Preserved Sheet Valuin Of Daen

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Roof that speaks Vampire
Staff member
May 20, 2018
Reaction score

Basic Information

Name: Valuin of Daen
- Nicknames and Other Names: Victor, Barbarian, Nomad.
Age: 61
Sex: Male
Race: Avanthar
Preferred Weapon: Greataxe or one handed battleaxe.

Skill Information
+25 Axes Combat Skill ( +15 Proficiency Points, +10 Racial)
+12 Light Bow Combat Skill ( +12 Proficiency Points)
+10 Athletic Training ( +10 Varran Imprint)
+10 Unarmed Combat Skill ( +10 Proficiency Points)
+10 Cavalry Combat Skill ( +10 Racial)
+10 Magical Knowledge ( +10 Proficiency Points)
+05 Dragon Knowledge ( +05 Proficiency Points)

Magical Knowledge
- Arkenism Info
- Sanguinology Info

- Mana Combustion: Interrupts a castable from being cast, causing the castable to trigger a shockwave on the caster.
-Taunt Silence: When struck with a weapon, said enemy cannot use a castable for up to one minute.
-Ultima Repentance: Send out a green ghost whip/lasso that when latched, makes the target slow and exhausted.
-Venator Blades: Weapon starts gently humming and glowing with green draconic runes when a Silven, Mage, Kathar, or Vampire is nearby.

-Varran Genos: Varran Genos Substance grants a boost of +10 Athletics for as long as the Genos Substance is active (though it does not affect Body Shape in any way). The Avanthar who imprinted a Genos Substance from a Varran may also experience a furred tail appearing, but this doesn't always happen.

Physical Stat Body Shape
15 + 10 + 5 + (15x2) + (5x2) = 70
Body Shape: Muscular
Body Fat: Low

Plains Elven (Native)
Common (Free)

Visual Information:
Eye Color: Phantasma Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown - Black
Hair Style: Medium length over ears.
Skin Color: Tan - Light Brown
Height: 6ft 7in or 200cm

How they are perceived by others: The first thing that draws attention to those that interact with him would be his unnatural eyes. The green glow that they give off is often enough to deter most that speak with him for one reason or another, with many often calling for nearby guards. When strangers gets past the unnatural eyes, he often comes off as surprisingly sociable and somewhat boisterous in personality. Some might take this negatively and attribute it to arrogance. In what seems to be contrast to a sociable personality, he can get very uncomfortable and sometimes outright hostile if people try to get too close to fast. This manifests itself mostly when strangers suddenly try to initiate physical contact with him. This can result in him turning hostile, wary, and, in extreme cases, physically aggressive.

Internal Feelings: Internally his relatively recent Phantasma afflicted state has left him lost. He searches for a new niche to find and incorporate himself into. The question of why or how he survived when he feels he should have perished often wanders into his mind. He is someone that seeks out adventure and is easily willing to follow those that can offer it to him. Bad experiences with vampires, notably as they are responsible for his near-death, leaves him very wary and paranoid of those afflicted by the sanguine curse. Whilst he might put on a brave face, internally he still remembers nearly dying at the hands of Sanguine any time he should run one, especially Varghul.

Towards Friends and Family: When interacting with friends and family he is overall much more relaxed and open. The most noticeable change is that his aversion to physical contact disappears. Outside of an occasional deadpan look, more humorous than serious, he largely does not mind any light physical contact they might make. With few broader life goals in mind currently, he often finds himself going along with the ideas or goals friends he has made set out to try and achieve.

Morality: He is someone who will show respect to and deffer to those in authority that create the laws. He especially holds a respect for the Regalian state after witnessing the strength that it posses. His Phantasma status also has an impact on his morality. It results in him having a negative first impression on aberrants he does not know that he would otherwise consider prey. Lastly he knows his duty, and will strive to fulfill the parameters of tasks set out for him to do to the best of his ability.

Life Story

Valuin's life began in 246 AC, born to a smaller nomadic group of Avanthar that roamed the plains of Daen. Much of his early life growing up was on the move as the group roamed around the plains of Daen. As he grew up and traveled with his smaller tribe, more akin to an extended family unit, he interacted largely with Cielothar and sometimes Daendroque Ailor. Largely these interactions would be focused around protection and trade. Occasionally the tribe would find itself in conflict with orc groups that they might encounter. A conflict like this the first tastes of combat that Valuin would have.

This style would of life would continue for the first half of life with not much happening in the way of change. Change would however reach him eventually in the form of a Unionist missionary. This missionary would become catalyst for transitioning point in his life. He listened avidly to the words of the missionary and soon decided to try and seek out something else from what he felt had become a largely repetitive life. This missionary even gave him an imperialized name, Victor, which he would use often as he sought out work in Daen as a mercenary. He would continue traveling from place to place throughout the continent, seeking work with whomever would hire.

The year 306 marked a change in life for him when he had found work amongst the guard of a wealthier merchant traveling to the regalian capital. After reaching the capital, he ultimately decided to remain and seek out work. With a large number of sanguine being recently infected in slums and other areas of the city, he found work within the Inquisition. Here he worked alongside members fighting against sanguine. It is here where another major change occurred in his life. An encounter with a vampiric beast had left him heavily injured and on death's doorstep. However for some reason he did not perish, and instead began to experience confusion and greensight roughly a week after he had started to recover. This culminated in an attack against a mage where he nearly strangled a mage. He continued to work with the Inquisition for a time, however left the organization in early 307 AC. Going once again by the name Valuin instead of Victor, he now roams the city in search of work of some form.
Last edited:
@Percuriam Rewrote the internal feelings section, shuffled around proficiency points, removed Order of Talent points, and edited life story to remove Order of Talent. Requesting Re-Approval for this app.
@Percuriam Character has been made into a Witchblood. Edits have been made in green, requesting a re-review.
@Percuriam Char has recently been accepted as a Hallowblood by Synod, requesting Re-Review given new Hallowblood status.
@Percuriam Hello. After having the idea for some time now and with the changes to the proficiency system, I've done a near complete rewrite to Victor's backstory and general character. I've kept some core elements of what made and would likely shape his actions the same however. Requesting a re-review for the character application at your discretion.
Here is my review:

Personality and Abilities

  • Elaborate on your morality paragraph. What kinds of evils does he understand must be done, and does he feel as if he is pardoned from these evils if he did the action(s) himself?
Make your changes in a legible red and tag me when you've completed them. @ChapterDeath
Shifted around some points, changed five in shielding combat skill to dragon knowledge. @MantaRey
@MantaRey Requesting Re-review for new Phantasma abilities. Also changed some points around and made Plains Elven rather than Daendroque the native language.