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Played Character Vexes

This character is actively played.


repairing the gens
Staff member
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
Korok Forest
vexes-bust frms.webp

"I'm here standing on the edge
And staring up at where a new moon should be."

Name: Vexes Zanzaphir
Race: Half-Skyborn (Neutral Isldar recessive)
Age: 26 years old
Gender: Non-binary, feminine-presenting
Pronouns: They/she

A seasoned mercenary and sellsword with jaded perspectives, and a sense of duty towards the contracts they take on. They fear being "ordinary" or vulnerable lest their weaknesses be used against them. They honor the downtrodden and neglected by continuing their mercenary and soldier services; it's not typical worship for Tanthor and Dari, but it is their way of doing so.

Vexes is tall (6'4) with a muscled physique developed from extensive roguery and climbing. Their hair is dark and short, and they have almost amber-like eyes. They dress in dark colors and own nothing expensive but firearms. An Archon's cleansing ritual replaced their demonic marking; a purple crescent moon remains, front and center. Vexes wears a Steamtech prosthetic left arm from the bicep down after losing the limb in a battle against the Sendrassian forces.

No regret 'cause I've got nothing to lose.
Ever stray,
So I'm going to live my life as I choose
Until I fall."


[X] Custom Kit

Building Smash Pack

Rebound Pack
Debuff Endurance Pack
Breather Pack
Bulwark Pack
Iron Will (Skyborn, Free)

Tech Exhaust Pack (Skyborn, Free)
Tech Hook Shot Pack ⬅️Hired Tools: Option 1


Chem Technique Parry Pack

Ranger Stance Pack
Ranger Tag Pack
Ranger Cover Pack
Ranger Trap Pack
Ranger Bola Pack
Ranger Cut Pack
Dirty Fighter Pack
Sharp Reflexes Pack



Hired Tools Packs:

Prayer Point Buy: Faithwall Prayer Pack
Prayer Point Buy: Desperate Prayer Pack
Prayer Point Buy: Guidance Prayer Pack
Tech Point Buy: Tech Exchange Pack
Athletic Point Buy: Gut Punch Pack
Athletic Point Buy: Force Toss Pack
Roguery Point Buy: Escape Artist Pack


Altalar (Isldar dialect)

Skyborn have a unique sequential memory that allows almost perfect recall. With mechanical equipment, they can extract their own memories including all sensory experiences, and copy them onto so-called Memkeys. Memkeys in turn can be used by other Skyborn to "watch" such an experience and feel as If it was them who experienced it, or use a virtual-reality-like device to allow non-Skyborn to experience them.
Skyborn have a sixth sense for manipulating technology, even without directly touching it and just laying their eyes on it. Skyborn can "hack" or hijack any technology made by anyone in viewing distance and cause it to operate or change its functions. Think for example forcing a mechanical tea pot to boil over, or a music-machine to play off-key. This may not apply to Event Machines.
Scripter Ancestry Mechanic: Scripter Ancestry Skyborn are immune to any type of memory alterations due to their high attunement with their sequential memory. While it is possible to remove memories from their mind, memories cannot be implanted, edited, or replaced. This means that if a memory is removed, a Scripter Skyborn will always know that a memory is missing, and where it disappeared.
Teledden can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
Teledden do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.

"Another gun for hire and just another day.
When you are done, you just abuse it,
Whatever you say.
If you were offered some, would you wanna
Bite the hand?"

  • Vexes was born and raised in Regalia, living predominantly in the poor parts of town.
  • The Zanzaphir family of Isldar are known for breeding wyverns in Ellador. Your character, if they are Isldar, may be familiar with this name or line of family business, or even have purchased a wyvern from a Zanzaphir.
  • They have a poor relationship with anything Isldar-related. Ordial, Dragons, even cultural norms. This can be a point of contention raised to start a conflict with them or a point to try and redeem with them.
  • They served in the Dread War as a nameless soldier providing ranged cover among the firing lines. [UNLOCKED PLOT HOOK] Vexes served under Field General Reyna Typhonus in the Fourth Company. They took a bounty on a Silver Tear Paladin and formed a three-man squad: Joined by Sera Alina Brandis, a Bloodcast, and Mazala, a Maquixtl archer, they entered the field to take down their target. Only Vexes survived the ordeal and killed the Silver Tear Paladin after their slain allies had weakened him. They were never compensated for their bounty.
  • Because they often perform mercenary jobs for payment, similar characters may have run into them and even shot or fought with them before.
  • Vexes has previously helped "the rich" but does not think highly of the upper castes.
  • They are bisexual and can initiate, but are very true to their Isldarrin blood, so they are stoic and difficult to read.
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"In the white freeze never spoke of tears
Or opened up to anyone including
I would like to
Find a way to open to you.
Been a while, don't know if
I remember how to."

Siobhan: The Warrior ||
You're softer than you care to admit.

⋆ Leo: The Seamstress ||

Good luck out there.

⋆ Meresankh: The Doctor ||
I wish I'd said more to you in the beginning.

⋆ Isa: The Light ||
Poor, sweet girl.

Viola: The Guildmaster ||
The hand that feeds the enemy is a hand that must be severed.

Zorann: The Himbo ||

Oh, to be blissfully ignorant of so many things.

Rhain Brec'han
: The Chivalrous ||
I don't envy your job. All that chivalry can be charming and sickening.

Ellamae: The Mystery ||
All that positivity's bound to be good for something.

Rolann: The Paladin ||
Save your speeches for someone who cares to listen to them.

Markus Delmotte: The Count ||
Rich connections pay off.

⋆ Josif: The Sellsword ||
You're just a ghost I finally put to rest.

⋆ Henry: The Merchant ||
The world is cruel. I'm sorry it's been cruel to you.

⋆ Fenric: The Soldier ||

Whatever happens out there, I've got your back.

⋆ Dioni: The Muse ||
You're in good hands with those two.

⋆ Jean Saint-Jean: The Beautiful ||
Rookie moves.

⋆ Vyara: The Assassin ||

You care about me more than any other Isldar ever did. I often wonder why.

⋆ Talven: The Cheerful ||
You know what they say: great minds think alike.

⋆ Argo: The Magical ||
Finding me at the best and worst times is your specialty.

⋆ Heishan: The Fury ||
When you think about it, we're both just trying to do some good, you and me.

⋆ Ailred: The Eternal ||
We'll keep trying until our lungs burn out and our legs fall under us. At any cost, right?

Neokarr: The Flame ||
It's not personal - just business. Always has been.

Maddox Vaughn: The Spark ||
It's not the life I would've chosen.

⋆ Trissena: The Loyal ||
Winning, losing - the only time it matters is when we risk losing ourselves. You showed me that.

⋆ Mercy: The Horse ||
Sweet, gentle Mercy.

⋆ Drevak: The Wyvern ||
The beast will have to get over itself, at some point.

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proficiencies changed up to include cutthroat/tech