Preserved Sheet Vharse Dra'lonaiirn

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Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland



"Long Life,

Swift Death."
Character Information |
  • Full Name | Vharakh Raazz'ël-ranvanokh Dra'lonaiirn Mor-Seld Raz-Parthanaar
  • Used Name | Vharse
  • Race | Cult of Excess Kathar
  • Age | 24
  • Sex | Male
    • Gender | Considers themselves more fluid than firm
    • Pronouns | Male / Doesn't care
    • Sexuality | "As long as they're not a Yanar..."
    • Extra | Vharse makes use of magic to change their physical sex, often out of boredom
  • Eye Colour | Cold Grey / Red
Core Concept |
Raised as a child soldier and well learned in foul Void Sorceries, Vharse proclaims himself a 'Saccaron of The Great Ancients' - worshipping both Armas and Carraq as his two primary patrons. He lived as an entertainer and dancer in Parthanaar among a cult of Armas followers, though was banished for killing a more popular dancer out of jealousy. When he was 24 years old, Vharse lost his legs in the battles against The Bralla. He has since adapted to the use of Klokktech (now Dark Metal) Biotic. He lives in Regalia, where the constant slander of his faith and culture is quickly driving him towards violent retaliation.

Status |

  • Vharse is a Priest of Void Worship and uses Void Magic.
  • Vharse was cured and is currently not a vampire.
  • Vharse is currently unemployed, though makes money in underground fighting arenas and teaching basic void magics.
Proficiencies |
Strength | 5

Unarmed Pack
Blades Pack
Polearms Pack
Blunt pack
Flexible Weapon Pack

Constitution | 1
Heavy Shielding Pack

Dexterity | 2
Brittle Pack
Pistol Pack

Magic | 4
Fire Magic | Counterblast
Earth Magic | Shield Summon
Metal Magic | Armour Summon
Enchant Magic | Weapon Brand

Charisma | 2
Demon Hexlord Pack
Demon Attendant Pack

Ritualism |
Languages |
  • Katharic / Pannarokh (Native)
  • Common (Free)
Appearance Information |
Young and Athletic, Androgynous facial features. He has medium length black hair and black tattoos along his arms. Light, flowy and provocative attire is amongst his favourite.

Vharse has missing legs below the knees, and uses Klokktech Biotics to overcome this via replacement limbs.

Life Story |
Vharse was born in the lower districts of the slum capital, Parthanaar. He does not remember his true family, for like a great many Kathar he was rejected at birth and spent his youth in a 'Future House' - a kind of orphanage where children are given very basic education. He was eventually adopted quite late by a single female-oriented Kathar, who used him, along with the other children she would adopt, as a kind of pseudo personal guard as repayment for food and shelter.

Vharse learned basic combat skills from his siblings, though his adoptive mother ultimately died from poisoning which saw most of the dysfunctional 'family' split up before Vharse was even a teenager. Those who stuck together would form "Kaahl Dra'lonaiirn", a band of youthful warrior-cultists who travelled beyond the capital to find mercenary work. Eventually Vharse found himself excelling as an erotic dancer as he entered his early adulthood where he began to focus more on the worship of Armas. He caught the eye of an especially wealthy Kathar who gave him a job at their high-class cathouse.

From there, Vharse would dance before those among the richest class of the city, oft wearing a golden blindfold in a kind of theatrical portrayal of 'The Prefect of Pleasure'. It was among this class he was afforded the ability to study Blood Magics, which he took to with great interest and enthusiasm. He eventually developed an intense rivalry with another dancer, who was perhaps prettier, more technical and talented than Vharse was. They danced together, in beautiful duets, with each trying to 'one up' the other. Vharse eventually stabbed them to death in a performance which many of the more brutal Kathar present applauded as a fantastic crescendo to the short lived rivalry. However, enough of them agreed that Vharse was actually the inferior dancer of the two, and without his rival to carry performances he was quickly replaced.
A handful of death-threats from various friends of the murdered dancer spooked Vharse into quietly fleeing the city for a while, where he roamed and fought alongside his Dra'lonaiirn kin.

Most of Kaahl Dra'lonaiirn were obliterated by the capital city's brutal police when they took a risky job working for a criminal warlord, and Vharse was especially lucky to be among the few survivors. With the remaining Dra'lonaiirn scattered and Vharse alone, he joined up with some pirates which turned out to be a poor decision when, mere weeks later, their ship was blown apart by a far more experienced crew of Vampire Pirates. Faced with drowning, Vharse offered himself as a blood-slave and was eventually turned into a vampire by their leader.

Current: No longer with the crew, Vharse now finds himself in Regalia, where communion with his gods convinced him to get cured. Many people in Regalia - in his eyes - slander his faith, and it's starting to get to him. He hopes to rebuild his Kaahl. In order to try slowly indoctrinate people into Void Worship, he's started a gang which welcomes people who don't already share his faith.
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Updated for new prof system - Character is now a Blood Sorcerer, with a greater focus on combined, heretical worship and violence.

11/05/2022 Vharse changed his middle name.

23/06/2022 Big aesthetic update to the app + Minor changes to profs swapping out abilities I never used to replace with ones that look more fun.

21/07/2022 App updated to include new Kaahl details - also swapped out some stuff for example: Storm Magic is now Shadow Magic because Storm Magic got updated and I won't really use it

23/08/2022 Added demonology, removed light shielding, swapped out magic abilities I didn't use and magic abilities which were re-written to ones I think I'll have more fun with. Forgot to add Ritualism; it doesn't require a point-buy.

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Re-approved per update.
Requesting Re-review.

Added demonology, removed light shielding, swapped out magic abilities I didn't use and magic abilities which were re-written to ones I think I'll have more fun with.