Preserved Sheet Vivienne Héloïse Harhold

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i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
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United Kingdom



Art Album.


I am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
Basic Information
Full Name: Vivienne Héloïse Harhold nee d'Eluise; Vivienne the Vile.
Age: Twenty-nine, 3rd of January 276 AC.

» Star sign: Capricorn

» Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female.

Race: Ailor; Ithanian.
Main Ambition: Vivienne aims to become politically relevant and wants to secure herself a place in the government.

Secondary Ambition(s):
» To salvage her reputation and prove she is not purely a witch.
» To run a successful charter and or social group.
» To gain Imperial and Common Favour, to become a woman of the people.

Special Permission: N/A


Visual Information
Eye Color: Murky Blue.
Hair Color: Raven Black.
Hair Style: Intricately formed and styled ringlet curls, she takes pride in her hair. She usually wears a delicate headpiece which is tucked into her hair, jewels and gold in circular design hanging from small golden chains.
Skin Color: Porcelain Ivory.

Clothing: Vivienne has a plethora of outfits and gowns, though the style she is sporting now is a Leutz-Vixe gown in the Harhold colors, dripping in jewels and accessories.
Height: 5'3.
Body Build: Skinnyfat.
Weapon of Choice: Vivienne detests combat, she would much rather use a fellow noble as a shield against an attacker. Though, if she's forced - a simple knife will do.

Skill Information
Proficiency Pool: 29 Points.
Proficiency Points:
+17 Judicial (+10 from School of Statesman, +7 from Proficiency Points)
+17 Diplomacy (+10 from School of Statesman, +7 from Proficiency Points)
+15 Commerce (+10 from School of Statesman, +5 from Proficiency Points)

Culture Points
Proficiency Pool: 29 Points.
Culture Points:
+10 Dancing (+10 from Points)
+10 Instrumental Music (+10 from Points)
+9 Poetry (+9 from Points)

Languages Known
Ithanian (Born to an Ithanian & raised in Vixhall.)
Leutz-Vixe (Born to a Leutz-Vixe, similar to Ithanian.)
Alt-Regalian (Not fluent, but attempted to learn it due to her father regularly speaking the tongue.)


Personality and Abilities
Paragraph I: How she is perceived
Vivienne has always been a [sociable] girl, though sometimes her [dry humor] and [sarcastic wit] can be taken as offensive or brash. She'd usually feel remorseful that she'd caused a misunderstanding such as that, but due to recent events, she's become [impatient] with the whiny behavior. She feels that if you don't like something, you shouldn't deal with it. And she certainly doesn't like people whining and complaining about her humor. Though, when first acquainting themselves with Vivienne they'd certainly pick up on her [vast intellect.] The girl may be young, but she is no fool. She likes to wave the subjects she studied over people's heads, almost as if saying 'I'm better than you.' Though that certainly doesn't make her a genius, she has weak points in a handful of subjects. For an example, alchemy and horticulture, science and the like. She mainly studied and read textbooks concerning history and subjects similar to it. Coming back to an earlier point made, due to her impatient nature she can soon become fairly [irritable]. It's noted to be quite hard to hold a conversation with her whilst she's in one of her moods. The first thing someone would hear about Vivienne would have to be how easily she can fly into a fit, once started she finds it hard to calm down - which some would describe as an [anger problem.] Though she only tends to fly into such a rage when being provoked and insulted over and over again, she's a very [prideful] woman.

Paragraph II: How she feels
Vivienne is actually quite an [insecure] woman. She constantly feels as if she is underestimated and belittled. Firstly due to her being a woman, and secondly due to how she's quite young and naive in the political scene. She feels as if she has to prove herself to family and her peerage. Though while she's insecure about herself socially, the girl is no stranger to [vanity.] She could sit for days and gaze at herself in a mirror, picking and preening over her hair and complexion. Usually, Vivienne is almost afraid to throw herself into a political gathering. She's not afraid of the people, more so [afraid of failure.] She has many wild ambitions, but that fear will usually hold her back. Vivienne is most confident when she [feels in control], so for example when she's hosting an event and entertaining a large sum of people. Her desire for control stemmed from when she was a child, used to being pushed to the side and under-minded. She never got what she wanted, being pushed to the side in favor of her sisters or brothers. She was the black sheep of the family, so to speak. Her sisters excelled in science, healing, and alchemy while that was Vivienne's weakest point. Her brothers were both fighters, while the idea of combat didn't sit well with Vivienne.

