Archived Vier, The Boar Race

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The heart of a lover, the soul of a writer
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Western Australia, Kununurra
Mithilian Kingdom
Roleplay Guilds
Rage Industries
Hey I know most new race threads are ignored, but I had this idea and I liked it, so I want to see what you guys think. The base idea came to me when I was working; I was thinking how little most races weren't involved in RP: Somehow I thought of a new race from this.

So the race I was thinking of was called Vier, named after the Romanian word for boar. Vier is a boar like race that lived on Guldar like the Orcs. The Vier would be a combat related race; there special ability would be a charge. I'm not sure how hard this would be to code but you guys may know. The charge would work like a vampire command, by typing /charge it will cause you to sprint forward; if you charge you will lose ten hunger, but while charging you move 50% faster for ten blocks; if you hit someone will charging you will deal six damage with the force of knockback three; if your charging you can't turn through and if you hit a one block high wall you will automatically climb it but if you hit anything higher than one block you will be damaged for 3 hearts and gain nausea for three seconds. I'm not sure how OP this would be; I tried to give it negative effects as well.

Here are some images of what I think they should look like.



The lore I thought of went like this.

The Vier come from the uncharted continent Guldar, like the Orcs. The Vier is known for their sheer brutality, they kill anything they can. They use there sharpened tusks to maw at their prey. While not as well-known as the Orc for their skills in battle, they are to be feared; they rush head first into any battle slashing and biting without fear of pain. They have extremely strong upper body allowing them to throw their opponents. But with a strong upper body their lower body lacks, while their legs are muscular, they are thin and weak compared to the rest of their body. A Vier's most valued possession is their tusks; many spend hours sharpening them or engraving markings on them. The physical traits of a Vier can vary, but generally they have coarse dark fur along their bodies; with long dark hair.

As long as this race can remember they have been at war with the Orcs, many believe they both stemmed from the same race. While the Orcs evolved to learn how to make weapons and war machines, the Vier evolved to become killing machines. Their tusks grew long and sharp, allowing them to charge at Orcs. They grew fur to live in the cold nights. Both races become muscular but the Vier needed to be stronger to counter the Orcs weapons.

The Vier feasted on the toxic plants of Guldar allowing them to survive the toxin they started to release. They were killing Orcs in the thousands as they ran from their home lands, they had won, Guldar was theirs; or so they thought. Soon the toxic fumes that had caused the Orcs to leave started to become stronger, the Vier's couldn't survive in the toxic land anymore and left like the Orcs.

Their primitive boats were victims to the harsh seas, many of the Vier died at sea, only to be found by the Maiar. They were beached along the southern coasts of Ellador, they had no knowledge of the foreign land, the Vier didn't need to know much, they just needed to find prey. Together the few thousand Viers terrorised the small villages of Ellador, feasting on their inhabitants and their livestock. No one was willing to stop such an army that was until the Regalian Empire got word of this act of war.

The Vier were surprised when the Regalian army stood against them, the Vier having no knowledge of the might of the Regalian army charged the soldiers yelling for blood. The battle was brief and bloody, the first ranks of the Regalian army were crushed under the weight of the Vier. The rest of the soldiers were soon beaten, by the sheer chaos the Vier caused. After the initial charge the Vier never attacked from the same angle as each other. They rammed through the ranks from every direction, the Regalian army was forced to retreat.

The Empire was enraged by this defeat and sent a much larger force to handle the Vier. The men were prepared for the Vier this time; they were armed with long spear and accompanied with archers. The Vier had continued to rampage through Ellador, they had killed thousands and pillaged hundreds of villages. The battle occurred in the region that is now home to the NBlimp, the Vier we spotted by the Regalian Blimps and the army was stationed in their direct path.

The Vier saw the army and without a thought charged, they didn't know what the long pole like objects where that the ranks were holding. But their mind set didn't need too, they saw something and attacked. Hundreds of Vier died immediately to the war of spears. Who didn't die immediately where crushed by the rest of the Vier. The Vier did not fear death and pain and climbed the bodies of the dead. Being so close to the enemy gave the Vier no room to charge, and armed only with their tusks was cut down by the rain of arrows and the blades of the soldiers.

To this day, Vier are uncommon and are rarely accepted in towns or factions. But when they are they are valued for their strength. The race has been forced to become less barbaric, but the instincts to kill are still within them. The Vier are not allowed in Regalia and have no wish to be, many still remember the battle that had shattered their race. Many Vier still hold a grudge against Orcs from the battles they fought in Guldar.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Two things, one I can't see the pictures and two, I dont think that any aniomal could survive eating such posioned plants.
You know, while I like the lore you have given it and appreciate so, I would try to tag a staff member to see if it complies. Another thing I would like to pop up is:
I tried to give it negative effects as well.

This is what a good person should do when putting forth a race or ability idea, that way we can evade having a race everyone would like to be *cough* Old naga *cough*.

Though I like this idea, I cant exactly support it. Not because I dont want to, but because races take an awful whole lot of time to code, and with them going to be replaced by another plugin, traits I believe. I do not support this idea just because I dont want to torture the staff by having them to code this, and remove it later.

Otherwise, well done.
Er, don't you think we have enough races? Roleplay staff has other things to do, like work on Lore for the new races instead of adding more, to be honest.
Two things, one I can't see the pictures and two, I dont think that any aniomal could survive eating such posioned plants.
a animal can adapt to eat poisons plants, an animal in Australia I forget the name has done so. it just takes awhile.
Er, don't you think we have enough races? Roleplay staff has other things to do, like work on Lore for the new races instead of adding more, to be honest.


That said, I won't support this until they have green smurfs. Or lawn gnomes. Or both.
We have enough animal races.
Another thing, where are the Avaar in all this, aren't they from Guldar too?
After the Faun race, I personally think it's time to shh. Now that the peaceful and more brutal animal races are slightly more equal, I think it should be fine. If anything, we need some sort of human-thingy ma bobby, and less furies. :P
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