest>~

Vaeracasilue was once a powerful mage, who taught magic to the Meriac alongside with her husband Xathilnyth. Her own duty was as a thrallherd - she used mental magic to keep slaves complacent, tricking them into thinking that slavery is what they wanted. When the time came, both she and Xath served as Stewards, which were the mages responsible for sealing away the Meriac in stasis, to await the end of the world. Knowing that the two could not seal each other safely, they agreed to fight the Void invasion to the best of their ability, to the bitter end. However, Xathilnyth went back on his word, and at the first opportunity, locked his wife away into stasis, remaining behind, to face the voidspawn alone.


Vaeracasilue emerged from stasis in 286, to a rapidly-expanding civilization. A journal of her own writing left behind by her husband near her stasis chamber tickled her memory, and jogged her back into the mindset of the scientist she once was, though was unable to give her any memory but her name: but with her Circci mouthparts, she botched it, and read it as "Vlu'xilkik". In her hive, she was quick to adopt the role of researcher, and did study on several subjects, all with the purpose of re-orienting the Circci with the alien world around them. She served as equal parts medic and biologist, responsible for the identification of several plants and animals, and was responsible for treating any issues that arose from her hive's interactions with those plants and animals. She also was responsible for stirring the sleepers from their slumber, and monitoring their health - a duty she took very seriously and personally. For the next four years, she would tend to her people as they suffered the shrapnel of the Chrysant Wars raging in their lands.


After the Chrysant Wars came to a close in 291, Vlu was allowed to truly explore the world around her. She found the jungles of her home island of Z'drassan vibrant, and took every opportunity she could to visit the surrounding islets of Hadar. She happened upon several Allar settlements, and was part of the initial (and unsuccessful) steps of diplomacy between the two races. She was, however, allowed to partake in the art of alchemy, which seized the Circci's curiosity, and vastly advanced her capabilities as a healer. Then, she began to ponder if her own race could be modified, as the Allar had done with the Sa-Allar. To this end, she dedicated her next eight years to furthering her own talents as a biologist and alchemist, all the while keeping a vigilant eye on her hive, taking every casualty of her kind like an unforgivable wound on herself.


In 300, her insatiable curiosity lead her to Regalia. Perhaps there, she thought, she could find the means to bring prosperity to her kind, and end their woes as Circci. In 305, her wish was somewhat granted, as her race underwent the terrifying transformation back into their Meriac shapes. With her shape restored, as well as her old name, she seeks to restore her sense of authority; if not as a master, then as a teacher. To this day, her study into archaic knowledge continues, as she focuses on hoarding as much of it as she can.
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Edit (2 August, 2017): Updated the app to fit the new template. Removed all mention of her researching magic, and defined her study into biology and alchemy. Omitted weaknesses (except for the tunnel-vision), as while they are problems for her to face, they don't severely hamper her roleplay quite like the remaining one does. Because the edits are largely just formatting, I haven't colored any edits in anything.
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Okay, bump. This is kinda important to rebellion efforts, so I would really, really appreciate getting re-approved! Thank you~
Aaah! I'm so sorry for the wait! I've been preoccupied with school and such.
Without further ado, here's your review:

  • I'd like you to add more to the 'photographic memory' weakness. How exactly does it help her in her everyday life?
  • I find most physical weaknesses are rarely played out in RP. So, either replace the 'cracked shoulder' weakness or add another.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Okay~ I've gone ahead and added to how her memory assists her from day to day. I've also added a new weakness: she obsesses over any plan she might form, even to the point of great detriment. The edits have been done in dark blue.

Minor edit! I found a weakness I sort of just...Adopted into my habits when I rp! It has been marked in blue.

Okay. I'm sorry to bombard with replies, but I have been wondering for a long while now about making a major change to this character, one that I would like to discuss with a lore staff before going through with it. Would that be possible to do with someone?
I made some changes, outlined in the edit log! I'm putting this up for re-review.
I would advise removing unarmed from the weapon of choice section only due to there being a proficiency of the same name to avoid confusion. But you are approved none the less.
Changed her proficiency around a bit to better reflect her in-game talents.
Whassup friend! I'm here to drop a quick peer review.
That's what I recommend to fix. Cool Maraya by the way!
Basic Information | Life Story:
Given the time of awakening from stasis, you are character would be 19. If you wish them to be 20, that will mean they awoke in 286AC.​
Visual Information:
Remove weight.​
Add one more sentence to the morality paragraph.​
Add these into a spoiler.​

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me once done!
Common now costs 10 years like any other language, meaning you can only have 2. Please remove 1.
Add the physical stat calculation to this application.

Make these edits and tag me once done!