Paragraph II: Her relationship with friends and family
Vivienne doesn't really have friends. She tends to hold people at an arm's length. This could mostly be pegged down to the fact that she never had a good relationship with her father or mother as a child. Her father never accepted the girl's desires and goals in life and she ultimately felt rejected. It's a fear she's still struggling to live with, the [fear of rejection.] When around her sisters or brothers, Vivienne has a rather [arrogant] and [cocky attitude]. Having grown up around them, she was never the favorite. She had to kick and scream to get her mother or father's attention. But now that she is the matriarch and title holder, she has the feeling of [importance] and [relevance], though recently she's come under fire from her two older sisters, the two of them calling her [immature] and [disrespectful.] Though what differs her relationship with family over that with strangers and friends, is that Vivienne actually has a lot and care for her siblings - though she may not show it often.

Paragraph III: Her morality
Vivienne's morality is one that involves herself first, and others second. While she is [not able to be truly described as evil], she is no saint. The Harhold enjoys to see the downfall of others - it makes her feel higher. Simply put, Vivienne is [self-centered.] When it comes to others corruption, she honestly couldn't care less. If it affects someone she has it out for in some way she welcomes it. She likes to have others do her work for her without even realizing it. When it comes to a moral code, Vivienne likes to conduct herself with grace, etiquette, and stature. Though most of the time these rules she desperately attempts to uphold is broken due to her easily angered personality. She can be considered quite manipulative, she tends to twist words and scenarios in her favor - gaining control of those involved and their perceptions.


Birth - Childhood
Vivienne was born the youngest of three triplets to Madeleine d'Eluise and Daniel de Blouscheur.
The young d'Eluise was a fairly easy child, sleeping silently throughout the night, the complete contrast to her two brothers.

Child - Late Adolescent
As the young girl blossomed her sweet demeanor contorted into a demanding obsession with having her own way.
With her dramatic attitude, many quickly grew tired around her. Her eldest brother was one who did not, and Vivienne grew deeply attached to him; almost to an obsessive stage.
Her feelings toward others were intense, be it one of hatred or friendship. Surprisingly, most of her curious romantic feelings were directed toward girls around her own age.
With her melodramatic and bratty attitude, it was only natural for her relationship with her sisters to dwindle. The older duo was more than fed up with Vivienne, denying her the affection the girl craved.
Vivienne was soon shipped off to the academy for aristocratic learning in Regalia, aka the School of Statesman.

Young Adolescent - Late Adolescent

Vivienne soon graduated from the academy with a new attitude about her, determined to take the city by storm. She was a young woman now, and more than ready for what the world had to offer.
She quickly formed friendships, with one friend in particular turning romantic. The two women crept about in the shadows for months, reveling in one another's company.
Her father was quick to notice such, forbidding the two from interacting. He grew stern with his only daughter, locking her in her chambers for days at a time until she was tired of begging for release.
As her young adult life progressed, her parent's marriage had turned sour. They would argue all hours of the day, and when it came to light Daniel had been unfaithful all hell broke loose.

Late Adolescent - Present Day
Daniel soon passed away, having been murdered by an unknown assailant.
Madeleine sent Vivienne back to Ithania to mourn with the family, which she did with no objection. Her father had not been a perfect man, but in her heart of hearts, Vivienne still holds him close to her.
As soon as her father passed, her crumbling relationship with her elder sisters self-combusted, leaving the family in tatters. They labeled her as immature and inhumane, which left Vivienne bruised internally.
She wed soon enough, to a man of low standing yet who was on the rise. Her husband, Hengest Harhold, showered her with prizes and affection. The man would bend over backward for his darling wife, his high titles merely a bonus.
She went on to have a child with Hengest, a daughter named Cwynthryth.

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@Ryria My peer review:

Personality and Abilities
*You mention that she has a "vast intellect", but follow through by saying she's naive and politically inept. I feel with how it's currently phrased these two ideas are going against one another, perhaps elaborate on how she's intelligent and what fields she thrives in.

*In the "How she feels" paragraph you mention frequently her insecurities and longing for control. I would suggest mentioning where this wanting of control derives from. Is it because she had no say as a child, and now compensates by wanting that sense of control in abundance as a young adult? Something along those lines. I think adding where these paranoids came from adds another lay to the character.

*In the "Her relationships with friends and families" portion, you mentioned the perpetual rejection she received as a child, yet in the next sentence or so you indicated she's used to getting her way and not being questioned. To myself, these two ideas are polar opposites and wouldn't work in unison with how they're currently explained.

