Archived Visual Update For Ithania

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


May 20, 2014
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Many people have most likely seen the Ithanian district in Regalia (the colourful place for rich fellas) and have noticed the "small" differences between the Ithanian district and Havenreach, the capital of Ithania.
Because of this I am suggesting that Havenreach would be updated to look more like the Ithanian district in Regalia.

The update would bring back some life to the old spawn of Ithania, which sadly looks like a town that any players could have built.

Updating it would also create new places for the players to roleplay in, making the world much more interesting to explore.

Ill leave you off with pictures of both Havenreach and the Ithanian district, try to see if you can spot the differences between the two locations.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is a very good suggestion, it seems like Havenreach might need a touch of love to sparkle like never before!
It was planned a couple of months ago, but we lack the manpower. I'm going to tag this as Handled purely because it is an intended future feature, but far in the future because we are simply swamped with other tasks right now.