Preserved Sheet Vi'san Svensson

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The Green Fish
Jan 2, 2017
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Vi'san Svensson (new format)

Basic information

  • Full name: Vi'san Svensson (nickname: Vi)

  • Age: 28

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Velheim

  • Main Ambition: To keep family and friends safe

  • Special Permission: None

Visual information

  • Eye color: Emerald Green

  • Hair color: Dark brown

  • Hairstyle: Mohawk

  • Skin color: slightly tanned

  • Height: 6'4

  • Weight: 214 Pounds

  • Body Build: Muscular

  • Weapon of choice: Dual Axes

Visual information (Expansion)

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • As perceived by others: Vi'san is seen as a hard working person and is very friendly to everyone and sociable, if someone wanted to drink with him in a tavern he would open his arms to them and offer to buy the next round and try start a conversation with them getting them to open up, The only time he is thought of differently is when he is drunk, at this point he starts to get very aggressive to people he doesn't like or work with. When he isn't drunk or drinking he is a bit immature trying to pull pranks on his friends to get a quick laugh.

  • Internally to self: Vi'san is always concerned with the way people think of him, wanting to be seen as a friendly person as when he grew up all he knew was fighting, training and hunting. Because of this, he is very loyal to the friends he has he would always put his body on the line for his friends and the people he works for trying to gain their trust. He is also confident with his views and being very stubborn about them and not wanting to admit he is wrong even when he knows he is. Still is in regret for when in his early life hurting a child and always has it on his mind never wanting to hurt another child again and always wanting to protect them.

  • Towards friends and family: Vi'san is very protective of both friends and family and not wanting to lose them. When leaving home to come to Regalia he makes sure to send coins to his mother at home when he receives pay not wanting her to ever need to work and be able to live a comfortable life, Vi'san is very protective of his friends if he ever saw them getting in a fight he would be the first to charge in and try to knock out the opponent without knowing anything about what was happening other then they are fighting.

  • Regarding Morality: Morality goes out the window when things include his friends, family, and children he will do anything to protect them. To other people, he has a decent sense of balance and normally would let someone else deal with the punishment of the person because he wouldn't want their fate to be in his hands.


  • Reaction speed: he moves very quickly to new things happening around him and is very good at dealing with them. this is probably because of all of his years training at the school of Skagger and growing up hunting in the woods. Although, while he may be quick in reaction to sneak attacks or quick hits, he can't always catch everything before it happens.

  • Pain tolerance: Vi'san always had a very high pain tolerance, even when he is not in his berserk mode. Therefore, he can take many hits without going down, and keep fighting through what others would perhaps falter too. Yet, while he isn't invincible, Vi'san can certainly handle his punches. This may come from all his hours of practice and slowly build up a resistance towards it. This also means he will do stupid actions to get things done even if it may put him in serious pain for a period of time.

  • Lower Body Strength: Vi'san has amazing leg strength being easily able to run at a high speed and also be able to lift heavy objects nearly double his weight. This has come from all the years of Skagger school and hunting always chasing after prey and having to carry it back home.


  • Children: If a child is involved during a fight he will do anything to get the child out the way or out the problem. Seeing a child while he is in berserker mode will make him instantly go out of the mindset to rest. This has come from an incident when he was training to be a Skagger when he went berserk and badly hurt a child and he swore to try his best to never hurt a child again if he could and try to protect them from danger. The order he will protect people goes family then children and finally friends but if an employer tells him to kill a child he will instantly quit that job to find a new one.


  • he loves getting ridiculously drunk with his friends
  • he loves the taste of warm bread and the smell of it
  • he gets excited when he makes new friends

  • he hates people trying to annoy him and gets very violent about it
  • he dislikes spoiled people
  • he has a rage against people who use water magic because of how useless he thinks it is

Life story


  • Was born in Gliepnir

  • Was an only child

  • Was introduced to hunting at a young age of 7 and became okay with a bow but does not like to use it as a weapon unless it is the only weapon there

  • Always knew he wanted to be one of the Skagger's

  • Loved making friends and was very friendly with the counts children
Teen years

  • Started to learn meditation at the age of 12 and tried using blunt axes to practice. by only watching the Skagger trying to get a head start

  • At the age of 16, he joins the Skagger's school in Glipnir
Late twenties

  • He followed his old friend the count Týrök Úlfurtönn to Regalia to be one of his house guards

  • Mainly seen in his free time going to taverns to get drunk

  • He was also trying to gain a better standing in Regalia
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Yo, where your strengths and weaknesses be at?

I suggest asking the staff to move this to WIP. That gives you a little more time.
Here is my review!
  • All 3 of the strengths are combat strengths. Replace one of them with something that is social or intellectual.
  • The two strengths you keep both need 1-2 more sentences to describe them. Make sure your new one has at least 3-4 sentences describing it as well.
  • 5 of 7 of your personality strengths are generally positive for you. Replace Violent, Quick Witted, Sociable, Diligent, or Loyal with some type of negative personality attribute.
  • Narrow-minded conflicts directly with his reaction speed trait. Reaction speed seems to suggest he adjusts quickly to his surroundings, but narrow minded seems to suggest he isn't even aware of his surroundings. If you keep reaction speed, this weakness needs to be replaced.
  • Aggresive Drunk doesn't really weaken you. It is apparent that this character is designed for bar-room brawls, so the fact he fulfills his purpose does not weaken him. Replace this trait with some sort physical and combat oriented weakness.
Make some edits and then tag me @TheOverseer__
Here is my review!
  • I don't see this point was addressed- 5 of 7 of your personality strengths are generally positive for you. Replace Violent, Quick Witted, Sociable, Diligent, or Loyalwith some type of negative personality attribute.
  • The eyesight weakness doesn't weaken you at all really, it could never play out in RP. One MC block = 1 Meter, and max emote distance is somewhere around 15 or 18 blocks so you couldn't even know if somebody had lobbed an attack at your from outside your visual range. Even if your eyesight was so bad that it was 3-4 meters it will wouldn't weaken you provided your combat techniques though since most combat RP you participate in is going to be straight face to face with your opponent starting right in front of you. Replace this weakness again. Try to get something that has some sort of objective trigger and specific consequence that can feasibly come up in combat. Most people use old injuries to create weak spots or some conditional way that will disable you offensively, but not defensively for a large part of a battle. This is of course completely up to your creative freedom as long as you have something that weakens you a bit in combat to keep things fair and balanced with other characters.
Make some edits and then tag me @TheOverseer__
Looks good! Locking up at the sight of endangered children fits really well and I think could be interesting if it happened

If your interested in joining into the Skagger Community and its various chats Privately message me and I can bring you in, its a great time here!
  • Remove weight, this has been replaced by body build entirely.
  • Either break up the large sentence or add two more sentences to the first paragraph for a four sentence minimum.
  • Either break up the large sentence or add two more sentences to the third paragraph for a four sentence minimum.
  • Add two more sentences to the fourth paragraph.
  • Capitalize the start of sentences in the reaction speed talent.
  • Add one more sentence to the lower body strength talent.
  • It says quirks when I believe it should be weaknesses? Amend this.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Rejected due to inactivity. You may repost this app later when you have the time, though I do suggest doing the edits I asked of you before doing such.
sorry been busy exams are coming up but thank you so far