*Perhaps include the trait manipulative in the "Her morality" paragraph. She seems to fit the bill with how she controls others.​

*In the Talents portion you have a weird space between Musician and Quick Wit.​

*You're by no means lacking in the weakness department, but I would suggest adding a weakness involving her emotional insecurities pertaining to rejection and whatnot. I'm not suggesting you add another weakness atop of your list, but it's certainly something to consider in order to add another dynamic to the character.​

Life Story
*I would advise adding a bit more meat to the "child - late adolescent" portion. You're currently being fairly ambiguous about what drove the wedge between Viv and her oldest sister, maybe enlighten us as to why they drifted away.

*In the "late adolescent - present day" section you reference Viv as grieved over something. Whether that's the death of her father or departure of Cecile remains rather confusing, maybe clarify that a bit.​

Overall, it's a gorgeous application that's aesthetically pleasing and a nice read. Best of luck to you and your review, I hope my suggestions are useful!
@Ryria My peer review:

Personality and Abilities
*You mention that she has a "vast intellect", but follow through by saying she's naive and politically inept. I feel with how it's currently phrased these two ideas are going against one another, perhaps elaborate on how she's intelligent and what fields she thrives in.

*In the "How she feels" paragraph you mention frequently her insecurities and longing for control. I would suggest mentioning where this wanting of control derives from. Is it because she had no say as a child, and now compensates by wanting that sense of control in abundance as a young adult? Something along those lines. I think adding where these paranoids came from adds another lay to the character.

*In the "Her relationships with friends and families" portion, you mentioned the perpetual rejection she received as a child, yet in the next sentence or so you indicated she's used to getting her way and not being questioned. To myself, these two ideas are polar opposites and wouldn't work in unison with how they're currently explained.

*Perhaps include the trait manipulative in the "Her morality" paragraph. She seems to fit the bill with how she controls others.​

*In the Talents portion you have a weird space between Musician and Quick Wit.​

*You're by no means lacking in the weakness department, but I would suggest adding a weakness involving her emotional insecurities pertaining to rejection and whatnot. I'm not suggesting you add another weakness atop of your list, but it's certainly something to consider in order to add another dynamic to the character.​

Life Story
*I would advise adding a bit more meat to the "child - late adolescent" portion. You're currently being fairly ambiguous about what drove the wedge between Viv and her oldest sister, maybe enlighten us as to why they drifted away.

*In the "late adolescent - present day" section you reference Viv as grieved over something. Whether that's the death of her father or departure of Cecile remains rather confusing, maybe clarify that a bit.​

Overall, it's a gorgeous application that's aesthetically pleasing and a nice read. Best of luck to you and your review, I hope my suggestions are useful!

I'm just going to respond to this, because I feel you have put a few points down that don't actually need fixing.

You said that I wasn't clear in what drove the wedge in between Rosie and Vivienne, but it states what happened between them in the young-late adolescent section.

You also say I wrote that Vivienne was naive and politically inept, but what I wrote was that she is naive in the political scene. Meaning she has a lack of experience and wisdom with politics.

These are the only two things that made me a bit confused, but thankyou for all the other feedback you gave me.
I'm just going to respond to this, because I feel you have put a few points down that don't actually need fixing.

You said that I wasn't clear in what drove the wedge in between Rosie and Vivienne, but it states what happened between them in the young-late adolescent section.

You also say I wrote that Vivienne was naive and politically inept, but what I wrote was that she is naive in the political scene. Meaning she has a lack of experience and wisdom with politics.

These are the only two things that made me a bit confused, but thankyou for all the other feedback you gave me.
Addressing your first point. You had iterated what drove the wedge between them in another period of her life, not the child - late adolescent, which makes it sounds like something else had occurred during her youth that wasn't the Roselyne tattling on her for having relations with Cecile. It might be a misunderstanding from my part, but it seems odd to place that in this particular spot when it references a period that happens later in her life.

Secondly, that was poor phrasing on my end, but the point of that comment was to suggest on elaborating on which field she has a vast intellect in. Is she just a general smarty pants, or is musically inclined, a master of reading people? Things along those lines.
Staff Review-

  • Weaknesses
    • Vain, Apathetic Towards Others, and Control Freak are all not distinctive weaknesses but rather character flaws. Remove these from your weakness section.
  • Life Story
    • Under Childhood to Late Adolescence, you mention that Vivienne's relationship with her sisters deteriorated. Go further in depth with this and explain why.
Mark all additions / changes in blue and tag me once you've finished.
Why haven't I seen this until now. Love it.
Edit Log 27/02/18
  • Completed all requirements with the new proficiency point system.
  • Edited the life story.
  • General restructuring.
  • You only have nine to spend after attending a school, as ten go into the school itself.

Mark your edits in red and tag me when the appropriate changes have been made. @Ryria