Preserved Sheet Viktória Tesárová

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground

Basic Information
| Music |
  • Full Name: Viktória Tesárová
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Bolven Ailor
  • Affliction: Graal Vampirism
  • Culture: Anian/Szabadok
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Claws and fists
  • Inventory:
    • Fancy Necklace
    • Silver earrings
    • Coin Pouch

Skill Information
Total Points: 50/50 Skill Points, 10/10 Hobby Points
  • 10 Dancing Art (+5 Hobby Points +5 Skill Points)
  • 5 Needlework Art (+5 Hobby Points)
  • 5 Perception Training (+5 Skill Points)
  • 9 Sorcery (+9 Skill Points)
  • 6 Schooling (+6 Skill Points)
    • Finance School
    • Statesmen School
  • 20 Fist Combat (+20 Skill Points)
  • 10 Strength Training (+5 Skill Points +5 Bolven Boost)
Body Shape
  • 5 Dancing Art + 10 Strength Training + 20 Fist Combat = 35 Physical Stat
  • Average Body Shape
  • Moderate Body Fat
  • Common
  • Annore [Father]
  • Réginyelv [Mother]
Graal Vampire Mutations
  • Afflicted Life 1
  • Blood Feeding 1
  • Blood Eyes 1
  • Blood Curse 1
Void Sorcery Abilities
  • Element Control V
    • Viktoria's void claws extend to be dagger-like claws
  • Element Control IV
  • Wall Climb III
    • Viktoria leaps up the vertical surface as if she were simply jumping
Racial Abilities
  • Body Morph I
  • Super Self I
  • Super Self III
  • [Element Control IV - Magic Spell - Direct Touch]: The user gains a number of utility functions. Their hands (and hands only) become immune to damage, meaning normal weapons can no longer cut, pierce or slash them (Artifacts and Mythics still can). Additionally, they may grab hold of a weapon and Curse the weapon with brittle-ness or melt the sharp edges, which only has the effect of halving the damage done. This is an Object Curse that will last for 30 seconds and cannot be stacked but can be refreshed. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
  • [Element Control V - Magic Spell - Direct Touch]: The user gains a number of utility functions. They may reshape their own arm from the elbow down into any weapon or tool shape desired, whether it be made of metal or flesh, and using it will not hurt the user. They may also remove any rusting that has occurred on metallic objects, as well as removing any rotting or putrefaction that has occurred on any flesh or organic matter. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
  • [Wall Climb III - Toggle Passive - Self]: The user is able to near-instantly scale a vertical wall or barricade as long as it has a landing position at the top that is reasonably horizontal, thus allowing them to hop over walls and fortifications. This requires the user to be standing at the base of the vertical wall and be thrown up, landing safely at the top. This Ability can be used four times every 12 hours. This Ability can also be used to safely travel down a wall, but it does also take a charge each time downwards travel is used.
Racial Abilities
  • [Body Morph I - Toggle Passive - Self]: The Character can activate internal body processes to rapidly grow or reduce muscle-mass over the span of several seconds. This allows the Character to change their Body Shape at will, while also granting access to the "Musclegod" Body Shape, a Body Shape that can only be used through this Ability and is not innately available in the Proficiency System. Musclegod is classified as above Strongman, but with such muscle-size that is so large, one would think the person has trouble moving around in an efficient manner. This Ability has no Cooldown and can be used mid-combat.
  • [Super Self I - Mythic Shift - Self]: Upon being physically harmed by any Mundane Attack or Ability, or upon hitting another person with any of these, the Character triggers a battle-state. When battle-state is activated, anyone within 2 blocks of the person is knocked over, while the person's appearance may change with a wide variety of non-identity altering aesthetics including but not limited to: steaming skin, flaming eyes, electrified hair, increased vascularity, darkening of the eyes and sockets, shreddings skin, colored glow, and other visuals of rage and battle. While Super Self is active, the Character gains +5 Physical Stat.
  • [Super Self III - Mythic Shift - Self]: The user can use Super Self III to instantly filter (or prevent themselves from breathing/ingesting) and nullify any Gas, Toxin, or ingested Alchemical Substance, making them immune to it. This Ability only affects Ability-Created Gases that have a tangible visual effect. This process is automatic, meaning they cannot pick and choose, except in the case of drinking Alcohol.
  • Finance School: The Character becomes less likely to be scammed or cheated out of a financial Progression Action. The Character can have a modest trade company that is doing well in the nation of the school they went to.
  • Statesmen School: The Character will face less failed nation-level implementation of policy.
Volucorum Mutations
  • Exist Carry
  • Exist Bite
  • Void Claws

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Long and wavy
  • Skin Color: Porcelain pale
  • Clothing: Fancy dresses
  • Height: 7'5

  • Alignment
    • Neutral Evil
  • Personality Type
    • The Commander
  • Religion
    • Cult of Evolution 10/10

Life Story
Viktória was born in Virgoviste after a political marriage between Luca Slumberwood and the daughter of a small Szabadok aristocrat, Miksa Tesárová, thus making her a second cousin to the Duke Slumberwood. Born within Mazh-Zyaka, Viktória had a mixture of Szabadok and Rumvalian culture, retaining the high-born nature of the Slumberwood's, with the brutalism of the Szabadok. Further, she inherited her mother's Bolven genetics, leaving her towering over the other Slumberwoods. She was sent off for schooling to the Narlas College for Commerce, as well as Statesmen Schooling. Overall she received a very solid education, funded by House Slumberwood.

In pursuit of power, rooted in her family's Cult of Evolution beliefs, Viktória began to learn sorcery, focusing on abilities that would bolster her physical might more than anything. She also trained heavily and learned how to properly fight with her fists, should the need arise. Despite having a closer relationship to her Szabadok mother, in adulthood, Viktória grew closer to her Rumvalian family members, deeper into their traditions and beliefs. Despite this, Viktória herself never became a vampire, favoring her sorcery, physicality, and natural abilities.

Due to the need for custom clothing, Viktória learned to sew so that she could make her own clothing. This worked out rather well for her and the family, as they didn't need to pay a seamstress ridiculous amounts of money to tailor to her size.

With the family's growing power in recent times, she decided to go to Regalia to assist, and to see if she could gain power for herself.
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I will be taking this app for review!
@KrakenLord01 Updated Viktoria due to the Ritualism update, switching her to sorcery. Updated her proficiency points to accommodate.
Edit: Also made her a Graal
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  • Specify which School Locales she went to for Diplomacy and Statesmen or re-arrange the timeline of infection and enrollment, as anybody but the Songaskians or Kathar wouldn't allow a Graal vampire into their School.
Make changes in a different color and tag me when finished.
  • Specify which School Locales she went to for Diplomacy and Statesmen or re-arrange the timeline of infection and enrollment, as anybody but the Songaskians or Kathar wouldn't allow a Graal vampire into their School.
Make changes in a different color and tag me when finished.
changed the time frame. Change in Greeeeen???