Preserved Sheet Visarovich Krovnygorodskiy

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General Secretary of the U.S.S.R.
May 6, 2016
Reaction score
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Character Information

Basic Information:

  • Full Name: Visarovich Krovnygorodskiy
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Vladno Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Skill Information:

    28 year old Ailor, no schools, so 28 points:

    -Statesman Knowledge: +15 (15 from points)
    -General Command: +8 (8 from points)
    -Cavalry Combat Skill: +5 (5 from points)
    -Metallurgy: +10
    (10 from Vladno Ailor)

    Body (5 points from combat stats):
  • Body fat: Average body fat
  • Body build: Toned body shape

Common: 10/10 (learnt during childhood)

Visual Information:


Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Black
Hair style: Medium length, slightly wild, black beard
Skin colour: Pale white
Clothing: Red kaftan with green embroidery and a brown belt. Light brown jackboots and dark blue pants. Square fur hat.
Height: 5'9 or 180 cm

Personality & Abilities:

First paragraph: To others, Visarovich is seen as a relatively calm and quiet person. Someone who always minds his own business before he focuses on anything else. This often results in fewer contacts during social activities. However as one gets to know Visarovich better, they will notice he is quite talkative and sharp. He posesses a healthy cynicism towards many subjects. This has at times lead to aggressive discussions and even fights at times.

Second paragraph: Visarovich generally feels indifferent towards most things. He doesn't think too much of things in general, but when it comes to his own ideas and opinions, he's completely convinced that he posesses the right mind for certain situations. He is generally speaking quite confident of himself, but respects others with a similar mindset.

Third paragraph: To friends and family, Visarovich is quite reserved. He loved his parents at a young age, but didn't see his other family members very often. He also has no brothers or sisters which leads to his love for family being devoted utterly to his parents. However, he hasn't seen his parents in years, so family-wise there is nothing to love at this point. When it comes to friends he would almost literally walk through fire for them. But since he only has a certain group of people he utterly trusts, he luckily hasn't got too many burn scars.

Fourth paragraph: Visarovich's morality can be perfectly described in one word; justice. He will always treat people fairly, friend and foe alike. However, he also has a high sense of fortitude, which can sometimes translate to cold-heartedness.

Personality & Abilities:

-Doesn't like sweating
-Doesn't particularly like children
-Is often focused on a certain problem that he ignores everything else

-He has started getting good at drawing maps
-He is a good mediator between people


-Long stories

Life Story:

Ages 1-15:
Visarovich's childhood was a relatively tough one. He wasn't born to wealthy parents or into a noble house. He was born on a farm in Etosil, outside the city of Mlyat. His parents wanted the best for Visarovich, but didn't have the finances to do so. His father taught him the common language early on, but couldn't offer much more education-wise. Visarovich spent most of his childhood playing wargames and acting as soldiers with his friends, while at home he would not have much to do, so he generally spent his time at home thinking about all sorts of things. One subject that caught his interest was government, as he wondered why his family was so poor while there were nobles with lots of wealth and power.

Ages 15-20:
As Visarovich spent more and more time at home thinking about the various subjects he could think of and the situations he had experienced, he became wiser and wiser. However, this would not do for him. He was eager to pull pranks on locals with his friends. He would often go on 'adventures' with his friends too out of boredom during the night, as he would spend most of his time during the day helping out his family on the farm. His father would then teach him to wield a sabre on horseback on one of the horses they had at the farm, in the event that their farm would be attacked. These adventures would often be climbing trees or buildings, though they were never really good at it. One thing these adventures did for Visarovich was to create his love for drawing maps. Everytime he and his friends would go to a new place to explore it, he'd map it all at home. Later on he would create more detailed maps of his surroundings. It is also around this time that he got a job as an assistant of the local village elder, officially starting his career in politics. He'd mostly spend his time organising all the papers in the town hall, but later on he would even start to advise the village elder on daily matters.

Ages: 20-28:
In more recent times Visarovich's uncle has taught him to read at his father's behest, as his father couldn't read. His uncle was a merchant, not a wealthy one but he was doing okay. Visarovich would receive many visits from his uncle during his early twenties as his uncle often passed by the farm to stay for a week or two during his trading voyages. He would gift Visarovich various books about philosophy, politics and history during these stays for festivities or for his birthdays. Although he often had to explain many things about the books before Visarovich could actually understand them. However, as soon as he explained what the books were about, Visarovich would instantly cling on to the information and actually add to it to his uncle's surprise. As Visarovich obtained more and more books from his uncle, he would go on fewer adventures with every passing day. This would result in him being more reserved, calm and quiet, traits he posesses to this day. This also greatly helped Visarovich in his job at the town hall, which he still posessed. His talents in terms of statesmanship became clear during his later years at the town hall. However, a simple assistant's job at the local town hall wouldn't do for him. He wanted something bigger, something more ambitious. When he was 26, he was at a friends house when he heard of his farm being attacked by bandits. Upon arriving back at the farm, he saw his parents had been killed, along with three bodies of what appeared to be bandits. With his parents gone, his fortitude caused him to stay almost cold-hearted and to sell his farm with its animals. It would take about a month for him to purchase a cart and load it with his posessions, including the silver from selling the farm. He already knew very well that he wanted to follow his talents, to go to Regalia and become an expert statesman. And who knows, perhaps build up an even better life there.
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Skill Information:

28 year old Ailor, no schools, so 28 points:

-Statesman Knowledge: +15 (15 from points)
-General Command: +8 (8 from points)
-Cavalry Sabre: +5 (5 from points)

  • Body fat: Low body fat
  • Body build: Athletic
You forgot the Body Shape Points
Also what culture is he? You can also apply a boost to your skill section after you choose one.

Overall I think it could use a little development, maybe in personality & abilities/Life Story. For example what caused him to start getting good at drawing maps? Did it start as a hobby? And so on.

But apart from that it seems good to me.
You forgot the Body Shape Points
Also what culture is he? You can also apply a boost to your skill section after you choose one.

Overall I think it could use a little development, maybe in personality & abilities/Life Story. For example what caused him to start getting good at drawing maps? Did it start as a hobby? And so on.

But apart from that it seems good to me.

Edited the body points and life story, though Im not sure whether I did the body points correctly at all. As for the boosts, don't ailor have 0 boosts? I also haven't attended any official 'schools' in roleplay or whatever, so Im pretty sure I get none.
Edited the body points and life story, though Im not sure whether I did the body points correctly at all. As for the boosts, don't ailor have 0 boosts? I also haven't attended any official 'schools' in roleplay or whatever, so Im pretty sure I get none.
You don't need to attend schools IC, as long as you include it as part of your background. I think some might require certain things of your character however, so you should look into them before joining or whatever.

Ailor get culture boosts, depending on what Ailor culture your character is, they get a boost from that.
You don't need to attend schools IC, as long as you include it as part of your background. I think some might require certain things of your character however, so you should look into them before joining or whatever.

Ailor get culture boosts, depending on what Ailor culture your character is, they get a boost from that.

Looked it up and edited it, thanks. It was always pretty obvious this was gonna be a /Russian/ Vladno :^)
My Review:
Tag me once the edits have been done in green @Visarovich
My Review:
Tag me once the edits have been done in green @Visarovich

Fixed it in green