Preserved Sheet Viorel A Solyom

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The Painted Shendar
Mar 25, 2015
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Viorel A Sólyom
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Szabadok Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapons: Saber & Buckler, Pike (Horseback)
Skill Information

Total Points: 45. 35 from Age, 10 from Race/ Culture Proficiency

Proficiency Points:
  • +10 Thin Blades Combat Skill [Saber] (from Points)
  • +10 Shielding Combat Skill [Buckler] (from Points)
  • +5 Musical Arts [War chants & throat singing] (from Points)
  • +10 Medical Sciences (from Points)
  • +10 Cavalry Combat Skill (from Race Boost)
Body Shape:
  • Body Stat: 20
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Average
  • Réginyelv (learned in childhood)
  • Common (learned in travels)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Cropped short and swept back
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: Leather over a traditionally embellished long coat, fur trimmed leather hat, pointed cavalry boots, cloth eyepatch, occasional metal faceplate mask/ helm.
  • Height: 6'0"
Personality and Abilities

The Core List
  • Alignment:
    • Chaotic Good occasionally bordering Neutral Evil.
    • Viorel stands by an ingrained and highly strict moral code, however it's interpretation is rather unconventional. He typically acts for selfish reasons (viewing them as "the greater good") unless heavily persuaded to do otherwise, generally with coin.
    • Viorel's upbringing within the Szabadok Horde's law also leads to an ingrained sense of what is right and wrong, especially as far as he views other "lesser" races and peoples.
  • Personality Type:
    • ENTJ: The Commander
  • Religion:
    • Etosian Unionist Scale of 3/10
Life Story

Viorel was born in Szülőföld to Istvan and Mihaela A Sólyom, however considers himself a son with many parents. He spent much of his formative years as a mounted shepherd on the Etosian steppes under the banner of The Falcon (hence his surname), riding with his brothers and sisters both adopted and chosen. In this time he also learned to fight with a saber and to carry a pike, spending every available waking hour committing himself to the weapons and traditions of his people.

At the age of 20, despite the long past decree of Justinian II, Viorel was conscripted to ride with a warband into Etosil proper, and- keeping the stories of the raid on Bythalost in mind- sought to bring fame, fortune, and glory unto his fellow bannermen. His party acted out many small-scale raids, claiming what slaves and treasure they could. While the life of a nomadic raider proved prosperous, the years passed, and due to both their relatively small size and continued resistance from the surrounding fiefdoms, Viorel's warband fell apart; no more than a memory of a seemingly bygone age.

It wasn't until the age of 30, shortly after losing his left eye in what was seemingly fated to be his last mounted battle, that Viorel sailed to the Regalian Archipelago onboard a merchant freighter via heavy bribe. He often jokes that his journey was by "Divine Intervention" as his forebears had. Currently Viorel is seeking to make a name for himself as a sword for hire in Regalia, hoping for an easy score, newfound kin, and to align himself with a noble family that would find use for his particular talents with a saber.