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Played Character Vivorian "vio" Bestelir Bel-hyrun

This character is actively played.


Nov 19, 2023
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Vivorian "Vio" Bestelir Bel-Hyrun
  • Race / Culture: Teledden
  • Age: 21
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him
  • Occult: Magewise Void
Core Concept

A teledden mage, traveling across the lands to learn all he can about magic as a whole.

He is what would be defined in Teledden culture as "a curious spirit filled with wanderlust". Or without the custom of polite wording, "A fickle child who can't choose a magic focus to save his life."

Vio's response to that would likely be, "If the God's didn't want me to explore all my options, they should've made magic less interesting."

Having been enlisted into a knight training academy early on in his life, Vio approached his training with the passion of a boy who had nothing better to do. He behaved and stayed on top of his duties well enough and even became rather efficient with a bow. But he would most often be found in the academy's small library, consuming every piece of writing he could get his hands on.

The academy held a rather conservative view on magic as it was most affiliated with the Varidian order, and as such held very little literature on the subject beyond its role in history and various races and cultures. Even then it was often literature portraying it in a negative light. This however did not pursuade Vio away from the subject, and he spent most of his trips out into town seeking out more in-depth works on magic and frequently reading them as fast as he could in small bookshops.

By the time he was old enough to graduate, he took the practical exam and passed with an average enough score. When the military recruiter came to discuss joining the knighthood with him, his usual calm demeanor broke and he laughed in the man's face. He left soon after in pursuit of any magic academy that would take him.

He has most recently found an interest in what many may call dark or shadow magic, and his exploration into the subject may lead him into more trouble than not. But his continued pursuit of it may indicate more to his motivations than meets the eye.

Appearance Information

Vio is a tall young man with pale skin and even paler blonde hair he keeps in a long braid. His eyes are a deep blue that are often charmed to appear purple or pink, and he is most often clad in purple garb. He is usually dressed fairly simply for travel, but he does wear quite a bit of silver jewelry if it is at all practical. He almost always wears a small necklace with a dark pendant gifted to him by a friend.



Vio is a polite and soft-spoken young man, who may come off as a bit aloof to others. This is mostly due to his unfamiliarity with many social situations to the point where staying quiet is seen as the safe option.

He is rather inquisitive and can hold a conversation with fellow mages and scholars for as long as they will allow him. He thirsts for knowledge and understanding above all else.

Is, unfortunately, not above Teledden arrogance. While he will not often brag or look down on others, he does have a tendency to see himself as the smartest person in the room by default.

Thankfully he will not be offended if this is proven thoroughly incorrect. In fact, it is often a pleasant surprise, and he will have a greater respect for the person and a desire to converse with them.

Do not be fooled by his pleasant demeanor. This man has a way of being a smug little shit veiled only by clever word choice.

Has a level of forgetfulness about outside social norms and rules. What do you mean some people see some magic as bad? And do other people really not kiss their friends on the lips? How else would they express their affection?


Plot Hooks

Vio is a big traveler so it's possible he has met or can meet your character on the road or in the towns.

Vio spent his early childhood in a knight/military academy. Perhaps you were one of his classmates or teachers?

Vio is fascinated by other races and religions. If your character loves to tell stories or proselytize their religion he is happy to listen and ask questions!

Vio seeks out scholars and mages to discuss things with and to ask about their studies.

He often gets into trouble by being in places he really shouldn't be or going along with people if they have (or claim to have) something he wants or wants to know. If you want a gullible character to mess with, he's your guy!

He has recently sparked an interest in "dark" ritualistic magic and the void.





  • Strength 3
  • Technique Parry
  • Knockback Sweep
  • Pinning Throw
  • Constitution 1
  • Shield Block
  • Arcane 4
  • Sinistral Sever
  • Sinistral Leap
  • Radiant Revive
  • Radiant Barrier
  • Wisdom 4
  • Enchant Bolts
  • Enchant Defense
  • Enchant Revenge
  • Enchant Oceana
  • Dexterity 1
  • Knocking Shot
  • Faith 0
Character Art
Featuring Francisparadise's Variaan
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