Visit Pappy At Fisher's Isle


Pappysassafras - Mad Miner of WhiteRoses
May 14, 2013
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Hi all!

Sick of fishing off of docks etc I have created a new fishing spot due east of the Daendroc spawn point. There are beaches to fish from including a central pool for inland fishing. Soon there will be covered shelter for bad weather as well as facilities for cooking fish, and of course opportunities for trade. There is boat parking!

- Pappysassafras
Fishin' Magician
And in other words a slaughter bath! Some people will be sleeping with the fishes (whistles to the epic pun)
Noooo. Its a place of wonder and fuuuuuun.
"Noooo. Its a place of wonder and fuuuuuun." ~ The last ever words of pappysassafras
You know, the reason people fish at the spawns is because they are safe zones. Your island on the other hand will be a great place to attack unsuspecting fishermen.
I didn't specify what we would be fishing for :)
Hmm, I think I will remain fishing in my pond out the back of my house. Seems alot safer to fish their than to travel far to a small island in which is possibly infected with bandits.